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CSP Beta 1.01 Released【增加1.02Release Notes】

发表于 2007-10-22 15:57:11 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–上海–上海–浦东新区
We have completed work on CSPromod Beta 1.01, and the version is available for download at the links at the bottom of this post. As usual, public servers are already up, hosted by Divo Networks in North America, and Game-Hosting in Europe. Please read the release notes before downloading.

CSPromod Beta 1.01 Release Notes:

This revision provides fixes to some of the crucial bugs reported in Beta 1.0 (a list is provided in section 2). Additionally, there are several important misconceptions people seem to have about the game. Please read the following notes:

1) As mentioned in section 4 of the readme, several console
commands have changed. "Buyammo1" is now "Buy primammo", "Buyammo 2" is now "Buy secammo", and "+speed" is now "+walk".

2) mp_restartgame not only restarts the round, but also takes the game out of warmup mode, and puts it into LIVE mode if it's not there already. In 1.01, we've added the "mp_public" cvar, which controls the inclusion of warmup mode. mp_public is defaulted to 1 (no warmup mode) in the server.cfg for public server play. If you're running a private server, you should make sure this command is set to 0 in the server.cfg.

3) Make sure you're using the following commands:
a) cl_updaterate 100
b) cl_cmdrate 100
c) rate 25000
d) cl_predict 1
e) cl_lagcompensation 1
f) cl_interpolate 1
g) cl_interp_ratio 1

Every other netcode command should be at its default. In 1.01, we have defaulted the above cvars to their correct values. Many people have reported experiencing laggy gameplay; hopefully this helps fix the problem. Please don't report that gameplay is laggy if you're playing on a listen server, or a server that's hosted on domestic internet. If you're doing so, you should expect lag. Also, please don't report that gameplay is laggy if you're playing on any server with more than 16 people. The Source engine isn't meant to handle more than 16 players. However, if you're experiencing laggy gameplay on our sponsored public servers, or other professionally hosted servers, please continue to report
that (after making sure your commands are set correctly).

4) Server hosts: Make sure to update all files, including maps and server.cfg. Also ensure that client.dll, server.dll, and server_i486.so are all in your server's /bin directory.

Version: Beta 1.01
Date: 21 October 2007
Website: http://www.CSPromod.com
IRC: irc.gamesurge.net - #CSPromod

Bug Fixes/Feature Additions:
-Added 5 second buffer for ready/unready commands
-Added mp_public cvar (removes warmup mode entirely when set to 1) for public server play
-Added more quick buy & quick select binds to the GUI
-Added 1.6-style green overlay to radars
-Changed buy menus to 1.6-style
-Changed scoreboard team order (T's first, CT's second)
-Client side crashing (spawning in walls/floors) reduced
-Correct netcode commands (see section 7) are now defaulted in autoexec.cfg
-Crouch slide removed
-Crouch hitboxes fixed
-Crouch jumping now occurs more smoothly
-Crouch viewheight fixed
-Crouching while moving on ladders is now entirely silent
-Fixed T spawn glitch on csp_inferno
-Increased difficulty of window jump on csp_dust2
-Increased difficulty of high rafter jump on csp_nuke
-Joining a team mid-round no longer gives you 0$
-Netcode commands expanded (see section 7)
-Players can no longer switch teams an infinite number of times per round
-Players no longer spawn when joining a team mid-round
-Ready/unready commands no longer have any effect after the game is live
-Respawn_entities no longer crashes servers

CSP Beta 1.02 Release NotesWe have completed work on CSPromod Beta 1.02, which addresses a number of bugs, provides significant additions, and also tweaks several crucial gameplay elements. Closed testing took place over the weekend with very successful results. We are now finishing up some late additions and preparing to release the version publicly. Exact information will be provided soon.

CSP Beta 1.02 Release Notes:
-Added first-person damage indicators
-Fixed wall-spawn/crash bug
-Maps now have 20 spawn points per side
-Added buy equipment menu
-Added 3D headshot "gooshes"
-Rifle burst/"single-tap" spread/kick tweaked
-Grenade arc, velocity, and bounce tweaked
-Scoped movement speed tweaked
-Death notifications are no longer offset to the right on player team switches and suicides
-Death notifications no longer occur on player disconnects
-Switching to the knife after firing any weapon no longer causes an immediate "stopsound" effect
-Grenade bounce sounds added
-Fall damage sounds added
-Bomb indicator added on scoreboard (T's only)
-Time after round end extended to 5 seconds
-Shooting while defusing is no longer possible
-Mp_restartgame now occurs immediately
-Fixed AWP muzzle flash animation bug
-Fixed muzzle flash animation bug on reload for all guns
-Added auto-assign option to team selection menu
-Priming a grenade at the end of a round no longer allows it to be thrown in freezetime of the next round
-Added death notification graphic for HE grenade
-Fixed AWP zoom animation bug
-Name changes while dead are no longer possible

Thanks for your support,

AlexMonday December 31st 3:03PM PST

Download CSPromod Beta 1.0 to 1.01 Patch (Client + Server)
- Use this if you have Beta 1.0 installed.
- You must delete your config/autoexec for the patch to work

Download CSPromod Beta 1.01 Full (Client + Server)
- Use this if you don't have any version of CSPromod installed.

Download CSPromod Beta 1.0 to 1.01 Patch (Linux Server)


No Steam CSPromod v3224 下载(反恐精英职业版)
发表于 2007-10-31 12:44:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–河北–石家庄

回复: CSP Beta 1.01 Released

我建的CSPromod Beta 1.01服,不过是WINDOWS 2003下的,FreeBSD下已经建立成功,不过我的服务器还没放入网通机房,WINDOWS2003的已经在机房了,欢迎大家测试。

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2007-10-31 16:24:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–上海–上海–浦东新区

回复: CSP Beta 1.01 Released

呵呵 。。。 测试版 弹道轨迹 太不明显了!!!
打在身上没感觉 莫名奇妙 就挂了!!

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-11-14 12:29:10 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–山西–大同

回复: CSP Beta 1.01 Released

No Steam CSPromod v3224 下载(反恐精英职业版)

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-3 22:44:40 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–重庆–重庆

回复: CSP Beta 1.01 Released


使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-8 09:19:52 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–湖北–十堰

回复: CSP Beta 1.01 Released


使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-27 10:38:14 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–江苏–南京

回复: CSP Beta 1.01 Released

Post by 哭无泪
No Steam CSPromod v3224 下载(反恐精英职业版)


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