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发表于 2005-8-23 08:31:57 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–河南–南阳
Please note:
CS 1.5 and other mods based on non-steam Half-Life engine are NOT SUPPORTED ANYMORE. This means there are no bug fixes for them and all bug reports about them are ignored. Also, in future versions C-D may not even load with old HL anymore!
CLIENT (4.32.0):
If you are using Omega drivers, make sure you've turned off the OSD! (fps display).
fps lag and choking especially with 3rd party mods like FireArms. Choking greatly reduced in upcoming 4.32.1.
Possible False Code with XFire.
Kerio Personal Firewall BETA can cause false codes. Use release version instead.
possible conflict with FRAPS. If you get code with FRAPS, shut fraps down and retry.
Crashes to desktop when running under 64 bit XP.
Invalid model with Trenches. Trences is not officially supported by C-D and therefore its suggested that you do not run C-D with it.
CLIENT (4.31.0):
False CODE 3 with ScanCool.
CODE 63 - "Update your game or C-D". Update to LATEST versions availabe thru Steam and C-D and problem should go away. This also happens when Valve has updated their mods or HL1 engine, in those cases, there is no other fix than wait for updated version of C-D. NOTE: hacked/cracked copies of Steam/game are NOT supported.
SERVER (4.29.1):
NOTE: Players are required to authenticate with Steam. If you wish to allow non-steam players, you can use older 4.21.0 server.
Make sure you read the included README before attempting to upgrade from previous version. 4.29 SERVER works perfectly with METAMOD, but you CANNOT load C-D anymore as a metamod plugin. Please see documentation for correct installation.
SERVER (4.29.0):
AMD64 build is being worked on. Added in 4.29.1.
Crashes/weird behaviour with 3rd party mods, including Natural Selection. Fixed in 4.29.1. Update to 4.29.1 or use 4.21.0 server.
Release version has little too tight default values. Set cdwaitforchallenge to 15 or 20 if you're having problems with clients getting kicked (affects mostly low end systems with software renderer). Default is 12, which is barely enough. Fixed in 4.29.1.
You cannot post to this list. Post on forum as usual.

Also on news:

Cheating-Death development has been resumed after brief vacation period.

Next upcoming major release is codenamed "Ihantala".

Developers are currently working on "Ihantala" branch, there is no ETA yet for new major release other than industry standard "when its done" :-)

This post has been edited by Dabb on Aug 19 2005, 08:28 AM

发表于 2005-8-23 08:35:38 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–福建–龙岩

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发表于 2005-8-23 08:38:27 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–深圳–南山区


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