发表于 2005-10-13 09:39:59
来自 中国–湖南–长沙
This plugin simply does a auto-restart after a defined amount of time. The restart occurs AFTER game commencing (both teams got players first).
This is usefull to prevent fast-connectors get easy and fast money for the 2nd round. So nearly everyone will be forced to play the pistolround on public-servers.
for the event "game commencing", sets a timer for 20 seconds and executes a servercmd -> sv_restart 2 (restartround after 2 seconds)
AFK表示Away From Keyboard.
mp_afktime 90 设定时间90秒玩家无任何动作将被KICK!
mp_afkminplayers 8 设定服务器中有8个玩家后AFK功能开启!
This AFK Kicker should work with any Half-Life mod.
Incase you don't know, AFK stands for Away From Keyboard.
It has 2 cvars shown below with their default values:
mp_afktime 90 This sets the time a player must be AFK (while alive) before he is kicked.
mp_afkminplayers 8 This is number of players required on the server before people will be kicked for being AFK.
Players will receive warnings from 15 seconds before they are kicked. They will also be notified why they were kicked.
A player is determined to be AFK by simply checking if he has moved since he spawned.
Players are only counted as AFK when they are alive. |
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