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发表于 2007-11-10 07:09:37 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–广东–广州–白云区
*Updated 19/06/2007*
The plugin is a mod like warcraft 3 with xp/level/skills. One thing to notice though is that the plugin is based on item finding instead of skills. When you kill someone there is a chance to find an item. Some are passive, like increasing your damage, some has a once-a-round effect while others just help you find even more powerfull stuff
There's is about 60 new items in the mod. Most items have a passive and an active skill
Some of the items are:
x) Place a camera who will follow nearest player
x) Sneak round with knife nearly invisible
x) Hold down DUCK to jump fast
x) Windwalk from dota
x) Blind your opponent when hit
x) Vampyric aura
x) Healing aura
x) Lay a fake c4 bomb and detonate it at will
x) Dagon from dota
x) Throw fireballs which detonates on impact
x) Blink forward with knife
x) Shield on another player to reflect his damage taken.
x) Jump down and stomp the ground killing all below you
x) Blind, slow, and damage all players around you with rot
x) Steal money and convert them into health
x) Put down mines which damage the opponent when they touch them
x) Become invisible to ALL players for x seconds.
Commands are:
x) Menu for a quick navigation menu
x) Iteminfo or /Iteminfo
x) Dropitem or /Dropitem
x) USE button to use specific items
x) /Rune to shop runes
There's also four skills:
x) Intelligence (Boost items damage and length)
x) Strength (Boost players hitpoints)
x) Dextery (Better chance to find more rare items and reduced damage)
x) Agility (More run speed and reduced magic damage)
And 6 hero classes:
x) Paladin (Bonus to strength)
x) Monk (Bonus to experience gained)
x) Assassin (Sillent and bonus to speed)
x) Barbarian (Regain hp when he kills an enemy)
x) Necromancer (Return damage taken and bonus to damage reduction)
x) Sorcerer (Bonus to intelligence)
Also, each round a leader is chosen, he will earn more experience and his teammates will each more experience while he is alive, so make sure he don't die. Items are saved on mapchange. This mod will not support savexp! It's just not the type of gameplay I want.
It is possible to upgrade some items with runes. This will make the item more powerfull or give it a brand new effect.
Added 19/06/07
+Added server CVAR: diablomod_version
+Some small optimizations
+Bug with classes not shown in spectator mode fixed
+Invisible players can no longer be shielded (as this would ruin the invisibility)
+Item 25 now has a name (blood diamong)
+Darksteel glove damage is more accurate calculated
+Money is now withdrawed AFTER the initial checks for an upgrade is made
Added 12/04/07
+More optimizations
+Some new abilities to passive items (healing totem)
+Fixed money shield not disabling on round end
+Fixed /rune not buying for the right amount of money
+Rune to gain experience added
Added 10/04/07
+Added ALOT of new abilities for passive items.
+Fixed alot of bugs
+Removed an optimized most of the player iterations and tasks
+Added 4 new items
+Added xp bonus on bomb plant
+Items will not be triggered when the user is defusing the bomb
Added 05/04/07
+Changerace added (/changerace or /changeclass)
+Dextery reduce magic damage taken
+Agility reduce damage taken
+Various item decriptions fixed
+Show percentage of XP needed to level up in hud
+Dextery and assassin no longer makes you able to avoid freezetime
+Killing hostages as level 1 no longer result in an array out of bounds exception
+Players can use the USE buttom instead of binding a key to USEMAGIC to use trigger items
+Bleed effect to damage amplifiers
+Loginfo to kill messages
Questions/Bugs/Other can be send to mortengryning@gmail.com.
*更新19/06/2007 *
该插件是一个国防部像魔兽争霸3 xp的/水平/技能。一件事,以公告虽然是该插件是基于项目寻找而不是技巧。当你杀了,有人有机会找到一个项目。有些是消极的,例如增加你的损坏,有的有一个曾经是一个全面的影响,而其他人只是帮助你找到更有力的东西
x )的位相机,他们将遵循就近球员
x )的潜入轮刀几乎看不见
x )的保有鸭跳起来快
x )的windwalk从血液
x )的盲目你的对手时,击中
x )的vampyric汹汹
x )的愈合汹汹
x )的奠定了假冒的c4炸弹并引爆,它在将
x )的dagon从血液
x )的抛火球,其中引爆的影响
x )的闪烁着刀
x )的盾牌,另一球员,以反映他的损害而采取的。
x )的跳跃下来stomp地面全部杀光,你下面
x )的盲,缓慢,而且破坏所有的玩家为你腐
x )的盗取金钱转换成健康
x )的放下地雷破坏对方当他们接触
x )的,成为无形的所有球员接受x秒。
x )的菜单快速导航菜单
x )的iteminfo或/ iteminfo
x )的dropitem或/ dropitem
x )的使用按钮,使用特定项目
十) / rune来店runes
x )的情报(升压物品损坏和长度)
x )的强度(刺激球员hitpoints )
x )的dextery (更好的机会找到更难得的物品,并减少损坏)
x )的敏捷性(运行速度和减少魔术损害)
x )的游侠(奖金等强度)
x )的和尚(奖金等所得的经验)
x )的刺客( sillent和奖金,以加速)
x )的野人(重拾惠普时,他杀死敌人)
x )的方士(返回损害采取和奖金,以减少损伤)
x )的魔术师(奖金等情报)
此外,每一轮的领导者是选择,他会赚更多的经验和他的队友们将每个更多经验,同时他还活着,所以,一定要他就不会死。物品保存起来就换。按付款当日价格计算,这将不支持savexp !它的正义不是那种游戏,我想。
这是有可能的升级一些项目runes 。这将使该项目更强大,或给它一个全新的效果。
补充说: 19/06/07
+加入服务器cvar : diablomod_version
+ darksteel手套损害是较为准确的计算
补充说: 12/04/07
+固定/ rune不买为右数额的金钱
+ rune汲取经验,增加了
补充说: 10/04/07
补充说: 05/04/07
+ changerace补充说: ( / changerace或/ changeclass )
+ dextery减少魔术损害而采取的
+ dextery和刺客不再使你能够避免freezetime
+ loginfo杀死讯息


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 楼主| 发表于 2007-11-10 07:15:16 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–广州–白云区

回复: 暗黑CS插件


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发表于 2007-11-10 14:29:05 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–陕西–宝鸡

回复: 暗黑CS插件


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