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PODBot V3 Build 18g 发布

发表于 2007-11-15 14:01:26 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–山西–大同
+Changed - if bots get stuck on ladders with teamnates they should try to go to some previous waypoint (near the ladder).
+Fixed some litte problem with breakables (the bots failed to break a breakable if the path between 2 waypoint across a breakable was longer than 128 units - very rearely bug).
+Added the new function to the Waypoint Editor - pb wp clean (as the console command only). This function cleans up some stupid and unnecessary connections. If there is no argument, it takes as the argument the nearest waypoint and it checks its paths (for example if there are 3 connections - 1 to a farer away WP between 2 placed nearby or so). You can also put as an argument the WP index number You want to clean. You can also put the string "all" (without qutes as an argument - pb wp clean all) - it will cleanup all unnecessary connections from the map. I'm using this function to remove bad connections created by some beginner Waypointers (also created by me few years ago).
Note - sometimes after using this function with argument "all" You can also loose about 1-2% of the connections they were expected (as done correctly), but because of the big advantage in cleaning up the map from bad connections it's really recomended if You want to re-waypoint some map waypointed some time ago by some poor waypointer. It reduces the time to make waypoints from scratch. If You have the map covered correctly by waypoints You need only add few waypoints like jumps, camps, Team specific, goals, rescue etc and more than likely You can finish waypointing the map in an hour. If this function will delete some paths they were expected - the WP editor will tell You if there is any broken connection while saving pwf - so You don't need to be afraid of using this new function.
+Changed - the function WaypointAdd is rewritten a bit to prevent making stupid connections, too, so You can now use more effectively the function AutoWaypointing. All advanced waypointers normally haven't been using it - because of a lot of stupid connection the function WaypointAdd was creating (it needed manually clean up all those stupid connections - it was taking too much time), but since now You can use it (AutoWaypointing) much frequently to make waypoints for Your favourite maps more effectivelly.


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