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发表于 2006-2-19 17:45:52 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–黑龙江–大庆
HLG 好像不太好使 任何一个作弊器都能用啊 !
Cheating Death v3.3.1, HLGuard v1.8
Superman 轻松过啊!
效果 也不错啊!
照样透视 反后坐力 亮人 反烟雾闪光 反正就是好使就对 了!! :sweat:  :sweat:  :sweat:  :sweat:


// Half-Life Guard 1.8 设置文件 翻译 by BoeZombie
// http://forum.dt-club.net
// 英文原版主页:
// http://forums.thezproject.org
// 主要设置
hlguard 1 on // 自瞄警告
hlguard 2 on // 非法脚本绑定侦测
hlguard 3 on // 加速射击/暴力射击侦测
hlguard 4 on // 防止透视
hlguard 5 on // 防止加速
hlguard 6 on // Steambans客户端,请先阅读下面的说明.
hlguard 7 on        // 快速更名侦测
hlguard 8 on // SkyWalk向导
// Steambans客户端说明细则
// 所有HLG用户都可以得到30天的SteamBans客户端试用.
// 如果你要使用SteamBans客户端,那么就在上面开启,并在下面试用默认设置.
// 一旦30天的试用期结束,你必须以一个小组的形式注册以继续使用SteamBans客户端.
// 详情请参看http://www.steambans.com/
hlg_sb_licenseid "2102" // 默认: "2102"
hlg_sb_licensecode "" // 默认: ""
// HLGuard config 自动升级
hlg_autoupdateconfigs 1 // 默认: 1
// 绑定侦测脚本
hlg_exec addons/hlguard/config/%M/hlg_mod.cfg // 特定的HL游戏模组侦测脚本. 如果你运行的不是cstrike/czero/tfc/dod/firearms之一,那么就请注视掉
hlg_exec addons/hlguard/config/hl/hlg_mod.cfg // 任意HL游戏模组侦测脚本
// 自主制定脚本
hlg_exec addons/hlguard/config/hlg_custom.cfg // 制定侦测, 作用, ...等等
hlg_exec addons/hlguard/config/hlg_swgzones.cfg // 制定SkyWalk向导
// 绑定脚本侦测 检查完毕后的提示信息
// 一次显示信息
// hlg_action "a:not found" "hlg_clexec #%u \'alias hlgauth\';say \'[HLGUARD] %n completed the HLGuard alias scan.\'"
// 反复显示信息
// hlg_action "a:not found" "say \'[HLGUARD] %n completed the HLGuard alias scan.\'"
// HLGuard工作模式
// 在以下三种模式中,只能选择一种:
hlg_loadmode net // 互联网模式- 封杀作弊者UniqueID(只对正版有效)
//hlg_loadmode lan // 局域网模式 - 封杀作弊者IP
//hlg_loadmode league // 比赛模式 - 只记录和显示作弊者
// 封禁名字
// 在开启此功能前,请先仔细阅读hlg_nameban.cfg
// hlg_exec addons/hlguard/config/hlg_nameban.cfg
// HLGuard在游戏中的菜单. 必须在hlg_menu.cfg里设置密码
hlg_exec addons/hlguard/config/hlg_menu.cfg
// 在游戏中的协议显示. 可以在hlg_agreement.cfg里自主制定协议信息.
hlg_exec addons/hlguard/config/hlg_agreement.cfg
// 高级设置
hlg_quiet 0 // 默认: 0 // 安静模式 - 0 = 有"protected by.."提示信息, 1 = 没有提示信息
hlg_repeat 3 // 默认: 3 // 封禁非法脚本绑定者前,警告显示的次数.
hlg_startdelay 0 // 默认: 0 // 协议/首次检测的显示延时时间 单位秒.
hlg_namechangeban "4:10" // 默认: "4:10"                 // 名字变换最大次数:每次更换名字间隔秒数.
hlg_showswzones 0 // 默认: 0 // 在游戏中显示SkyWalk向导
// 日志设置
hlg_logfolder "addons/hlguard/logs" // 默认: "addons/hlguard/logs" // HLGuard日志存放目录.
hlg_logfile "hlglog.log" // 默认: "hlglog.log" // 存放所有HLGuard事件的日志文件
// 通知的格式
// 语法格式: <红>:<绿>:<蓝>:<x坐标>:<y坐标>:<效果>:<效果时间>:<停留时间>:<进入速度>:<消失速度>
// 默认: "200:100:10:0.01:0.65:1:10:9:0:1"
hlg_sayformat "200:100:10:0.01:0.65:1:10:9:0:1"
// 自瞄警告设置
hlg_aimbotlevel 10 // 默认: 30 // 自瞄侦测灵敏度 - (0至100)
hlg_aimbotrepeat 3 // 默认: 3 // 自瞄侦测警告的次数.
hlg_aimbottimeout 10 // 默认: 10 // 自瞄警告的显示时间.[/PHP]

