发表于 2005-11-29 23:46:39
来自 中国–云南–昆明
我的服务器配置不nb:双至强2.4*2 2G ddr
网络条件,机房1000m网口直接入公网核心交换机.路由器就不多说了.cisco 7500
把 sv_maxupdatrate 降低,我的改到30左右.请按自己的网络环境修改 sv_maxupdaterate 参数!internet 不要超过 30 ,如果还跳ping 建议20!
然后就看看吧.如果有效 拜托回下贴.
这个config 是我第二修改,射击的时候感觉好了很多。最主要的是31人满后ping值很稳定!需要注意的是降低 sv_maxupdaterate 可有效的解决人满开局跳ping问题!但是太低了,就会造成ping 低 很卡的现象! :byebye: :D
hostname "<U-MAX>_CS1.6_Server[CD4.33.4]"
sv_lan 0
sv_region 4
sys_ticrate 1000
sv_password ""
rcon_password "*********"
allow_spectators 1
decalfrequency 60
edgefriction 2
host_framerate 0
pausable 1
mp_autocrosshair 0
mp_autokick 1
mp_autoteambalance 1
mp_buytime 0.25
mp_c4timer 35
mp_chattime 5
mp_fadetoblack 0
mp_falldamage 1
mp_flashlight 1
mp_footsteps 1
mp_forcechasecam 2
mp_forcecamera 0
mp_forcecam 2
mp_fraglimit 0
mp_freezetime 6
mp_friendlyfire 0
mp_friendly_grenade_damage 1
mp_hostagepenalty 0
mp_logdetail 0
mp_logfile 1
mp_logmessages 1
mp_limitteams 1
mp_maxround 0
mp_roundtime 1.75
mp_startmoney 800
mp_timelimit 35
mp_tkpunish 0
mp_winlimit 0
sv_maxrate 25000
sv_stepsize 18
sv_stopspeed 75
sv_unlag 1
sv_maxunlag 0.5
sv_unlagsamples 1
sv_unlagpush 0
sv_maxupdaterate 30
sv_airaccelerate 10
sv_allowdownload 0
sv_send_logos 0
sv_send_resources 1
sv_allowupload 0
sv_cheats 0
sv_clienttrace 1
sv_clipmode 0
sv_gravity 800
sv_maxspeed 320
sv_voiceenable 1
sv_restartround 0
sv_restart 0
sv_alltalk 0
sv_voicequality 5
sv_aim 0
sv_airmove 1
sv_spectatormaxspeed 500
log on
booster_show_connmsg 0
// booster_autofps x (x = 0 to 1000, 0 = no target FPS)
// Automatically changes value of sys_ticrate to achieve and maintain the desired server FPS (if possible).
// It is not recommended to target FPS greater than 200 or so.
// Note that autofps adjusts sys_ticrate, which makes it incompatible with any booster_lite_mode other
// than 3. Setting booster_autofps will force booster_lite_mode to 3.
booster_autofps 300
// booster_minsleepms x (x = 1 to 10, 10 = no change to multimedia timer)
// This adjusts the multimedia system timer to trick HLDS into sleeping for less time. Note that
// the lower the value set, the higher the CPU consumption will be for HLDS. Values lower than 3
// are not recommended, as they can cause massive CPU consumption and/or system instability.
booster_minsleepms 3
// booster_force_systicrate x (x = 0 to 10000, 0 = let Booster2 manage the value itself (no force))
// Booster2 will force this sys_ticrate value. Note that using this option will set booster_autofps to 0
// and booster_lite_mode to 3, as these methods rely on a sys_ticrate value untouched by user settings.
// You should avoid directly setting sys_ticrate in your server.cfg, as manually adjusted values can
// cause problems with various parts of Booster2.
booster_force_systicrate 0
// booster_cpu_enabled x [0 to 2] (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = report CPU only - don't actively manage CPU)
// Booster2 can monitor CPU usage and adjust the multimedia timer to reduce load when necessary
booster_cpu_enabled 0
// booster_lite_mode x [0 to 3]
// Controls how the Booster-Lite approach is implemented:
// 0 - HLDS sleeps 10ms if no network packets are received. If HLDS
// receives a packet, it stops sleeping. (this mode has been added
// to provide backward compatibility with how BL v1.00 worked).
// 1 - HLDS attempts to sleep 10ms. If a packet is received,
// HLDS stops sleeping. Otherwise it attempts to sleep another 10ms.
// 2 - HLDS attempts to sleep 50ms. If a packet is received, it stops sleeping.
// 3 - HLDS will sleep the standard amount (this value turns this feature off).
booster_lite_mode 3
// booster_lite_extra_sleep_frequency x
// Forces HLDS server to sleep x milliseconds even if a packet is received.
// This setting helps to lower CPU usage.
booster_lite_extra_sleep_frequency 0
exec listip.cfg
exec banned.cfg
cdrequired 1
2834+booster 2.4
希望大家把自己觉得好的Server.cfg贴出来分享 |