amx_fog_default <1/0>(If 1, players will have fog when they join the game) (default: 1)
amx_fog_color <### ### ###> (Color is in RGB format(0-255). With this cvar you control the color of the fog when users join the game(if amx_fog default is 1). This also is the color which is sat if an admin has made a mistake setting the fogs color) (default: "116 137 147")
amx_fog_amount <1-9>(Fogs density. 1 - good visibility... 9 - you can hardly see where you're going) (default: 3)
Admin Commands:
amx_fog <1/0 - on/off><R G B><Density/Amount>(With this command admins can turn the fog on/off set it's color and set it's density/amount. Remember: RGB must have 3 value between 0 and 255(ex. "255 0 0" - red color). If you would like to use default value for Color or Density just put 0 in the respective place.)
amx_fog 1 "0 0 0" 1 //将使黑色雾,你很难看到的。
amx_fog 1 0 0 - Would use the default values for the fog.
amx_fog 0 0 0 - Would turn the fog off.
amx_fog 1 "116 137 147" 9 //会作出现实的灰白色的烟雾,这是真的很难看到东西。
amx_fog 1 "0 0 200" 3 //会作出冷静的蓝色雾 |
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