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发表于 2006-11-25 16:39:01 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–北京–北京–朝阳区
我用的是点通的3382 V29的服 加 AMXX1.60 我装了008的2。2反作弊
发表于 2006-11-25 22:25:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京

回复: 求救插件安装

cheating-death for server 不是有readme文档吗?
Unfortunately, the Cheating-Death (C-D) anti-cheat system is incompatible with
servers that run VAC (Valve's own anticheat also known as "secure" servers).
As of version 2.2.0, C-D can work with VAC supported MODs as long as VAC is
disabled. Otherwise, C-D will try to prevent the connection or shutdown if VAC
is detected. Never try to connect "secure" servers with C-D client running! If
you see a message "Connection to VAC secure server has been aborted.", C-D
just saved you from a global ban. Take this warning seriously.

We will be talking about two different directories on your system.  We will
use the following to identify them:

/hl   - This is the directory where hlds_run is located.

/game - This is the game directory.  For Half-Life the game directory is
        /hl/valve.  For Team Fortress the game directory is /hl/tfc.

***MetaMod Installations***

C-D with Metamod since C-D doesn't need MetaMod.

If you are upgrading from MetaMod, make sure you remove any reference to cdmod.dll
from plugins.ini (or metamod.ini) file and then follow the installation

***Default Installation***
1. Copy cdmod.dll to the /game/addons/cdeath directory.

2. Make a copy of /game/liblist.gam and save it.

3. In the liblist.gam file, rename "gamedll" to "cdmod_chain".

4. In the liblist.gam file, add the line 'gamedll "addons/cdeath/cdmod.dll"'.

For example, A Counter-Strike liblist.gam file could have this line:
gamedll "dlls\mp.dll"

You would change that line into the following two lines:
cdmod_chain "dlls\mp.dll"
gamedll "addons\cdeath\cdmod.dll"

If you use Metamod, you see something like:
gamedll "addons\cstrike\metamod\dlls\metamod.dll"

You would change that line into the following two lines:
cdmod_chain "addons\cstrike\metamod\dlls\metamod.dll"
gamedll "addons\cdeath\cdmod.dll"

****Disabling VAC on DOD and Counter-Strike servers****
1. Make a copy of \game\liblist.gam and save it.
2. In the liblist.gam file, change value of "secure" to "0"
3. Add -insecure in server launch options.

For example, a Counter-Strike liblist.gam file should have this line:
secure "1"

You would change that line into the following line:
secure "0"

Optional Mode:
C-D has added an optional mode.  There is now a cdrequired server rule.
You may switch between optional and required mode at anytime by changing
the cdrequired cvar.  The default mode is required or:
    cdrequired 1

You can put C-D into optional mode at any time by entering the following
    cdrequired 0

When C-D is in optional mode, it will not kick anyone for not having C-D
installed.  When a player does not have C-D installed, "[No C-D]" will be
prepended to their name.  When a player has an older version of C-D
installed, "[Old C-D]" will be prepended to their name.  When a player
has the correct version of C-D installed, their name will not be changed.

An easy way to tell who has C-D installed is to look at the scoreboard.
(The default scoreboard key is the tab key.)  By looking at the player's
names you can tell who is running C-D.

If you switch from optional to required mode, all of the players not
using C-D will be kicked.

Disabled Mode:
C-D has added a disabled mode.  You may switch to this mode at anytime by
changing the cdrequired cvar to -1 (minus one).
    cdrequired -1

When C-D is in disabled mode, it will not display a connect message, send
challenge packets, prefix player's names with [No C-D], or kick anyone from
the server.  C-D will still keep track of when players connect and disconnect
to the server, but as far as the players are concerned, the server will
function like C-D was not installed.

Whenever C-D is switched into disabled mode, the cdversion cvar is set to
null.  Whenever C-D is switched back into either optional or required mode,
the cdversion cvar is set to the current version.  This should cause game
browsers to filter disabled C-D servers out of their active C-D server lists.

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 楼主| 发表于 2006-11-26 14:48:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京–朝阳区

回复: 求救插件安装


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