发表于 2007-11-10 06:34:48
来自 中国–广东–广州–白云区
This is just something i threw togeather in attempt to make our server stand out. I am warnning you now that it is stupid. A few people who have seen this plugin in effect on our servers, and random forum people have asked me to release it, so here it is for you to enjoy.
The attached .zip file includes models that I have made, and some that I have collected from others, along with the .ini to actualy load them into the server and generate the menu.
If you want to add new hats or remove some, all you have to do is edit the .ini file. This is what it will look like:
"models/hat/pirate2.mdl" "Pirate"
"models/hat/dunce.mdl" "Dunce Cap"
"models/hat/pbbears.mdl" "Bunny Ears"
"models/hat/bighead.mdl" "Smiley Head"The format is "MODEL PATH" "NAME". The model path is where you saved the models to, and the name is what will appear in the menu, and what the chat messages will refer to them as. (Hat#0 is hard coded into the plugin to remove the hat. It will always be the very first option in the menu)
/hats - Bring up the hat menu...
amx_givehat <name> <hat#> - Set a hat manualy on someone.
amx_removehats - Remove everyones hat. (Note. Simply disabling the plugin will not remove the hats from the players. The nice thing about this plugin is that once they are set, there is nothing that this plugin does to them because it is all handled by the the game. If you want to disable the plugin, I suggest you use amx_removehats first or everyone will still have there hats on...)
所附。 zip文件包括型号,我已经作出了,有的说,我已收集到别人,随。配置,以实际负荷他们到服务器并生成菜单。
如果您要添加新的帽子,或取消一些,所有你必须做的是编辑。 ini文件。这是什么,它看上去很像:
" models/hat/pirate2.mdl " , "海盗"
"模型/帽子/ dunce.mdl " , " dunce帽"
"模型/帽子/ pbbears.mdl " , "兔宝宝耳朵"
"模型/帽子/ bighead.mdl " , "微笑头"的格式是"示范道路"的"名称" 。示范道路,是你救了模型,以及名字是什么将出现在菜单上,什么聊天讯息,将转介给他们作为。 (帽子# 0是硬编码到插件,以消除帽子,它经常会遇到的第一个选项,在菜单)
/帽子-带帽子菜单. ..
amx_givehat <name> <hat#> -设置帽子m anualy别人。
amx_removehats -消除e veryones帽子。 ( note.干脆关闭了插件,将不能消除帽子,从球员。尼斯件事对这个插件的是,一旦他们确定,没有什么东西是这个插件是否给他们,因为这完全是由游戏,如果你要禁用插件,我建议你用amx_removehats第一或每个人都仍然会,有帽子,就... )
特别感谢jackdaniels666他awsome贡献,这个插件。他创造了很多的帽子,用这个插件,因此也帮助了这插件受欢迎。他的模式,现在在默认的zip因此,如果你没有他们,让他们现在。 |
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