楼主 |
发表于 2008-5-27 11:44:30
来自 中国–湖北–武汉
回复: PS3排名系统问题谢谢解答
删除不行,后面的日志一样也出现同样的问题,Processing L0523014.log (98 lines ps / 14 KBps)
[FATAL]* Called from PS::Map::halflife::cstrike(50)->PS::Map(186)->PS::DB(628)->
PS::DB(295)->PS::DB(512) >>>
Error executing DB query:
UPDATE ps_c_map_data SET `ctkills`=`ctkills` + 185, `bombexploded`=`bombexploded
` + 24, `games`=`games` + 1, `connections`=`connections` + 282, `terroristwon`=`
terroristwon` + 28, `bombrunner`=`bombrunner` + 11, `onlinetime`=`onlinetime` +
2997, `terroristkills`=`terroristkills` + 330, `terroristlost`=`terroristlost` +
2, `kills`=`kills` + 515, `lasttime`=IF(`lasttime` > '1211523824', `lasttime`,
'1211523824'), `ctwon`=`ctwon` + 2, `bombplanted`=`bombplanted` + 26, `ctlost`=`
ctlost` + 28, `rounds`=`rounds` + 32, `ffkills`=`ffkills` + 8, lastdate='2008-05
-23', `bombexplodedpct`=IFNULL(`bombexploded` / `bombplanted` * 100, 0.00), `bom
bplantedpct`=IFNULL(`bombplanted` / `rounds` * 100, 0.00), `terroristwonpct`=IFN
ULL(`terroristwon` / (`terroristwon` + `ctwon`) * 100, 0.00), `rescuedhostagespc
t`=IFNULL(`rescuedhostages` / `touchedhostages` * 100, 0.00), `ffkillspct`=IFNUL
L(`ffkills` / `kills` * 100, 0.00), `bombrunnerpct`=IFNULL(`bombrunner` / `round
s` * 100, 0.00), `bombdefusedpct`=IFNULL(`bombdefused` / `bombdefuseattempts` *
100, 0.00), `ctwonpct`=IFNULL(`ctwon` / (`ctwon` + `terroristwon`) * 100, 0.00)
WHERE `mapid`='2'
Out of range value adjusted for column 'onlinetime' at row 1
--end of error--
[INFO] PsychoStats v3.0.4b exiting (elapsed: 00:02:52; logs: 0) |