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发表于 2007-5-6 12:56:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–湖北–宜昌

Change Models

Version: 1.4.2
Author: KRoTaL

0.1 Release
0.2 Added possibility to replace knife sounds
0.3 Added chicken model and c4 ledglow sprite
1.0 No more cvars, use the change_models.ini file,
added player models and armoury entities
1.1 Added shield models, kevlar, thighpack
Added player_models.ini to configure player models
1.2 Added hostage_model
1.3 You can use custom map ini files
1.4.0 You can use change_models_prefix_xx.ini and player_models_prefix_xx.ini
You can set 4 different hostage models.
You can change the hostage sounds.
In the player_models_xx.ini files, you can set a VIP model in addition to T and CT models.
1.4.1 Fixed a bug with VIP model not being reset
1.4.2 Modified hostage models replacement.

This plugin allows you to replace the models (v_, p_ and w_) of all the weapons (including
armoury entities), knife sounds, the sprite of the c4 led and of the HE explosion, and player models.
Players will only have to download the models/sounds/sprites,
their original models/sounds/sprites won't be modified.

vmodel is the model you see in your hands.
pmodel is the model you see in other players' hands.
wmodel is the model you see when the weapon is on the ground.

The names of the models/sounds must be different than the default ones,
otherwise players won't download them because they already have them on their computer.


change_models "1"
0: disables the plugin (but does not prevent the plugin from precaching files)
1: enables the plugin


p228_vmodel models/custom_weapons/v_p228.mdl
knife_pmodel models/p_axe.mdl
bomb_wmodel models/egg.mdl
knife_hit_sound sound/axe_hit.wav
ledglow_sprite sprites/custom_led.spr
terror_model agent_smith
leet_model trinity
hostage_model2 models/zombie.mdl
hostage_model3 models/cow.mdl

(Player models have to be here: models/player/modelname/modelname.mdl
ex: models/player/agent_smith/agent_smith.mdl)


STEAMID_0:0:123456 kro_t kro_ct kro_vip
STEAMID_0:0:456872 zombie_t zombie_ct zombie_vip
STEAMID_0:1:741258 "" agent_smith ""
cdef admin_t admin_ct
z player_t player_ct

Format: "steamid" "name_of_terrorist_model" "name_of_ct_model" "name_of_vip_model"
"admin flags" "name_of_terrorist_model" "name_of_ct_model" "name_of_vip_model"

Players must have all the flags defined in "admin flags" to get the models.
If a player has his steamid defined in this file, and he has also the admin flags
of another line, he will get the models defined on the line
containing his steamid.
Set amx_default_access to z in the amx.cfg file to set the models of players
that are not admins.
If you don't want to specify a model, use "".

If you want to have different models for special maps, use the amx/config/change_models folder.
Inside, copy-paste the change_models.ini and player_models.ini files, and add the name of the map
to the name of the ini file (at the end): change_models_de_dust.ini, player_models_de_dust.ini for example.
If this map is loaded, these .ini files will be used and not the .ini files from the amx/config folder.

If you want to have different models for a specific kind of map, use the amx/config/change_models folder.
Inside, copy-paste the change_models.ini and player_models.ini files, and add _prefix_ and the beginning of the name of the maps
to the name of the ini file (at the end): change_models_prefix_de_.ini, player_models_prefix_cs_.ini for example.
If a map of this type is loaded, these .ini files will be used and not the .ini files from the amx/config folder.


Install the amx file.
Enable VexdUM


Code to replace knife sounds from ChickenMod Rebirth by T(+)rget

Attached File ( Number of downloads: 1223 )

Code to replace knife sounds from ChickenMod Rebirth by T(+)rget
可以让玩家看见你的自定义新武器模型 V P W都可以 这是代码。我实了半天不知道怎么 做 麻烦那个告诉下~~


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