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队伍平衡Ptahhotep's Team Balancer 1.8b2

发表于 2006-10-27 15:49:04 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–广东–深圳–南山区
Amxmodx 1.70 or higher is required
as this version uses the new autochanneling system for hudmessages

New features since PTB version 1.7b8
Immunity for admins (Controlled by CVARS)
Transfer players alive without killing them.
Weapons and equipment aren't lost in transfers.

Changelog & Credits

/* *    Ptahhotep's Team Balancer (PTB) *    Version 1.8b1 *    AUTHOR: Ptahhotep (ptahhotep@planethalflife.com) * *  1.7b3   PTB converted for AMX Mod by OLO *  1.7b5   Modified for CS 1.6 by XAD. *          Thanks Redmist ("slot1" to close old-style-menus). *          Added fix by 'Panzermensh' for lost kill when moved *          (thanks r0otd0wn). *  1.7b6   Ported to AMX Mod X 0.16 by XAD. *          Changed config file path to configs/ptb.cfg *  1.7b7   Added admin immunity by Ingerfara. (Thanks to EpsychE and rootdown) *  1.7b8   JGHG: changed the path of ptb.cfg to use AMXx's default custom path.  *  1.7b9.2 lantz69: 2005-10-03    - changed how players are transfered and cleaned up the code.    - Players are now transfered without being killed and they also keep their weapons    - lastRoundSwitched[id] is also updated at transfers. Before the amx_ptb playerfreq was broken  *  1.7b9.3 lantz69: 2006-01-12    - small fixes for client_prints.  *  1.8b1 lantz69: 2006-04-05    - ptb.cfg is now back in addons/amxmodx/configs/    - wtj.log is now in addons/amxmodx/logs/    - using amxmodx function floatabs    - added amxmodx 1.70 autochanneling for hud messages    - admins with kick flag is able to join spec even if autojoin is enabled    - new cvars ptb_switch_immunity and ptb_limitjoin_immunity. (in ptb.cfg)      Now it's easy to disable admins immunity.  * 1.8b2 lantz69: 2006-08-03  - If player has defuse kit before a transfer it will be removed (thx teame06)  Made fake bomb carriers dissapear  - Added compile option #define SHOW_IN_HLSW   To be able to remove transfers being showed in HLSW chat (Sug. Brad)  */

Compiler options in the ptb.sma line 39 and 42
Admin Level Constants can be found here: http://www.amxmodx.org/funcwiki.php?...=1#const_admin


// Change admin protection flag here</p><p>#define ADMIN_PROTECT_PTB ADMIN_LEVEL_C // admin flag o</p><p>&nbsp;</p><p>// Change admin access flag here</p><p>#define ACCESS_PTB ADMIN_RCON

CVARS (All are in configs/ptb.cfg)
ptb_saychat <0|1|2|3>
0 for disabling all ptb chat messages
1 for enabling all ptb chat messages (Default)
2 Transfers will show as hudmessage and in chat
3 Shows all messages in chat and transfers in hudtext

ptb_transfer_type <1|2|3>
1 PTBs original transfertype (Default)
2 a little more agressive than 1
3 the most agressive transfer

Originally Posted by Explaination for agressive transfer
With more aggressive transfers it transfers one player to the other team rather than just swithing 2 players.
This makes the losing team get one more player and the winning team 1 less.
The default setting almost always swith 2 players and almost always doesn't do any effect to balance the team.

ptb_switch_immunity <0|1>
0 admins with immunity will be switched.
1 admins with immunity will be protected from switches. (Default)

ptb_limitjoin_immunity <0|1>
0 admins with immunity will not be able to choose any team they want.
1 admins with immunity can choose any team they want. (Default)

Installation instructions
1. Copy the new ptb.cfg to addons/amxmodx/configs/
2. Copy ptb.sma to addons/amxmodx/scripting/ and compile it
3. Copy the compiled file ptb.amxx from the compiled folder to the plugins folder.
4. Add a line ptb.amxx to your amxmodx plugins.ini

5. Edit ptb.cfg to suit your needs (Good settings for a 20 player server):

amx_ptb maxsize      11  // maximum team size per team amx_ptb maxdiff      2  // maximum team size difference

or maybe

amx_ptb maxsize      12  // maximum team size per team amx_ptb maxdiff      4  // maximum team size difference

The forumla to make it fit your server:
amx_ptb maxsize should be set at maxplayers/2 + amx_ptb maxdiff/2
NOTE: Certain maps like nuke,train, militia and italy only has 10 spawns/team.

6. Enable the required module cstrike in modules.ini or PTB wont load properly


Good Luck!

ptb.sma (1.8b1) was downloaded 1297 times
ptb-1.8b1.zip was downloaded 2070 times
Attached FilesGet Plugin or Get Source (ptb.sma - 474 views - 45.3 KB) ptb-1.8b2.zip (12.3 KB, 1336 views)


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发表于 2006-10-28 10:29:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–贵州–贵阳

回复: 队伍平衡Ptahhotep's Team Balancer 1.8b2


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发表于 2006-10-28 12:06:45 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–上海–上海–松江区

回复: 队伍平衡Ptahhotep's Team Balancer 1.8b2


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 楼主| 发表于 2006-10-28 14:17:17 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–深圳

回复: 队伍平衡Ptahhotep's Team Balancer 1.8b2

Post by landyhsu


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发表于 2006-10-28 19:26:06 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–山西–长治

回复: 队伍平衡Ptahhotep's Team Balancer 1.8b2


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