楼主 |
发表于 2011-4-14 23:24:03
来自 中国–广东–广州
kk阿朗 发表于 2011-3-13 23:17 
这个文件吗- /**
- * (C)2003-2005 David "BAILOPAN" Anderson
- * Counter-Strike Deathmatch (CSDM) 2.00 Module Includes
- */
- #if defined _csdm_included
- #endinput
- #endif
- #define _csdm_included
- #pragma library csdm
- #define CSDM_VERSION "2.00"
- #define CFG_READ 0 //Line is being read normally
- #define CFG_RELOAD 1 //Section is being parsed from the start
- #define CFG_DONE 2 //Section is done being parsed
- #define DEFAULT_ARMOR 100
- #define MAX_WEAPONS 32
- #define MAX_SECONDARY 8
- #define MAX_PRIMARY 18
- stock ACTIVE_CVAR[] = "csdm_active"
- /************
- ************/
- //Called right before a death message is sent. Return value has no effect.
- forward csdm_PreDeath(killer, victim, headshot, const weapon[]);
- //Called right after a death message is handled.
- //return PLUGIN_HANDLED will block CSDM from doing any physical respawning.
- forward csdm_PostDeath(killer, victim, headshot, const weapon[]);
- //Called after a player is physically respawned,
- // but before the spawn handler is called. Returning PLUGIN_HANDLED
- // will block CSDM from calling the set spawn handler.
- //Note! this will only be called if CSDM internally respawns or you use
- // csdm_respawn().
- forward csdm_PreSpawn(player, bool:fake);
- //Called after a player is physically respawned,
- // and after all spawn handling is completed.
- forward csdm_PostSpawn(player, bool:fake);
- //Called when the round is restarted
- forward csdm_RoundRestart();
- /***********
- ***********/
- //To retrieve/set angles and v_angles, pass up to two more vectors
- native csdm_getpos(player, Float:origin[3], ...);
- native csdm_setpos(player, const Float:origin[3], ...);
- //Returns the number of registered spawn styles
- native csdm_spawnstyles();
- //Retrieves the name of a spawn style by index (indices start at 0)
- native csdm_styleinfo(style_index, name[], maxlength);
- //Adds a spawn style handler
- native csdm_addstyle(const name[], const function[]);
- //Sets the current spawn style handler by name.
- //The handler registered to this name will be called after every spawn.
- native csdm_setstyle(const name[]);
- //Returns the current style id
- native csdm_curstyle();
- //Respawns a player correctly under the CSDM spawn system.
- native csdm_respawn(player);
- //Forces a "fake" respawn on the player - sort of like a ResetHUD
- native csdm_fakespawn(player);
- //Registers a hook on the config reader
- //The forward looks like this:
- //forward my_cfg_reader(read_mode, const line[], const section[])
- native csdm_reg_cfg(const sectionName[], const handler[]);
- //Gives an item. Same as give_item from fun.
- native csdm_give_item(player, const item_name[]);
- //Forces a player to drop a weapon
- native csdm_force_drop(player, const weapon[], remove=1);
- //Schedules a weapon for removal. 0 seconds means immediate
- //delay specifies whether it should wait 0.1 seconds or not (0 for immediate lookup)
- native csdm_remove_weapon(player, const weapon[], seconds, delay);
- //Reloads the config file
- native csdm_reload_cfg();
- //Returns whether CSDM is active
- native csdm_active();
- //returns cache information into each array slot
- // 0 - number of free items in spawn task cache
- // 1 - number of free task in general task cache
- // 2 - number of hot tasks (ones in use)
- // 3 - number of cached weapon removals in table
- // 4 - number of live weapon removals in table
- // 5 - number of weapon find tasks in cache
- // in general, 0+5+4 should about equal 1+2
- // do not edit the vers parameter.
- native csdm_cache(ar[6], vers=2)
- /**
- * Natives defined by csdm_main
- */
- //Returns the handle for the main CSDM menu, letting you modify it.
- native csdm_main_menu();
- /*** ************ ***
- ***/
- #define SLOT_PRIMARY 1
- #define SLOT_SECONDARY 2
- #define SLOT_KNIFE 3
- #define SLOT_GRENADE 4
- #define SLOT_C4 5
- #define _TEAM_T 1
- #define _TEAM_CT 2
- //Weapon slot lookup table
- stock g_WeaponSlots[] = {
- 0,
- 2, //CSW_P228
- 0,
- 1, //CSW_SCOUT
- 1, //CSW_XM1014
- 5, //CSW_C4
- 1, //CSW_MAC10
- 1, //CSW_AUG
- 2, //CSW_ELITE
- 1, //CSW_UMP45
- 1, //CSW_SG550
- 1, //CSW_GALIL
- 1, //CSW_FAMAS
- 2, //CSW_USP
- 2, //CSW_GLOCK18
- 1, //CSW_AWP
- 1, //CSW_MP5NAVY
- 1, //CSW_M249
- 1, //CSW_M3
- 1, //CSW_M4A1
- 1, //CSW_TMP
- 1, //CSW_G3SG1
- 1, //CSW_SG552
- 1, //CSW_AK47
- 3, //CSW_KNIFE
- 1 //CSW_P90
- };
- //Maximum backpack ammo lookup table
- stock g_MaxBPAmmo[] = {
- 0,
- 52, //CSW_P228
- 0,
- 90, //CSW_SCOUT
- 32, //CSW_XM1014
- 1, //CSW_C4
- 100,//CSW_MAC10
- 90, //CSW_AUG
- 120,//CSW_ELITE
- 100,//CSW_UMP45
- 90, //CSW_SG550
- 90, //CSW_GALIL
- 90, //CSW_FAMAS
- 100,//CSW_USP
- 120,//CSW_GLOCK18
- 30, //CSW_AWP
- 120,//CSW_MP5NAVY
- 200,//CSW_M249
- 21, //CSW_M3
- 90, //CSW_M4A1
- 120,//CSW_TMP
- 90, //CSW_G3SG1
- 35, //CSW_DEAGLE
- 90, //CSW_SG552
- 90, //CSW_AK47
- 0, //CSW_KNIFE
- 100//CSW_P90
- };
- stock getWepId(wp[])
- {
- if (equali(wp, "weapon_p228")) {
- return CSW_P228
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_scout")) {
- return CSW_SCOUT
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_hegrenade")) {
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_xm1014")) {
- return CSW_XM1014
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_c4")) {
- return CSW_C4
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_mac10")) {
- return CSW_MAC10
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_aug")) {
- return CSW_AUG
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_smokegrenade")) {
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_elite")) {
- return CSW_ELITE
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_fiveseven")) {
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_ump45")) {
- return CSW_UMP45
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_sg550")) {
- return CSW_SG550
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_galil")) {
- return CSW_GALIL
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_famas")) {
- return CSW_FAMAS
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_usp")) {
- return CSW_USP
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_glock18")) {
- return CSW_GLOCK18
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_awp")) {
- return CSW_AWP
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_mp5navy")) {
- return CSW_MP5NAVY
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_m249")) {
- return CSW_M249
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_m3")) {
- return CSW_M3
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_m4a1")) {
- return CSW_M4A1
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_tmp")) {
- return CSW_TMP
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_g3sg1")) {
- return CSW_G3SG1
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_flashbang")) {
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_deagle")) {
- return CSW_DEAGLE
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_sg552")) {
- return CSW_SG552
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_ak47")) {
- return CSW_AK47
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_knife")) {
- return CSW_KNIFE
- } else if (equali(wp, "weapon_p90")) {
- return CSW_P90
- }
- return 0
- }
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