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谁有linux下 CD 3.3.1 server 版

发表于 2006-8-8 20:03:05 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–新疆–巴音郭楞蒙古自治州
找了好久都没有找到linux下CD 3.3.1 服务器版,找到的都是win32的。
发表于 2006-8-9 08:56:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–陕西–西安

回复: 谁有linux下 CD 3.3.1 server 版


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-8-9 11:37:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–新疆–巴音郭楞蒙古自治州

回复: 谁有linux下 CD 3.3.1 server 版

Post by gearfox


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-9 12:42:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–陕西–西安

回复: 谁有linux下 CD 3.3.1 server 版

:) 哈哈找到就好。。。。。。。。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-10 11:48:58 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–浙江–杭州–西湖区

回复: 谁有linux下 CD 3.3.1 server 版

比如现在UA官方给出的是 4.29.4 ,下载地址如下:



Cheating-Death Server Changelog:

4.29.4 - Updated and fixed entity lists. This should cure crash problems
with 3rd party mods, for example Natural Selection and Firearms.

4.29.1 - Added 'cdwaitforsteamauth'

4.29.0 - Changed server to execute cdnovalidatecmd and cdinvalidatecmd also in REQUIRED mode
Added 'cdlog', allows enabling/disabling logging C-D events to game log,logfile,none or both
Added cdstateupdateinterval to fine tune CPU usage.
Removed Metamod support
Changed server to require Steam authentication for online play. LAN is not affected.

4.21.0 - changes in server<->client operation
updated entity lists

4.15.0 - Bugfixes
P4/Athlon optimized builds

4.11.0 - Minor bugfixes and updates

4.8.0 - Fixed 'client crashing when switching directly from C-D server to no-C-D server'-bug.

4.7.0 - Added full support for new Steam HLDS engine update.

4.6.0 - Fixed 'crash in pthread_sighandler' bug.
Fixed problems with '-pingboost 1'.
Fixed problems on MP systems.
Reduced binary size.
Fixed server console spamming bug.

4.5.0 - Two binaries included:
cdmod_i686.so: i686 optimized (Intel Pentium Pro/II, AMD Athlon or newer)
cdmod_i586.so: i586 optimized (for old Pentium/K6 CPUs)

4.4.0 - Fixed crashing when server gets full.

4.3.0 - Added cdcurrentupdate cvar for displaying which C-D client version is currently required on the server.
Added malloc crash workaround.
Added minor improvements.
Added cd_use_nsicon cvar for disabling C-D icon feature with Natural-Selection v2.0.
Fixed lag bug.
Added liblist.gam mode support for Natural-Selection v2.0.
Fixed multiple process ids for one hlds_l process bug.
Fixed multithreading crashes.

4.1.0 - Added cdusethreads cvar for disabling C-D threading.
Fixes to multithreading.
Fixed segfault on malloc().
Fixed stdc++ shared library problems.

4.0.0 - Added automatically updating challenge system.
Changed server to wait for one extra second before kicking player to give command cvars time to work.
Fixed challenging not working on very laggy connection.

3.3.0 - Changed the challenge.

3.2.0 - Changed the challenge.

3.1.0 - Changed the challenge.

3.0.0 - Fixed support in liblist.gam mode.
Changed the challenge.

2.12.1 - Changed the challenge.

2.11.0 - Fixed hitbox bug in liblist mode.
Changed the challenge.

2.10.0 - Changed the challenge.

2.9.1 - Removed "Cheating-Death forced PlayerName change name to ..." message.

2.9.0 - Added message that is shown when server prefixes player's name.
Added new cvar cdnamechangedmsg.
Changed the challenge.

2.8.0 - Full remake name prefixing code.
Fixed client setinfo problems.
Changed the challenge.

2.7.0 - Changed the challenge.

2.6.0 - Fixed logging error with cdrequired -1.
Changed the challenge.

2.5.0 - Added 'cdstatus' serverside command for other server plugins to check.
if player is validated.
Changed the challenge.

2.4.0 - Changed the challenge.

2.3 - Changed the challenge.

2.2.2 - Fixed problems caused by server predicted client frames.

2.2 - Changed the challenge.

2.1 - Added Natural-Selection MOD support.
Uses same entities as metamod 1.13.2
Added better metamod mode detection.
Fixed possible player slot overflow.
2.0 - Upgraded metamod interface.
Works with non-VAC mods.
Uses same entities as metamod 1.12.3

1.2 - Changed challenge.

1.1 - Changed challenge.
Added cdoldvalidate.
Fixed metamod version.

1.0 - Changed challenge.

0.9.3 - Added disabled mode.
Added MetaMod plug-in support.
Added tests to check if C-D is misconfigured.

0.9.2 - Fixed bug in optional mode.

0.9.1 - Fixed bug in challenge.

0.9 - Fixed sound problem.
Fixed freeze problem.
Added tray functionality.
Added copy protection.
Added support for DoD 2.0, Oz 2.5, and FireArms.
Added two challenges.
Does not kill players before kicking.
Disconnect players before kicking.
Added cdrequiredmsg, cdoptionalmsg, cdupdatemsg cvars.

0.8b - Added cdrequired, cdvalidatecmd, and cdnovalidecmd cvars.
Added entities to support more MODS.

0.8 - Added more visibility tests.
Prevent TFC spectator hack.
Improved FPS speed.
Fixed some visibility problems.
Added German readme.
Prevent r_drawentities cheat.
Prevent r_fullbright cheat.
Prevent gl_wireframe cheat.
Fixed WinXP compatibility issues.
Removed some hacking checks. Should fix some of the
"Your system has been modified" warnings.
Fixed bug where players would disappear at odd angles and on ladders.
Fixed bug where cdinject would not run on some Win95 machines.

0.7 - Fixed a jitter problem on TFC on snipper scopes.
Added code to check for generic hooking and hacking.
Fixed bug where bullet decals where showing up lower than normal.

0.6 - Initial Release

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-8-10 12:34:41 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–陕西–西安

回复: 谁有linux下 CD 3.3.1 server 版



使用道具 举报

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