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发表于 2007-7-23 14:47:53 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–浙江–温州
Battlefield 2 Rank Mod by pRED*


An attempt to recreate the battlefield ranking system onto cs1.6
Currently features the basics of the ranking system, with no power up gain recieved from leveling.

Now fully supports CSDM and cs flags.

Ranks are based on the number of kills you have, kills can also be earnt from planting/defusing the bomb (and capturing a flag. edited cs flags required)

Badges can also be earned to get power up bonuses - See rewards list. Or look at /bf2menu in game

Players with 6,12,18 badges will get 50,100,200 armour + helm respectively.

Medals are awarded for getting 1/2/3rd highest kills at the end of the map.
These do not award any powerups but it keep track of the highest number of wins on the server stats page (see the menu)

Rank Icon Being Displayed
Free Items when you spawn
Pistol Badge Imobilising an enemy
Another Rank Icon Being Displayed
Running out of ideas... Hmm another rank icon!

Official Test Server : - Sponsored by Ubernet games. http://games.uber.net.nz

Rewards: Knife - 20/40/60% of damage done with knife returned to player.
Support - Speed with M249 increased (up to max of knife speed)
Pistol - Chance of stopping opponent when u get shot
Assault - 10/20/30 Bonus HP when spawning
Sniper - 1/3,1/2,Full Chance of Free awp/scout
Explosives - Free Grenade/Free Defuse Kit/Free Full nade set
Shotgun - Invis with Knife
SMG - Speed Boost

Credits: Read the SMA.. The list is getting kinda big. Thanks to all of you.

Cvars: bf2_active (1|0) - Turns the plugin on or off - Default 1
bf2_badges (1|0) - Turns the badge system on or off - Default 1
bf2_awp (1|0) - Is user given an awp or scout by having the sniper badge - Default 0 (scout)
bf2_xpmultiplier (1|0) - Changes the kill multiplier needed to reach each level - Default 0.1 (15 kills for rank 1, 20k kills for top rank)
bf2_sql (1|0) - Switches between SQL and vault saving - Default 1 (SQL)
bf2_icon_time (float) - Amount of time to display the rank icons for. Default 1.5, 0 to disable icons all together.
bf2_flag_kills (int) - CS flags - How many bf2 points are awarded for capturing a flag
bf2_flag_round_kills - CS flags - How many bf2 points are awarded for winning a round
bf2_flag_match_kills - CS flags - How many bf2 points are awarded for winning the match
bf2_flag_min_players - CS flags - Min number of plays before above points get awarded
bf2_help_url (string) - remote folder where the bf2 web docs are stored (optional) do not include the trailing /
bf2_badgepowers (1|0) - enable/disable the powers for the badgess
bf2_hud_options "abcde"
a Display Health/Armour/Weapon for teammates
b Display Rank for teammates
c Display Rank for enemies
d Hide display for invisible enemies
e Move the display to above peoples heads

Cmds: say /bf2menu - Shows the Main Menu
say /who - Shows a list of player and their rank
say /whois <name> - Show the rank and badges of a specific player
say /whostats <name> - Show the stats page for a player
say /hud - Redisplays the HUD
say /ranks - Shows the kill xp table
say /help - Displays a Help MOTD
say /badges1 - Displays a Help MOTD on some of the badges
say /badges2 - Displays a Help MOTD on the rest of the badges
say /badges3 - Badges 3
bf2_addbagde <player> <badge> <level> - Gives a badge to player. Requires Ban admin access. Badge <0-5>. Level <0-3>
bf2_addkills <player> <kills> - Adds to a players kills.. Also requires ban access
say /bf2stats - Show a list of your kill data

The required admin level can be changed by editing this line (99)

and recompiling.

To edit the standard version and make it work for csdm you need to edit this line (105)
//#define CSDM

and remove the two //. Then recompile and it will include csdm functionality.

Requires: Csstats module to be running

To compile plugin you will need all the include files (in the zip's) and the fakemeta_util include.

For CSDM - Vault saving:
Unzip all files in the bf2 mod zip to your amxmodx directory.
Unzip bf2rankspr.zip into cstrike/sprite/bf2rankspr
(optional) unzip webdocs onto a http remote host
Add bf2rank.amxx to your plugins.ini file (amxmodx/configs/plugins.ini)
(optional) set bf2_help_url "" to the location of the webdocs

For Non CSDM/ Vault:
Follow the above steps then go to the scripting folder and open bf2rank.sma
Find the line

#define CSDM
//#define SQLadd and remove // as necessary.
Compile and copy the compiled amxx to your plugins dir.

