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发表于 2003-10-14 22:18:21 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–山东–济南


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 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-14 22:22:21 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–山东–济南


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使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-14 22:24:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–山东–济南

//_____Purchase Alias[ 一键买枪设置 ]____________________________

alias +mac10_tmp "mac10; tmp; primammo"
alias -mac10_tmp "slot10"
alias +mp5 "mp5;primammo"
alias -mp5 "slot10"
alias +p90 "p90; primammo"
alias -p90 "slot10"
alias +ump45 "ump45; primammo"
alias -ump45 "slot10"

alias +m3 "m3; primammo"
alias -m3 "slot10"
alias +xm1014 "xm1014; primammo"
alias -xm1014 "slot10"

alias +akm4 "ak47;m4a1;primammo"
alias -akm4 "slot10"
alias +gf "galil;famas;primammo"
alias -gf "slot10"
alias +sg552_aug "sg552;aug;primammo"
alias -sg552_aug "slot10"
alias +awp "awp;primammo"
alias -awp "slot10"
alias +scout "scout; primammo"
alias -scout "slot10"
alias +g3sg1_sg550 "g3sg1; sg550; primammo"
alias -g3sg1_sg550 "slot10"

alias +m249 "m249; primammo"
alias -m249 "slot10"

alias +usp "usp;secammo"
alias -usp "slot10"
alias +deagle "deagle;secammo"
alias -deagle "slot10"
alias +glock "glock; secammo"
alias -glock "slot10"
alias +p228 "p228; secammo"
alias -p228 "slot10"
alias +fn57_elites "fn57; elites; secammo"
alias -fn57_elites "slot10"

alias +vesthelm "vesthelm"
alias -vesthelm "slot10"
alias +fb2 "flash;flash"
alias -fb2 "slot10"
alias +hegren "hegren"
alias -hegren "slot10"
alias +shield "shield"
alias -shield "slot10"
alias +defuser "defuser"
alias -defuser "slot10"
alias +sgren "sgren"
alias -sgren "slot10"
alias +vest "vest"
alias -vest "slot10"
alias +nvgs "nvgs"
alias -nvgs "slot10"

alias +primammo "primammo"
alias -primammo "slot10"
alias +secammo "secammo"
alias -secammo "slot10"
alias +allammo "primammo;secammo"
alias -allammo "slot10"

//____Bind KEYS[ 常用装备键位绑定 ]_____________________________

bind "f" "+akm4"         //ak或m4
bind "c" "+fb2"         //闪光弹*2
bind "v" "+hegren"         //炸弹
bind "h" "+awp"         //狙击枪
bind "z" "+gf"         //famas或galil
bind "b" "+usp"         //usp手枪
bind "n" "deagle"         //deagle沙鹰
bind "m" "timeleft"         //显示剩余时间
bind "F4" "chooseteam"         //选择队伍,去掉默认键m,避免误操作
bind "F5" "+commandmenu"         //命令变量参数菜单
bind "F6" "radio1"         //通讯
bind "F7" "radio2"         //通讯
bind "F8" "radio3"         //通讯
bind "," "+primammo"         //长枪子弹
bind "." "+secammo"         //手枪子弹
bind "x" "+mp5"         //mp5突击步枪
bind "j" "+sg552_aug"         //警或匪用小狙击
bind "/" "+vesthelm"         //防弹头盔和背心
bind "k" "+shield"         //警用防暴盾
bind "l" "+defuser"         //拆弹器

//____Tweak UI[ 显示优化提高FPS ]______________________________

cl_bob "0"
cl_bobup "0"
cl_bobcycle "1"
cl_highmodel "0"

violence_ablood "0"
violence_agibs "0"
violence_hblood "0"
violence_hgibs "0"

lightgamma "2.0"
cl_weather "0"
fps_max "150"
developer "1"
r_dynamic "1"
r_novis "0"
r_traceglow "1"
r_wateralpha "1"
r_mirroralpha "0"
r_bmodelhighfrac "5.0"
r_lightmap "0"
precache "1"
mp_decals "20"
gl_affinemodels "0"
gl_alphamin "0.25"
gl_clear "0"
gl_dither "1"
gl_flipmatrix "0"
gl_flashblend "0"
gl_lightholes "0"
scr_conspeed "100000"

//_____selected[ 可选设置 ]______________________________

cl_dynamiccrosshair "0" //是否使用动态准星 [“0”否“1”是]
hud_fastswitch "1" //是否使用快速切换 [“0”否“1”是]

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-14 22:33:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–山东–济南

// Command Menu definition
// Basic Format:
//                "<Bound Key>" "<Button Text>" "<Command sent to server>"
// Buttons can also open up submenus, as follows:
// {
//         "Some More Options",
//        {
//                ...
//        }
// }
// Buttons preceded with "CUSTOM" are handled in special ways. They can only be moved
// around or deleted.
// Limitations:
//                Maximum of 40 menus.
//                Maximum of 100 buttons per menu.

