发表于 2008-10-22 16:55:10
来自 中国–陕西–西安
据hltv.org的报道,CS1.6将于本周再次升级。之前我们曾经报道过的“静步走(狗跳)”声音bug预计将在这次升级中修正,但这并不是升级的重点。 在这次升级过后,CS1.6的Protocol version将从47升级至48(启动CS1.6按出控制台输入version可以看到您的CS版本),这次升级会导致所有在48前版本录制的DEMO全部无法播放。是的,这意味着升级之后您所保存的所有经典DEMO将无法播放。
以上抄自 太平洋游戏网
As some of you might have noticed Valve has been running a beta for an update version of CS 1.6, what exactly the new features will be we are not yet aware of, we however do believe it includes more community features, and an attempt to eliminate silent running using duck jump, but the most notable change, and the reason for this heads up is that the protocol of CS will be changed from 47 to 48.
Most of you probably have no idea why this protocol change matters, but it means that ALL old demos will stop working, yes that is right, all 4500 demos in the HLTV.org demosection, all the demos you have saved over the past years, they will not play. So make sure to get those movies made as soon as possible, rumors has it the update will be released sometime this week.
We have been trying to find a way to make old demos work in the new version, but until now we have not been able to get anywhere. We will keep at it, but it is doubtful they will ever work in the new version.
The good news are that we have been working closely with Valve to make sure HLTV smoothly made the transition to the new version, and from our last tests HLTV should work just as before when the new update goes live.
ps:难道真的让我言中? |