Changes: 1.1 - Fixed Bug with Veteran Assault badge
Added SQL support (bf2_sql 1)
Changed support badge to bonus speed (added code for extra damage, recoil - will finish when amxx 1.77 is released)
Sounds, Screen Shake, User glows..
1.2 - Massive change to make global kill counting actually work..
Added screen to view weapon stats "say /bf2stats" or use the menu
Added concmd "bf2_vaultload" to forcibly load your own data from the vault (im using it to convert my stats from vault to sql)
Tell people to type bf2_vaultload into console and their badges will be restored. Other than that probably a useless command
1.21 - Added a badge check 5 seconds before map changes.
1.22 - bf2_addbadge admin command added
1.23 - Added CSDM functionality. Give hp/weapons on all spawns.
Recoded badge checking to be individual on player death
Fixed HP bug and added message "beginning badge check"
1.30 - Starting work on 4 New ranks
Shows Teammates rank when you look at them.
Give 50,100,200 armour for having 6,12 or 18 badges..
Bf2 now saves totalkills itself. Prevents csstats resets..
bf2_addkills (admin abuse tool? - or to reset after csstats reset), gives x kills to a player
Reduced the amount of saving to vault - causing server lag.
Changed to nVault saving. Now uses only 1 vault data instead of 14.
Fixed armour being lower than you had before
Split file into large set of includes. Way easier to find functions you want.
Added +3 kills for defuse/explode. Cs flags mod support.
Added cvar bf2_version to allow the plugin to be detected by game monitor. (don't edit this.. it's just for info)
Fixed the html files after word pwnt them. I <3 microsoft.
1.31 - Lowered chance of imobilising happening.
Changed damage event and bomb events to the csx forward versions and created a csx forward include
Capped knife badge damage to 130
Removed bf2_vaultload (pointless now.)
Fixed some spelling newbie mistakes..
Fixed immunity problems
Moved inl and config files into their own folder..
Probably a few other things too..
1.4 - Fixed wrong sprites displaying
fixed double hp gain on round reset (CSDM)
added /whostats command
bf2_help_url (and web motds) and bf2_badgepowers cvars
fixed sprites
CSDM badges not being awarded.
Top ranked in server display message
New menus
Reset your stats command
Medals other new stats
Logging admin commands
Two new badges. Fixed Explosives badge for csdm
Heaps of new stats options + saving them (server and player)
Changed power for support
SQL now a defined option
Moved needed fakemeta_util functions into a separate file (included)
New HUD system thanks to vittu (added cvar to control it)
bf2_reset_days cvar - number of days without playing till xp gets reset

Do not attempt to use the get plugin button. The attached sma contains only a tiny amount of the code and is just there for reference purposes. (especially checking the credits section)



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 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-23 14:52:03 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–浙江–温州

回复: 发个MOD,BF2的RANK系统



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使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-7-23 19:25:57 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–浙江–嘉兴–海宁市

回复: 发个MOD,BF2的RANK系统

呵呵 ,有图,谢谢!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-7-23 20:07:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–浙江–嘉兴–海宁市

回复: 发个MOD,BF2的RANK系统

建议 楼主来个安装教程

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-23 21:05:25 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–浙江–温州

回复: 发个MOD,BF2的RANK系统


使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-7-24 10:20:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–浙江–嘉兴–海宁市

回复: 发个MOD,BF2的RANK系统

找个时间我来试试看,插件的源码我也看过了,汉化我可以来做的,关键 是这个插件是否稳定!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-7-24 11:12:31 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–陕西–西安

回复: 发个MOD,BF2的RANK系统


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-7-24 12:00:33 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–浙江–温州

回复: 发个MOD,BF2的RANK系统

Post by lu0007
找个时间我来试试看,插件的源码我也看过了,汉化我可以来做的,关键 是这个插件是否稳定!


使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-7-24 17:08:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–四川–成都

回复: 发个MOD,BF2的RANK系统


使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-7-26 11:04:58 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–浙江–嘉兴–海宁市

回复: 发个MOD,BF2的RANK系统


附件中的一行字,只Kills 变成 Points 位置你的在左下角,我的在正中间!



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