// Commond Menu Script edited by F!rErInG.support by lightwave@mail.sdu.edu.cn
// Everything below here is editable

"1" "Player Manual Menu"
        "1" "Change Name" "messagemode name"
        "2" "Send Message" "say Secured By [[[[[Cheating-Death]]]]] Anti_Cheat Software.[[[[[[Cheating-Death Cilent Support]]]]] is Required"
        "3" "Adjust Crosshair" "adjust_crosshair"
        "4" "Switch Hands"
                "1" "Left Hand" "developer 1; echo  Left Hand Now ; developer 0;cl_righthand 0"
                "2" "Right Hand" "developer 1; echo  Right  Hand Now ; developer 0;cl_righthand 1"
        "5" "FastSwitch Guns"
                "1" "ON" "developer 1; echo   FastSwitch  On; developer 0; hud_fastswitch 1"
                "2" "OFF" "developer 1; echo  FastSwitch Off ; developer 0; hud_fastswitch 0"
        "6" "Sensitivity"
                "1" "Change Sensitivity" "developer 1; echo Change Sensitivity ; developer 0;messagemode sensitivity"
                "2" "Change Zoom Sensitivity" "developer 1; echo Change Zoom Sensitivity ; developer 0;messagemode zoom_sensitivity_ratio"
        "7" "Restart Map On Server" "restart"
        "8" "Reset Game" "sv_restartround 1"

"2" "Server Control Menu"
        "1" "Remote Control"
                "1" "FriendlyFire"
                        "1" "ON" "developer 1; echo FriendlyFire ON; developer 0; mp_friendlyfire 1"
                        "2" "OFF" "developer 1; echo FriendlyFire OFF; developer 0; mp_friendlyfire 0"
                "2" "TeamMateKiller Punish"
                        "1" "OFF" "developer 1; echo TeamMateKiller Punish OFF; developer 0;mp_tkpunish 0"
                        "2" "On or Input(1-31)" "developer 1; echo Type: mp_tkpunish x; developer 0;toggleconsole;mp_tkpunish 1"
                "3" "AutoTeamBalance"
                        "1" "OFF" "developer 1; echo AutoTeamBalance OFF; developer 0; mp_autoteambalance 0"
                        "2" "On or Input(1-31)" "mp_autoteambalance 1"
                "4" "Change LimitTeams"
                        "1" "OFF" "developer 1; echo LimitTeams OFF; developer 0;mp_limitteams 0"
                        "2" "On or Input(1-31)" "developer 1; echo Type: mp_limitteams x; developer 0;toggleconsole;mp_limitteams 1"
                "5" "ForceCam"
                        "1" "Free" "developer 1; echo  Free ForceCam ; developer 0; mp_forcecamera 0"
                        "2" "TeamMate" "developer 1; echo  TeamMate ForceCam ; developer 0; mp_forcecamera 1"
                        "3" "First Person" "developer 1; echo  First Person ForceCam ; developer 0; mp_forcecamera 2"
                "6" "FadeToBlack"
                        "1" "ON" "developer 1; echo FadeToBlack ON; developer 0; mp_fadetoblack 1"
                        "2" "OFF" "developer 1; echo FadeToBlack OFF; developer 0; mp_fadetoblack 0"
                "7" "Pausable"
                        "1" "Able" "developer 1; echo Pause able ; developer 0;pausable 1"
                        "2" "Unable" "developer 1; echo Pause unable ; developer 0;pausable 0"
        "2" "Server Control"
                "1" "Change HostName" "developer 1; echo Type: hostname x; developer 0;toggleconsole;hostname "
                "2" "Kick Percent(0.10-1.00)" "developer 1; echo Type: mp_kickpercent x; developer 0;toggleconsole;mp_kickpercent "
                "3" "Map Vote Ratio(0.1-1)" "developer 1; echo Type: mp_mapvoteratio x; developer 0;toggleconsole;mp_mapvoteratio "
                "4" "Ghost Frequency(0.1-0.9)" "developer 1; echo Type: mp_ghostfrequency x; developer 0;toggleconsole;mp_ghostfrequency "
                "5" "ServerGravity 800(-999,99999)" "developer 1; echo Type: sv_gravity x; developer 0;toggleconsole;sv_gravity "
                "6" "LowLag"
                        "1" "OFF" "developer 1; echo LowLag OFF; developer 0;mp_lowlag 0"
                        "2" "ON" "developer 1; echo LowLag ON; developer 0;mp_lowlag 1"
                "7" "Send Velocity"
                        "1" "OFF" "developer 1; echo Send Velocity OFF; developer 0;sv_sendvelocity 0"
                        "2" "ON" "developer 1; echo Send Velocity ON; developer 0;sv_sendvelocity 1"
                "8" "Server Logfile"
                        "1" "OFF" "developer 1; echo Server Logfile OFF; developer 0;mp_logfile 0"
                        "2" "ON" "developer 1; echo Server Logfile ON; developer 0;mp_logfile 1"
                "9" "Server LogMessage"
                        "1" "OFF" "developer 1; echo Server LogMessage OFF; developer 0;mp_logmessages 0"
                        "2" "ON" "developer 1; echo Server LogMessage ON; developer 0;mp_logmessages 1"

