lili2009 发表于 2010-3-20 08:51:25


Chat command:
                /utsounds                - display info about plugin and opens configuration menu.
                /utsounds on        - enable announcements for this player (this setting is stored in user info field "_utsounds").
                /utsounds off        - disable announcements for this player (this setting is stored in user info field "_utsounds").

        Console command:
                ut_menu                        - opens player's configuration menu.

                ut_enable <0|1> (default=1)                // Enable/Disable whole plugin.
                ut_on <0|1> (default=1)                        // On/Off for new players by default. They can use chat command /utsounds <on|off> to switch.
                ut_hudx <0|1|2> (default=1)                // Default X position of hud announce (0 - left, 1 - center, 2 - right)
                ut_hudy <0|1|2> (default=1)                // Default Y position of hud announce (0 - top, 1 - center, 2 - bottom)
                ut_test <0|1> (default=0)                // Enable output in chat name of weapon used to kill. Use this to get weapon name to set in "kill from specific weapon" event.

        INI file:
                There are 4 types of lines.
                Vertical line '|' is a splitter for different parts.

                Format for first spawn, first kill, headshot and killing spree over events:
                        <identifier p|f|h|t|k|e>|<text for hud>|<message for chat>|<sound for initiator>[|<sound for victim>|<sound for all>]
                Format for multikill levels:
                        <identifier m>|<number of kills>|<wait interval>|<text for hud>|<message for chat>|<sound for initiator>[|<sound for victim>|<sound for all>]
                Format for killing spree levels:
                        <identifier s>|<number of kills>|<text for hud>|<message for chat>|<sound for initiator>[|<sound for victim>|<sound for all>]
                Format for kill from specific weapon:
                        <identifier w>|<weapon name>|<text for hud>|<message for chat>|<sound for initiator>[|<sound for victim>|<sound for all>]

                        p - first spawn;
                        f - first kill;
                        h - headshot;
                        t - teamkill;
                        w - kill from specific weapon;
                        m - level for multikill;
                        s - level for killing spree;
                        k - selfkill when on killing spree;
                        e - for ending of killing spree.

blueskyts 发表于 2010-5-16 16:00:08


zhouzeyu110 发表于 2010-5-16 16:12:45

wk703 发表于 2011-8-7 09:41:27


老蜜蜂 发表于 2011-8-8 19:23:22


feixiang12 发表于 2011-9-1 09:14:52


673734294 发表于 2011-9-2 22:40:52

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xiabing120 发表于 2012-1-27 03:16:05


guilty 发表于 2012-1-27 15:39:12


dingleial521 发表于 2012-1-31 11:29:48

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