发表于 2009-1-15 03:23:38
来自 中国–广东–广州–白云区
本帖最后由 点通粉丝 于 2009-1-15 03:25 编辑
- */
- #define VERSION "1.0"
- #include <amxmodx>
- #include <amxmisc>
- #include <cstrike>
- #include <fakemeta>
- new const lightning_sprite[] = "sprites/lgtning.spr"
- new const sound_file[] = "weapons/electro5.wav"
- new const Float:origin_offsets[45] =
- {
- 0.0,0.0,0.0,
- 0.0,0.0,32.0,
- 0.0,0.0,-32.0,
- 12.0,0.0,0.0,
- -12.0,0.0,0.0,
- 0.0,12.0,0.0,
- 0.0,-12.0,0.0,
- 12.0,0.0,32.0,
- -12.0,0.0,32.0,
- 0.0,12.0,32.0,
- 0.0,-12.0,32.0,
- 12.0,0.0,-32.0,
- -12.0,0.0,-32.0,
- 0.0,12.0,-32.0,
- 0.0,-12.0,-32.0
- }
- new spriteindex
- new DeathMsg
- new clipammo[33]
- new bpammo[33]
- new bool:can_shoot[33]
- new enabled_pcvar
- new damage_pcvar
- new head_damage_pcvar
- new reload_time_pcvar
- new distance_pcvar
- public plugin_init()
- {
- register_plugin("Awp -> Lightning Gun",VERSION,"GHW_Chronic")
- register_forward(FM_PlayerPreThink,"Forward_Think")
- enabled_pcvar = register_cvar("lg_awp_enabled","1")
- damage_pcvar = register_cvar("lg_awp_damage","20.0")
- head_damage_pcvar = register_cvar("lg_awp_hs_damage","400.0")
- reload_time_pcvar = register_cvar("lg_awp_reload","1.0")
- distance_pcvar = register_cvar("lg_awp_distance","40.0")
- DeathMsg = get_user_msgid("DeathMsg")
- }
- public plugin_precache()
- {
- spriteindex = precache_model(lightning_sprite)
- precache_sound(sound_file)
- }
- public client_connect(id)
- {
- can_shoot[id] = true
- }
- public Forward_Think(id)
- {
- new clip, backpack
- if(get_pcvar_num(enabled_pcvar) && is_user_alive(id) && get_user_weapon(id,clip,backpack)==CSW_AWP && (pev(id,pev_button) & IN_ATTACK))
- {
- //Don't allow real AWP to fire
- set_pev(id,pev_button,pev(id,pev_button) - IN_ATTACK)
- if(clip && can_shoot[id])
- {
- //Get Player's nozzle origin
- //And Where he shot
- new I_player_origin[3], I_end_origin[3]
- new Float:player_origin[3], Float:end_origin[3]
- pev(id,pev_origin,player_origin)
- get_user_origin(id,I_player_origin,1)
- get_user_origin(id,I_end_origin,3)
- IVecFVec(I_end_origin,end_origin)
- IVecFVec(I_player_origin,player_origin)
- //Make a Lightning Beam between those 2 locations
- write_byte(0) //TE_BEAMPOINTS
- write_coord(I_player_origin[0]) // start position
- write_coord(I_player_origin[1])
- write_coord(I_player_origin[2])
- write_coord(I_end_origin[0]) // end position
- write_coord(I_end_origin[1])
- write_coord(I_end_origin[2])
- write_short(spriteindex)
- write_byte(1) // framestart
- write_byte(1) // framerate
- write_byte(2) // life in 0.1's
- write_byte(40) // width
- write_byte(0) // noise
- write_byte(255)
- write_byte(255)
- write_byte(255)
- write_byte(200) // brightness
- write_byte(0) // speed
- message_end()
- emit_sound(id,CHAN_VOICE,sound_file,VOL_NORM, ATTN_NORM,0,PITCH_NORM)
- //Take 1 clip ammo away
- //And remove all ammo temporarily so player cannot re-fire
- clipammo[id] = clip - 1
- bpammo[id] = backpack
- new weapid = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString,-1,"classname","weapon_awp")
- while(weapid && pev(weapid, pev_owner) != id)
- {
- weapid = engfunc(EngFunc_FindEntityByString,weapid,"classname","weapon_awp")
- }
- if(weapid)
- {
- cs_set_weapon_ammo(weapid,0)
- if(clipammo[id])
- {
- set_hudmessage(255,0,0,0.85,0.85,0,6.0,get_pcvar_float(reload_time_pcvar))
- show_hudmessage(id,"%d | %d",clipammo[id],bpammo[id])
- can_shoot[id] = false
- cs_set_user_bpammo(id,CSW_AWP,0)
