- Cvars -
amx_wp_base_damage < "## ##" > < Base min and max damage. > < Default: "20 40" >
amx_wp_headshot_multi < #.# > < Headshot multiplier. Float. > < Default: 3.0 >
amx_wp_throw_c4 < 0 / 1 > < If 0, you can't throw C4. > < Default: 0 >
amx_wp_use_e < 0 / 1 > < If 0, you have don't have to hold E to throw weapons, you'll be able to throw them
by pressing only the G(drop) key. < Default: 1 >
amx_wp_throw_type < 0 / 1 / 2 > < If 0, you'll throw all weapons flat, but they still will rotate. If 1,
you'll throw all weapons vertical. If 2, plugin will choose a random type between 0 and 1 every time you throw a weapon.
amx_wp_use_for_damage < 0 / 1 > < If 1, damage will be calculated using the weapon weight table. For example,
you'll get more damage with awp than with usp. > < Default: 1 >
amx_wp_base_throw_speed < #### > < Weapon base throw speed. > < Default: 1000 >
amx_wp_use_for_throw_speed < 0 / 1 > < If 1, throw speed will be calculated using the weapon weight table. > < Default: 1 >
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