"3" "Change Levels  Menu"
        "1" "Change Levels 1"
                "1" "de_dust2" "changelevel de_dust2"
                "2" "de_aztec" "changelevel de_aztec"
                "3" "de_cbble" "changelevel de_cbble"
                "4" "de_inferno" "changelevel de_inferno"
                "5" "de_train" "changelevel de_train"
                "6" "de_nuke" "changelevel de_nuke"
                "7" "de_prodigy" "changelevel de_prodigy"
                "8" "de_dust" "changelevel de_dust"
                "9" "cs_italy" "changelvel cs_italy"

        "2" "Change Levels 2"
                "1" "cs_office" "changelevel cs_office"
                "2" "cs_assault" "changelevel cs_assault"
                "3" "cs_militia" "changelevel cs_militia"
                "4" "de_vegas" "changelevel de_vegas"
                "5" "de_vertigo" "changelevel de_vertigo"
                "6" "de_rotterdam" "changelevel de_rotterdam"
                "7" "cs_estate" "changelevel cs_estate"
                "8" "cs_siege" "changelevel cs_siege"
                "9" "cs_backalley" "changelevel cs_backalley"

        "3" "Change Levels 3"
                "1" "de_storm" "changelevel de_storm"
                "2" "de_survivor" "changelevel de_survivor"
                "3" "cs_thunder" "changelevel cs_thunder"
                "4" "cs_747" "changelevel cs_747"
                "5" "de_torn" "changelevel de_torn"
                "6" "as_oilrig" "changelevel as_oilrig"
                "7" "as_tundra" "changelevel as_tundra"

"4" "Management Menu"
        "1" "List Users" "toggleconsole;users"
        "2" "List Players" "toggleconsole;listplayers"
        "3" "Kick Cheaters" "toggleconsole;kick"
        "4" "BanID Cheaters" "toggleconsole;banid"

"0" "Close" "developer 1; echo Commond Menu edited by F!rErInG/Support by lightwave@mail.sdu.edu.cn; developer 0"


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使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-10-14 22:55:15 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–福建–龙岩

使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-10-15 08:58:11 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–山东–淄博

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2003-10-15 13:20:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–山东–济南
//____Bind KEYS[ 常用装备键位绑定 ]_____________________________

bind "f" "+akm4" //ak或m4
bind "c" "+fb2" //闪光弹*2
bind "v" "+hegren" //炸弹
bind "h" "+awp" //狙击枪
bind "z" "+gf" //famas或galil
bind "b" "+usp" //usp手枪
bind "n" "deagle" //deagle沙鹰
bind "m" "timeleft" //显示剩余时间
bind "F4" "chooseteam" //选择队伍,去掉默认键m,避免误操作
bind "F5" "+commandmenu" //命令变量参数菜单
bind "F6" "radio1" //通讯
bind "F7" "radio2" //通讯
bind "F8" "radio3" //通讯
bind "," "+primammo" //长枪子弹
bind "." "+secammo" //手枪子弹
bind "x" "+mp5" //mp5突击步枪
bind "j" "+sg552_aug" //警或匪用小狙击
bind "/" "+vesthelm" //防弹头盔和背心
bind "k" "+shield" //警用防暴盾
bind "l" "+defuser" //拆弹器
//end bind

使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-10-15 14:22:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–黑龙江–哈尔滨

使用道具 举报

发表于 2003-10-15 14:33:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–广州–越秀区

使用道具 举报

发表于 2004-6-15 19:07:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–吉林–长春
ding le

使用道具 举报

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