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高手们 这个怎么玩?

发表于 2004-7-9 17:51:42 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–河南–安阳


Server Command Variables (CVARs):
goomba_showcost 0/1
Show your total cost of items at the start of a round
goomba_glowstyle 0/1/2/3
0 = No Rendering 1 = All One Colour (Green) 2 = Team Based Glow 3 = Random (Refresh .5 seconds) NOTE: Options 2 and 3 only affect super goombas
goobma_entermusic 0/1
Play music to a client when he enters the server
goomba_hostname 0/1
Add "(Goomba Mod) " to your server hostname
goomba_fireball_gravity 0/1
Fireball has gravity
goomba_fireball_effects 0/1/2
0 = Invisible Fireball 1 = Fireball with surrounding particles 2 = Fireball with explosion sprite (realistic)
goomba_fireball_ff 0/1
Friendly Fire (Self Client also affected)
goomba_fireball_extraeffects 0/1
Adds extra explosion and decal effects
goomba_fireball_trail 0/1
Adds a trail (random color) behind fireballs
goomba_fireball_bounce 1
Number of times a fireball will bounce before leaving (1 = fireball will explode twice, bouncing once and leaving on second hit)
goomba_normal_cost 100
Cost of a normal goomba
goomba_super_cost 1000
Cost of a super goomba

Client Commands:
say /goomba
Opens Main Goomba Menu
say /goomba_help
Opens Goomba Help Screen
say /goomba_items
Opens Goomba Items Menu
say /goomba_itemlist
Displays information about each item
say /fly
Toggle between Fly mode ON or OFF
Shoot a fireball. (REQUIRE: Super goomba and flower)
Zoom in with any gun (REQUIRE: Super goomba and scope)/li>

Admin Commands:
amx_goomba_arena < toggle > OR < on/off or 1/0 >
Turn Goomba Arena OFF or ON

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