- remove_task(id)
- set_task(get_pcvar_float(reload_time_pcvar),"give_ammo_back",id)
- }
- }
- //Possible targets to have been shot
- new players[32], num
- get_players(players,num,"h")
- new Float:target_origin[3]
- new Float:target_origin2[3]
- new Float:hit[3]
- new aiment, bodypart
- get_user_aiming(id,aiment,bodypart)
- new CsTeams:id_team = cs_get_user_team(id)
- for(new i=0;i<num;i++)
- {
- //Not self / same team
- if(players[i]!=id && cs_get_user_team(players[i])!=id_team)
- {
- pev(players[i],pev_origin,target_origin2)
- //Loop through all offset origins
- for(new current_offset=0;current_offset<15;current_offset++)
- {
- target_origin[0] = target_origin2[0] + origin_offsets[current_offset*3 + 0]
- target_origin[1] = target_origin2[1] + origin_offsets[current_offset*3 + 1]
- target_origin[2] = target_origin2[2] + origin_offsets[current_offset*3 + 2]
- //Is the target able to be hit by the player (or is there a wall or something between them)
- engfunc(EngFunc_TraceLine,player_origin,target_origin,1,id,0)
- get_tr2(0,TR_vecEndPos,hit)
- if((hit[0]==target_origin[0] && hit[1]==target_origin[1] && hit[2]==target_origin[2]) || aiment==players[i])
- {
- //Calculate if in FOV (Because arctan calculations assume the lines are continuous, however they really only extend from player forward, not backward)
- static Float:angles[3], Float:diff[3], Float:reciprocalsq, Float:norm[3], Float:dot, Float:fov
- pev(id, pev_angles, angles)
- engfunc(EngFunc_MakeVectors, angles)
- global_get(glb_v_forward, angles)
- angles[2] = 0.0
- diff[0] = target_origin[0] - player_origin[0]
- diff[1] = target_origin[1] - player_origin[1]
- diff[2] = target_origin[2] - player_origin[2]
- //diff[2] = 0.0// - for 2D viewcone
- reciprocalsq = 1.0 / floatsqroot(diff[0]*diff[0] + diff[1]*diff[1] + diff[2]*diff[2])
- norm[0] = diff[0] * reciprocalsq
- norm[1] = diff[1] * reciprocalsq
- norm[2] = diff[2] * reciprocalsq
- dot = norm[0]*angles[0] + norm[1]*angles[1] + norm[2]*angles[2]
- pev(id, pev_fov, fov)
- if(dot >= floatcos(fov * 3.1415926535 / 360.0))
- {
- //Calculate if target is close enough to the lightning-rail to get hurt
- new Float:slope[2][2]
- slope[0][0] = (player_origin[1] - end_origin[1]) / (player_origin[0] - end_origin[0])
- slope[1][0] = (player_origin[1] - target_origin[1]) / (player_origin[0] - target_origin[0])
- slope[0][1] = (player_origin[1] - end_origin[1]) / (player_origin[2] - end_origin[2])
- slope[1][1] = (player_origin[1] - target_origin[1]) / (player_origin[2] - target_origin[2])
- new Float:tan[3][2]
- new Float:sin[2]
- tan[0][0] = floatatan(slope[1][0],degrees)
- tan[1][0] = floatatan(slope[0][0],degrees)
- tan[2][0] = floatabs(tan[0][0] - tan[1][0])
- sin[0] = floatsin(tan[2][0],degrees)
- tan[0][1] = floatatan(slope[1][1],degrees)
- tan[1][1] = floatatan(slope[0][1],degrees)
- tan[2][1] = floatabs(tan[0][1] - tan[1][1])
- sin[1] = floatsin(tan[2][1],degrees)
- //If that position is close enough to the target for him to be hit by the lightning
- if(sin[0] * get_distance_f(target_origin,player_origin) <= get_pcvar_float(distance_pcvar) && sin[1] * get_distance_f(target_origin,player_origin) <= get_pcvar_float(distance_pcvar))
- {
- new hs = 0
- new old_msgblock = get_msg_block(DeathMsg)
- set_msg_block(DeathMsg,BLOCK_ONCE)
- //If id is not aiming at target's head
- if(players[i]!=aiment || bodypart!=1)
- {
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