本帖最后由 tingshow163 于 2009-2-1 15:53 编辑
* Inspired from AdminMod
- Some information at vip events such as:
spawned as vip
killed as vip
kill the vip
escaped as vip
- these are saved or not using nvault
- $ bonus at events
- the vip can have a tag in the name
Modules: Cstrike & nVault
vipannouncer 1/0 -- enable/disable plugin (default 1)
vipannouncer_escapebonus -- money gived to player who escaped as vip (default 800)
vipannouncer_killbonus -- money gived to player who killed the vip (default 300)
vipannouncer_spawnbonus -- money gived to player who spawned as vip (default 600
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