// HLGuard Internet Mode Config file

// Sets the hlg_cfgversion cvar for outside identification
hlg_cfgversion "HLG 1.80.00 (Net)"

// Alias scanning speed settings
hlg_frequency 0.1        // Default: 0.5        // Idle in seconds between every check
hlg_scandelay_min 30        // Default: 180        // Minimum time HLGuard waits before starting new scan.
hlg_scandelay_max 60        // Default: 300        // Maximum time HLGuard waits before starting new scan.

// Detection flags
hlg_bfflags "t"                // Flags to link with Rapid/Burstfire detections
hlg_sbflags ""                // Flags to link with Steambans check
hlg_nbflags "wsk"        // Flags to link with Rapid Name Change detection
hlg_swgflags "t"        // Flags to link with SWG "Jump-Through-Ceiling" bug abuse

// Alias Detection Actions
// b - Say, Log and ban permanent
hlg_action "b:found" "hlg_writefile %L/detectionlist.txt;hlg_write \'%d %h [HLGUARD %g] -> %n<%w><%i> <%y> on %m <permanent ban>\'"
hlg_action "b:found" "hlg_writefile %L/detectionlist.htm;hlg_write \'%d %h [HLGUARD %g] -> <b>%n</b>(<b>%w</b>)(<b>%i</b>) <b>%y</b> on <b>%m</b> (permanent ban)<br>\'"
hlg_action "b:found" "hlg_log \'%n<%w><%i> triggered <%y>\'"
hlg_action "b:found" "hlg_say \'[HLGUARD] Violation by %n(%i)\';hlg_say \'[HLGUARD] Violation: %y\';hlg_say \'[HLGUARD] Punishment: Permanent ban\'"
hlg_action "b:found:10" "addip 0.0 %i;kick #%u [HLGUARD] Banned: Permanently. Reason: %y;wait;writeip"
// t - Say, Log and ban for 24 hours
hlg_action "t:found" "hlg_writefile %L/detectionlist.txt;hlg_write \'%d %h [HLGUARD %g] -> %n<%w><%i> <%y> on %m <24 hours ban>\'"
hlg_action "t:found" "hlg_writefile %L/detectionlist.htm;hlg_write \'%d %h [HLGUARD %g] -> <b>%n</b>(<b>%w</b>)(<b>%i</b>) <b>%y</b> on <b>%m</b> (24 hours ban)<br>\'"
hlg_action "t:found" "hlg_log \'%n<%w><%i> triggered <%y>\'"
hlg_action "t:found" "hlg_say \'[HLGUARD] Violation by %n(%i)\';hlg_say \'[HLGUARD] Violation: %y\';hlg_say \'[HLGUARD] Punishment: 24 hours ban\'"
hlg_action "t:found:10" "addip 1440.0 %i;kick #%u [HLGUARD] Banned: 24 hours. Reason: %y;wait;writeip"
// k - Kick
hlg_action "k:found:1" "kick #%u [HLGUARD] You have been kicked. Reason: %y"
// w - Log
hlg_action "w:found" "hlg_writefile %L/detectionlist.txt;hlg_write \'%d %h [HLGUARD %g] -> %n<%w><%i> <%y> on %m\'"
hlg_action "w:found" "hlg_writefile %L/detectionlist.htm;hlg_write \'%d %h [HLGUARD %g] -> <b>%n</b>(<b>%w</b>)(<b>%i</b>) <b>%y</b> on <b>%m</b><br>\'"
hlg_action "w:found" "hlg_log \'%n<%w><%i> triggered <%y>\'"
// s - Say
hlg_action "s:found" "hlg_say \'[HLGUARD] Violation by %n(%i)\';hlg_say \'[HLGUARD] Violation: %y\'"

