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发表于 2003-12-3 10:56:39 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–广东–佛山
作者:  来源:  类别:[ 服务器类 ]  日期:[2003:04:22]  今日/总浏览: 1/299  

  LINUX下建设HLTV服务器 和建设CS服务器的方法基本上都一样 只是配置文件的和执行文件不一样而已:HLTV.CFG 在LINUX下需要建启脚本。启动脚本的做法和LINUX下建CS服务器的脚本做法一样:
./hltv +connect -port 27015 -nomaster
hltv +connect localhost:port -port 27020 +rate 4000 -maxclients 50
hltv +connect localhost:port -port 27020 +rate 5000 -maxclients 50 -nomaster'
connect ip:port 需要连接的服务器IP和端口号
rate x   用户可用的最大带宽或者速率
-maxframes  设置最小缓冲帧(默认是2400)
-port   HLTV服务器的端口号
-maxclients  可以连接到该服务器的最大人数(默认128)
-nomaster   局域网用

connect  连接指定端口的服务器
disconnect   断开服务器连接
quit     退出
exit     和QUIT一样
retry     重新连接服务器
autoretry   如果N》0 服务器在每N秒连接服务器
name   设置名字
password    服务器密码
clients    例表所有连接的用户ID
kick    剔除
say   向每个人说话
infotext  设置游戏文本信息
rcon   为另外的游戏设置远程控制
rcon_address 设置远程控制目标
rcon_password 设置远程控制密码
proxypassword proxy的密码
clientpassword  用户密码
rate    每秒发送的字节大小
updaterate   每秒的更新速率
maxclientrate  设置每个用户的带宽大小
delay    延迟时间(推荐为30S)
。。。。。 其他的可以参看README

Here is the default
// HLTV Proxy configuration file
// HLTV proxy executes this file on start up
// This file should only be edited if you want to broadcast a game

// set HLTV proxy name
name 'HLTV Proxy'

// set info text
infotext 'Visit www.valvesoftware.com'

// delays broadcasting for 30 seconds
delay 30.0

// keep multicast disabled until you definitely sure
// that you're LAN or ISP supports multicast
multicast 0

// allow 10 KByte/sec as client rate. This is good a LAN value,
// for internet spectators use 3000 or 4000 Bytes/sec
maxclientrate 10000

// log HLTV console in proxy.log
logfile 1

// local chatting for HLTV spectators enabled
chatmode 1

// proxy password for rcon
// proxypassword MyProxyPassword

// disallow joingame for HLTV spectator
allowjoingame 0


Change this to what ever suits you. It will show up when a client presses the 'server info' button in the server list window.
// set HLTV proxy name
name 'Techies HLTV Proxy'

Set this to what ever you like. It will show up when a client presses the 'server info' button in the server list window.
// set info text
infotext 'Visit www.techie.net.nz'

Reduce the maxclientrate unless you are on a LAN and have a powerful server. The rate of 5000 is more than adequte.
maxclientrate 5000

Uncomment the proxypassword so that it looks like
// proxy password for rcon
proxypassword catsdogs

set logfile to 0 so that you dont waste hdd space. logfile set to 1 is useful when your debugging your hltv server
// log HLTV console in proxy.log
logfile 0

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