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Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat 2.7

发表于 2009-6-28 03:27:32 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–香港
Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat 2.7
> For the anti-cheat is now not needed library from AMXX Reallite
> Optimized code to reduce the load on the server
> Added option to not check for certain players through reallite_users.cfg
> Function check configuration is now working through AMXX
> HUD messages are now displayed via AMXX
> Added a new (second) method of detecting 玁襜?
> RHLG Ability to work with different versions of libraries AMXX
> The new discovery
> All files in the folder data is removed after starting the server or change maps
> Posted division scripts in 13 groups
> The error function of restarting the client, which allows to circumvent the verification
> Added new commands rhlg_checkconfigstime, rhlg_checkscriptstype, rhlg_users, rhlg_bantypeb, rhlg_checkcheats2, rhlg_checkcheats2action, rhlg_checkcheats2bantime, rhlg_checkcheats2exec, rhlg_checkcheats2log
> Removed the command ex_extrapmax of configuration
> Removed the command rhlg_checkcvarstype
> Fully modified the menu RHLG
> Check of client teams from the old no-steam client games are not supported
> To RHLG now only need a module fakemeta (optimization)
> Added support of Cerberus
> Other changes

The long-awaited update RHLG under 2.7. To work is still required HLGuard. Changes a lot, some, I might forget to specify, but more or less the main list. Highly optimized code of both plugins in terms of programming and resource consumption. New command rhlg_users, which includes the immunity of players registered in reallite_users.cfg, to anti-Chita. The syntax is specified in the notes to the configuration. Added function to check and start the configuration on the client. Previously, this option is to work through HLGuard, now through AMXX. HUD message of anti-readable output now also means AMXX, except those that are registered in reallite_action.cfg and reallite_no_actions.cfg. Added a new (second) method of detecting 玁襜? which is managed by a team rhlg_checkcheats2. This method allows to increase the chance of detection of certain 玁襜? Now, for the work of anti-reader does not need AMXX Library of Reallite, use RHLG 2.7 with the original library AMXX. What's to lose RHLG without AMXX library Reallite? One feature - the verification of client commands in the old no-steam clients. Instead we get a stable job as an anti-reader and server, without hanging. Also, now when you start the server or change the card data is removed from a folder, all files that are responsible for the function of restarting the client. Made it to hang if the server files were not saved in this folder. For one mistake was corrected, allowing to bypass verification of restarting the client. After some updates client game command ex_extrapmax was removed from the game, therefore, that there were no false detections had to remove it from the configuration file check. Adapted and optimized menu RHLG (rhlg_menu), now it contains only the most appropriate options to manually edit the rest of reallite_main.cfg. Increased language file, and now it contains the data to translate the menu options.


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参与人数 1经验 +4 点通币 +100 收起 理由
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发表于 2009-6-28 07:42:28 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–河源

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-6-28 23:10:26 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–四川–宜宾

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-3 23:12:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–陕西–西安
顶下 好插件要更多的人用啊

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-3 23:31:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–广州

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-4 11:21:12 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–重庆–重庆
顶下 好插件要更多的人用啊

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-4 11:21:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–重庆–重庆
Reallite HLGuard反作弊2.7
Reallite HLGuard反作弊2.7
“反作弊,现在没有必要图书馆AMXX Reallite
“ RHLG工作能力在不同版本的图书馆AMXX
> “所有文件夹中的文件数据被删除后,启动服务器或更改地图
“加入的新命令rhlg_checkconfigstime , rhlg_checkscriptstype , rhlg_users , rhlg_bantypeb , rhlg_checkcheats2 , rhlg_checkcheats2action , rhlg_checkcheats2bantime , rhlg_checkcheats2exec , rhlg_checkcheats2log
“为了RHLG现在只需要一个模块fakemeta (优化)

期待已久的更新RHLG根据2.7 。工作仍然需要HLGuard 。改变了很多,一些人来说,我可能会忘记指定,但或多或少的主要清单。高度优化的代码都插件方面编程和资源消耗。新的命令rhlg_users ,其中包括豁免的球员注册reallite_users.cfg ,反赤塔。语法中指定的配置说明。时间功能检查,并开始配置客户端上。此前,这一选择是通过HLGuard ,现在通过AMXX 。平视显示器的信息,反可读输出现在还意味着AMXX ,除非那些登记在reallite_action.cfg和reallite_no_actions.cfg 。增加了一个新的(第二次)的检测方法玁襜?这是由一个团队rhlg_checkcheats2 。此方法允许增加的机会,发现某些玁襜?现在,工作的反读者并不需要AMXX图书馆Reallite ,使用RHLG 2.7与原来的图书馆AMXX 。什么是失去RHLG不AMXX图书馆Reallite ?一个特点-核实客户端命令的旧无蒸汽客户。相反,我们获得一个稳定的工作,作为反读者和服务器,没有绞刑。另外,现在,当您启动服务器或更改信用卡资料是从一个文件夹,所有的档案,负责功能的重新启动客户端。使挂起如果服务器文件并没有保存在此文件夹。对于一个错误得到纠正,从而绕过核查重新启动客户端。更新客户端后,一些游戏命令ex_extrapmax是从游戏,因此,不存在虚假检测了从配置中删除的文件检查。调整和优化的菜单RHLG ( rhlg_menu ) ,现在只包含最合适的选项来手动编辑其余reallite_main.cfg 。增加了语言文件,现在它包含的数据,把菜单选项

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-5 20:44:29 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–陕西–西安
Reallite HLGuard反作弊2.7
楼上的 会配置吗 教教我吧

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-5 20:56:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–台湾
= =這個我在她剛發出來的時候,我就已經有繁化的版本了..

使用道具 举报

发表于 2009-7-6 13:11:19 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–天津–天津
本帖最后由 mdymdy 于 2009-7-6 13:18 编辑


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