// Steambans check actions
hlg_action "h:found" "hlg_writefile %L/blacklisted.txt;hlg_write \'%d %h [HLGUARD %g] -> %n<%w><%i>\'"
hlg_action "h:found" "hlg_log \'%n<%w><%i> triggered <%y>\'"
hlg_action "h:found:10" "addip 1440.0 %i;kick #%u [HLGUARD] Banned: 24 hours. Reason: You are SteamBans blacklisted! Visit www.steambans.com for more information;wait;writeip"

// Nameban Actions
hlg_action "p:found" "hlg_log \'%n<%w><%i> triggered <%y>\'"
hlg_action "p:found" "hlg_writefile %L/namebanlist.txt;hlg_write \'%d %h [HLGUARD %g] -> %n<%w><%i> <%y><%N> on %m <kick>\'"
hlg_action "p:found" "hlg_say \'[HLGUARD] Violation by %n(%i)\';hlg_say \'[HLGUARD] Violation: %y\';hlg_say \'[HLGUARD] Punishment: Kick\'"
hlg_action "q:found" "hlg_log \'%n<%w><%i> triggered <%y>\'"
hlg_action "q:found" "hlg_writefile %L/namebanlist.txt;hlg_write \'%d %h [HLGUARD %g] -> %n<%w><%i> <%y><%N> on %m <2 hours ban>\'"
hlg_action "q:found" "hlg_say \'[HLGUARD] Violation by %n(%i) detected!\';hlg_say \'[HLGUARD] Violation: %y\';hlg_say \'[HLGUARD] Punishment: 2 hours ban\'"
hlg_action "q:found:10" "addip 120.0 %i;kick #%u [HLGUARD] Banned: 2 hours. Reason: %y;wait;writeip"

// Aimbot Warning System Detection Actions (Abandoned, not updated, no support)
hlg_aimbot "partial:hlg_writefile \'%L/aimwarn.txt\';hlg_write \'%d %h -> %n uniqueid\; %w IP\;%i Aimbot warning#%c (%y, HLG %g at %a/%k) - HLG %g - map %m\'"
hlg_aimbot "hlg_say \'%n(%i) aimbot suspected\'"
hlg_aimbot "hlg_log \'\\'%n<%u><%w><%i>\\' aimbot suspected - HLG %g - map %m\'"
hlg_aimbot "hlg_writefile \'%L/CheaterList.txt\';hlg_write \'%d %h -> %n uniqueid\; %w IP\; %i Suspected Aimbot Banned for 24 hours - HLG %g - map %m\'"
hlg_aimbot "hlg_writefile %L/detectionlist.htm;hlg_write \'%d %h -> <b>%n</b> IP\; <b>%i</b> - <b>Aimbot Suspected - 24 hours ban</b> - HLG %g - map %m\'"
hlg_aimbot "addip 1440.0 %i;;kick #%u [HLGUARD] You have been banned for suspected aimbot;wait;writeip".[/PHP]


