z = 购买导弹(随时随地可以买,购买后马上自动发射,对敌人造成伤害)
n = 魔兽大绝(5个种族,5种大绝,升级到大绝后,等到屏幕左段有提示后即可发动)
[ = 魔兽商店菜单(按一下就知道了)
alt = 激光
x = 飞刀(要换成刀,按x刀就会飞出,对敌人造成25HP的伤害)
f = 购买火焰枪 cost$150(随时随地可以买,购买后马上自动发射,对敌人造成伤害)
c = 冲天火焰 开关(jetpack on,你就连跳,就飞起来罗,按蹲可以在空中滑翔)
bind ALT "amx_firelasergun"
bind [ "shopmenu"
bind x "throw_knife"
bind z "missile_menu"
bind f "amx_fire_flamethrower"
bind n "ultimate"
bind c "jetpack"
1|Ankh of reincamation|复活十字章|1500|
2|Boots of Speed |速度之靴 |1500|
3|Claws of Attack +6 |战斗力抓+6|1000|
4|Cloak of Shadows |阴影披风 |800 |
5|Mask of Death |死亡面具 |2000|
6|Necklace of Immunity|反魔法项链|500 |
7|Orb of Frost |霜冻之球 |2000|
8|Periapt of Health |健康护身符|1000|
9|Tome of Experience |经验之书 |4000|
1|Ankh of Reincarnation: If you die you will retrieve your equipment the following round|复活十字章:你死后的下一轮会拿到上一
2|Boots of Speed: Allows you to run faster|速度之靴:让你跑的速度更快。
3|Claws of Attack +6: An additional 6 hp will be removed from the enemy on every hit|战斗力抓+6:对敌人每次多造成6点伤害。
4|Cloak of Shadows: Makes you partially invisible, invisibility is increased when holding the knife|阴影披风:让你变的部队无
5|Mask of Death: You will receive health for every hit on the enemy|死亡面具:你每次打中敌人都会让你得到一定的生命。
6|Necklace of Immunity: You will be immune enemy ultimates and critical grenade|反魔法项链:你会免疫任何的终极魔法和威力极大
7|Orb of Frost: Slows your enemy down when you hit him|霜冻之球:打到敌人的时候会减慢他的速度。
8|Periapt of Health: Receive extra health|生命护身符:得到额外的生命。
9|Tome of Experience: Automatically gain experience, the item is used on purchase|经验之书:购买之后得到一定经验值。