发表于 2005-1-23 15:30:45
来自 中国–河北–衡水–深州市
 /* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
* Admin_radar, by BlueRaja (AMX Mod X) *
* *
* Special thanks to Damaged Soul *
* - not just for helping me when I needed it, *
* but for putting up with all my $$$$ ^_^ *
* *
* (c) Copyright 2004 *
* This file is provided as is (no warranties) *
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * */
#include <amxmodx>
#include <cstrike> //used for cs_get_user_team
#define ACCESS_LEVEL ADMIN_RCON //Default required admin level - don't want too many admins to have it, for the sake of speed
#define REFRESH_TIME 1.0 //Amount of time, in seconds, between radar-refreshings
new gmsgBombDrop //Dropping of the bomb
new gmsgHostagePos //Position of hostage(s)
new gmsgHostageK //Hostage has been killed
new g_aAdminList[32], g_iAdminNum
new g_aCTList[32], g_iCTNum
new g_aTList[32], g_iTNum
new g_iEnemyCounter, g_iHostageCounter //Both are used for keeping track of the enemy
new g_iHostageModNum //Number with which to modulus hostage number; used to,
//if there are less than 4 T's, kill a fake-hostage blip.
new g_bBombHeld
//Refreshes the list of admins
public refresh_admin()
new aTemp[32], iTempNum
get_players(aTemp, iTempNum, "c")//Skip bots
for (new i=0; i<iTempNum; i++) {
if (get_user_flags(aTemp)&ACCESS_LEVEL) {
}//end if
}//end for
}//end refresh_admin
//Refresh list of terrorists
public refresh_t() {
get_players(g_aTList, g_iTNum, "ae", "TERRORIST")
if (g_iTNum<4 && g_iHostageModNum!=g_iTNum) {
g_iHostageModNum=g_iTNum //Only modulus with this number now
//If there are three players left, then we want to fake-kill the fourth fake-hostage,
//so that there aren't two blips on the radar for one player
for(new i=0; i<g_iAdminNum; i++) {
if (cs_get_user_team(g_aAdminList)==CS_TEAM_CT) { //2 = CT
message_begin(MSG_ONE, gmsgHostageK, {0,0,0}, g_aAdminList)
write_byte(g_iTNum+1) //Hostage to take off of radar
}//end if
}//end for
}//end if
}//end refresh_t()
//Refresh list of CT's
#define refresh_ct() get_players(g_aCTList, g_iCTNum, "ae", "CT")
//I wanted the above to be an inline function, but I don't think Small supports that,
// so I used a macro instead
//This function will be called every second; it should display a single blip for a certain player
public radar_event(id)
if(!g_iAdminNum || !g_iCTNum || !g_iTNum) return PLUGIN_HANDLED
new iEnemyT = g_aTList[g_iEnemyCounter%g_iTNum] //Cycle through the living CTs
new iCoordsT[3]
get_user_origin(iEnemyT, iCoordsT)
new iEnemyCT = g_aCTList[g_iEnemyCounter++%g_iCTNum]
new iCoordsCT[3]
get_user_origin(iEnemyCT, iCoordsCT)
new iHostageNum = (g_iHostageCounter++)%g_iHostageModNum + 1
for(new i=0; i<g_iAdminNum; i++)
//At this point, we know we want to send the message to the admin
if (cs_get_user_team(g_aAdminList)==CS_TEAM_T) { //1 = TERRORIST
if (g_bBombHeld) { //If bomb is on the ground, the admins need to see it on their radar
message_begin(MSG_ONE, gmsgBombDrop, {0,0,0}, g_aAdminList)
write_coord(iCoordsCT[0]) //X Coordinate
write_coord(iCoordsCT[1]) //Y Coordinate
write_coord(iCoordsCT[2]) //Z Coordinate
write_byte(0) //?? This byte seems to always be 0...so, w/e
else { //assume player is CT
message_begin(MSG_ONE, gmsgHostagePos, {0,0,0}, g_aAdminList)
write_byte(1) //No idea what this byte does; I think it has something to do with whether or not the hostage is following someone
write_byte(iHostageNum) //The number of the hostage, 1-4
write_coord(iCoordsT[0]) //X Coordinate
write_coord(iCoordsT[1]) //Y Coordinate
write_coord(iCoordsT[2]) //Z Coordinate
}//end if
}//end for
}//end radar_event
//Called at round start
public RoundStart()
new Float:fRoundTime = get_cvar_float("mp_roundtime") * 60.0
new iTimeLeft = read_data(1)
if (fRoundTime == iTimeLeft) { //Roundstart after freezetime
g_iHostageCounter = 0
g_iEnemyCounter = 0
g_iHostageModNum = 4
g_bBombHeld = true
//The hostage "killed" is only #(g_iTNum+1); however, apparently when the engine receieves a HostagePos message,
//It assumes there are four hostages. Therefore, when playing with less than three people, the hostages not represented
//by players and not yet killed are set, by default, at the center of the map. To fix this, I'll have to kill hostage #4
//(if there are two players) or hostages #3 & #4 (if there is only one player)
if (g_iTNum<3) {
for (new i=g_iTNum+2; i<=4; i++) {
for(new j=0; j<g_iAdminNum; j++) {
message_begin(MSG_ONE, gmsgHostageK, {0,0,0}, g_aAdminList[j])
write_byte(i) //Hostage to take off of radar
}//end for
}//end for
}//end if
}//end if
}//end RoundStart
public plugin_init()
gmsgBombDrop = get_user_msgid("BombDrop")
gmsgHostagePos = get_user_msgid("HostagePos")
gmsgHostageK = get_user_msgid("HostageK")
register_event("RoundTime", "RoundStart", "bc")
register_event("BombDrop", "Bomb_Drop", "bc")
register_event("BombPickup", "Bomb_Pickup", "bc")
register_concmd("amx_refresh","refresh_admin",ACCESS_LEVEL," - refresh admin slots(adminradar)")
set_task(REFRESH_TIME, "radar_event", _, _, _, "b")
//refresh list on client connect/disconnect
public client_authorized(id)
public client_disconnect(id)
//Refresh list of players on client death
public client_kill(id)//Called when a player kills himself
if (cs_get_user_team(id)==CS_TEAM_T) {
public client_death(killer, victim, weapon, hitplace, TK) //Called when a player dies
if (cs_get_user_team(victim)==CS_TEAM_T) {
public Bomb_Drop()
g_bBombHeld = false
public Bomb_Pickup()
g_bBombHeld = true
; a - immunity (can't be kicked/baned/slayed)(无法被KICK,ban或者强行被杀)
; b - reservation (拥有进入管理员通道的权限)
; c - amx_kick command (拥有KICK权限)
; d - amx_ban command (拥有ban的权限)
; e - amx_slay command (拥有强行杀死某人的权限)
; f - amx_map command (拥有更换地图的权限)
; g - amx_cvar command (可以设置amx的设置参数,但并不是所有的都可以)
; h - amx_cfg command (可以加载某个AMX的CFG设置文件权限)
; i - amx_chat and other chat commands (可以以管理员身份发布消息)
; j - amx_vote and other vote commands (可以发起一个投票事件)
; k - access to sv_password cvar (可以更改为服务器加密码)
; l - access to amx_rcon command and rcon_password cvar (by amx_cvar command)(可以用RCON命令来以OP身份登陆服务器)
; m - custom level A (自定义管理级别,为附加的其他插件预留的权限等级)
; n - custom level B
; o - custom level C
; p - custom level D
; q - custom level E
; r - custom level F
; s - custom level G
; t - custom level H
再次谢谢 |