// HLGuard Agreement Config file

// Agreement text
hlg_agreement "      【发誓】"
hlg_agreement " "
hlg_agreement "      如果我用作弊器!"
hlg_agreement "      找不到女朋友,就是找到了也是恐龙"
hlg_agreement "      就是美女也要被甩,没被甩也接不了婚"
hlg_agreement "      结婚了也不是处女,是处女也要红杏出墙"
hlg_agreement "      不出墙也生不了孩子,生了孩子也不是你的"
hlg_agreement "      是你的也没屁眼,有屁眼也养不大"
hlg_agreement "      养大也是流氓,不是流氓也要坐牢"
hlg_agreement "      不坐牢也要被枪毙,枪毙也一枪打不死要补一枪!"
hlg_agreement " "
hlg_agreement "      1. yes         4. no  "

// Action on "I accept"
hlg_agreementkey1 "1:hlg_check \'%w\'"

// Action on "I disagree"
// With logging:
hlg_agreementkey2 "4:kick #%u [HLGUARD] You have been kicked. Reason: You must agree with the agreement to play on this server;hlg_log \'%n<%w><%i> <agreement disagree>\'"
// Without logging:
// hlg_agreementkey2 "4:kick #%u [HLGUARD] You have been kicked. Reason: You must agree with the agreement to play on this server"

// Action on no choice timeout
// With logging:
hlg_agreementdef "45:kick #%u [HLGUARD] You have been kicked. Reason: You did not select an agreement option within the timeout;hlg_log \'%n<%w><%i> <agreement timeout>\'"
// Without logging:
// hlg_agreementdef "45:kick #%u [HLGUARD] You have been kicked. Reason: You did not select an agreement option within the timeout"

发表于 2006-2-19 18:22:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–云南–保山–隆阳区

回复: HLG也就有个发誓的功能???


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-2-20 10:08:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–重庆–重庆

回复: HLG也就有个发誓的功能???


使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-2-20 11:40:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–云南–保山–隆阳区

回复: HLG也就有个发誓的功能???

;) 是改完后你点文件,然后点另存,在编码那里选UTF-8。然后在启动服务器~就OK了

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-2-20 12:06:54 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–重庆–重庆

回复: HLG也就有个发誓的功能???


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-20 16:17:09 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–黑龙江–大庆

回复: HLG也就有个发誓的功能???

// 在游戏中的协议显示. 可以在hlg_agreement.cfg里自主制定协议信息.
hlg_exec addons/hlguard/config/hlg_agreement.cfg

使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-20 16:21:50 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–黑龙江–大庆

回复: HLG也就有个发誓的功能???

能防止什么作弊 说一下!!
如果只能 替代WWCL 还有那个发誓功能 !!!

hlguard 1 on // 自瞄警告                        估计不想被看串的话 作弊者不会开启这个 !
hlguard 2 on // 非法脚本绑定侦测            教本 这个国内用的更少 ! 脚本作弊国外的多!
hlguard 3 on // 加速射击/暴力射击侦测     加速射击这个查不到!
hlguard 4 on // 防止透视                        透视这个也查不到!
hlguard 5 on // 防止加速                        想被看串的话 作弊者也不会开启这个 !
hlguard 6 on // Steambans客户端,请先阅读下面的说明.  
hlguard 7 on    // 快速更名侦测               这个更是没用!!
hlguard 8 on // SkyWalk向导                   这个不懂!



使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-2-20 17:18:23 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–重庆–重庆

回复: HLG也就有个发誓的功能???

// 在游戏中的协议显示. 可以在hlg_agreement.cfg里自主制定协议信息.
hlg_exec addons/hlguard/config/hlg_agreement.cfg

使用道具 举报

发表于 2006-2-20 21:46:59 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–惠州

回复: HLG也就有个发誓的功能???


使用道具 举报

 楼主| 发表于 2006-2-20 23:11:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–黑龙江–大庆

回复: HLG也就有个发誓的功能???

干比赛的时候也叫  作弊的死全家 ?????

使用道具 举报

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