发表于 2005-11-30 12:32:31
来自 中国–江苏–南京
【下载】【推荐】AMX2005 最新英文原版用于CS1.5较好,加了少许的插件!
AMX Mod 2005 (v1.0)
The AMX Team is happy to make available to you AMX Mod 2005, aka v1.0. This release has many new features over previous versions. Please take time to go through the readme and documentation (included in the zip) for the full list of changes.
The AMX CVS and front page will be updated after this initial public release proves worthy. Please post comments and feedback. Some noteable changes are:
Revamped voting system
AMX modules are no longer declared in the metamod\plugins.ini (for good this time.)
Self correcting admin entries in the users.ini file
paths.ini file replaces +localinfo arguments
Specific releases for CS, DoD and a lite version w/o the stats for all other mods.
German lang added, updated docs, all past bugs fixed.
and more!
The new version style was done for a couple reasons. For one, it was to separate AMX from AMXX's version jump to 1.0. New users most likely already have a hard time just with the AMX/AMXX names and not understanding the difference. Adding the year also helps people have a general idea of how old the release is. Future releases will continue to use the year as the primary version. As new releases come out during the year, points will be added. This is similar to how Gentoo Linux is done. So you may see 2005.2, 2005.3, etc. The current version will show as 2005.1 in meta list.
Please feel free to leave feedback in this thread. Thank you AMX fans!
- The AMX Mod Team |
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