发表于 2005-8-9 11:55:07
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发表于 2005-8-9 13:52:10
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发表于 2005-8-13 21:13:22
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发表于 2005-8-17 19:58:12
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发表于 2005-8-22 17:59:16
Release V1.1.0s (10th August 2005)
August 10th 13:10PM BST
If you've already downloaded or upgraded to V1.1.10s there is a new gametypes.txt file available from here :-
Overwrite your existing /cfg/mani_admin_plugin/gametypes.txt file with the new one then restart your server or change to a new map.
This fixes an issue for CSS with public skins always defaulting to custom Terrorist skins. The main download files have also been updated to reflect this change.
ma_say definately now works in war mode
Fixed console output not showing in HL2DM mods
Fixed more option not working on Admin setskin menu
Skin menu now appears at team join rather than player spawn, for single team source mods the skin menu appears at first spawn
Updated sound attentuation by distance for slay/hurt sounds
Added ban log into console.log
Added new cvar mani_cs_stacking_num_levels so you can build towers in CSS
Menus can now be sorted in alphabetical order, this makes it easier to find players by name
Added following commands: -
ma_sethealth <player> <health>
ma_givehealth <player> <health>
ma_givehealthp <player> <percent to give>
ma_takehealth <player> <health>
ma_takehealthp <player> <percent to take>
Setting health to 0 will slay a player without removing a frag
ma_teleport has been updated so that coordinates can be specifed (this allows it to be used from the server console)
ma_teleport <player> <x> <y> <z>
ma_timebomb <player> turns them into a walking time bomb
ma_firebomb <player> turns them into a walking fire bomb
ma_freezebomb <player> turns them into a walking freeze bomb
The following 5 commands are for use in conjunction with the new source mod compatibilty gametypes.txt config file
ma_game Shows the current game description
ma_teamindex Shows your current internal team index as a number
ma_offset <offset> Used to check useful offsets required by the plugin to function
ma_offsetscan <value to look for> <start offset> <end offset> Used to find a particular value within a memory range
ma_forcegametype Used to force the plugin to re-configure itself for the current game mod (more on that later on)
New functionality: -
Slay/Freeze visual effects greatly enhanced (Thanks Bailopan and Lance VOrgin)
Added death beam mode where a red beam shows the tracjectory of the weapon that killed you. This can be disabled per player by them using the settings command
Team Kill Punishment system has been re-written completely for future enhancements.
As a bonus for doing this there are now 3 new punishments.
Time Bomb with 3 modes of operation (see new cvars)
Fire Bomb
Freeze Bomb
Bots can now take and given most of the punishments in the menu.
Skins can now work in any source mod.
Skins can now be per map: -
If you want a skin to override the defaults, add a directory in the /skins/maps/ directory that represents the map you want to use. Within that directort replicate the stucture that is used in the default /skins directory
If I wanted special skins for de_dust I would add a new directory called de_dust in the skins/maps/ directory
within that directory would be the usual layout of skins to be used.
New Game Types functionality.
There is a new config file called gametypes.txt
This file under most circumstances will not need to be altered but it contains source mod specific data that allows the plugin to work much better with games like CSS, HL2 Deathmatch, HL2 Team Deathmatch, HL2 Capture the flag etc.
In the file are a number of templates for existing mods out there and hopefully it should be flexible enough to handle new mods that aren't in there.
This file must be added to your existing installation if you are upgrading.
If you are interested in added skins to your server for any mod it is worth looking at the file to see how your skin configuration is setup per mod.
Warning, if you are using a HL2DM server you should add the new console command :-
at the end of your server.cfg file. This is because the game changes the game name once mp_teamplay has been initialised.
CVar in mani_server.cfg
mani_tk_allow_time_bomb_option 1 // This defines whether the tk time bomb option can be used or not
mani_tk_time_bomb_seconds 10 // This defines the time before the bomb goes off
mani_tk_time_bomb_blast_radius 1000 // This defines the bomb blast radius
mani_tk_time_bomb_show_beams 1 // 0 = no beams, 1 = beams on
mani_tk_time_bomb_blast_mode 2 // 0 = player only, 1 = players on same team, 2 = all players
mani_tk_allow_fire_bomb_option 1 // This defines whether the tk fire bomb option can be used or not
mani_tk_fire_bomb_seconds 10 // This defines the time before the bomb goes off
mani_tk_fire_bomb_blast_radius 1000 // This defines the bomb blast radius
mani_tk_fire_bomb_show_beams 1 // 0 = no beams, 1 = beams on
mani_tk_fire_bomb_blast_mode 2 // 0 = player only, 1 = players on same team, 2 = all players
mani_tk_fire_bomb_burn_time 100 // Time in seconds that players will burn for
mani_tk_allow_freeze_bomb_option 1 // This defines whether the tk freeze bomb option can be used or not
mani_tk_freeze_bomb_seconds 10 // This defines the time before the bomb goes off
mani_tk_freeze_bomb_blast_radius 1000 // This defines the bomb blast radius
mani_tk_freeze_bomb_show_beams 1 // 0 = no beams, 1 = beams on
mani_tk_freeze_bomb_blast_mode 2 // 0 = player only, 1 = players on same team, 2 = all players
mani_admintimebomb_anonymous 0 // This defines whether time bomb admin messages are anonymous to non admins (1 = anonymous)
mani_adminfirebomb_anonymous 0 // This defines whether fire bomb admin messages are anonymous to non admins (1 = anonymous)
mani_adminfreezebomb_anonymous 0 // This defines whether freeze bomb admin messages are anonymous to non admins (1 = anonymous)
mani_adminhealth_anonymous 0 // This defines whether sethealth admin messages are anonymous to non admins (1 = anonymous)
mani_player_settings_death_beam 0 // 0 = player settings default to off, 1 = player settings default to on
mani_show_death_beams 0 // 0 = death beams not shown globally, 1 = death beams are shown if player has them turned in their settings
mani_sort_menus 1 // 0 = No sorting of menus, 1 = Sort most menus in alphabetical order
mani_cs_stacking_num_levels 2 // Set this to allow stacking of players in CSS (overrides cs_stacking_num_levels cvar)
New translations in this version that must be installed or you will experience crashes !!!
// **********************************************
// New in V1.1.0s
// **********************************************
// Set Player Time Bomb/Fire Bomb/Freeze Bomb
// Initial message for Escape style menus
00850;;Press ESC to choose a player to time bomb
// Menu title
00851;;Choose a player to time bomb
// Initial message for Escape style menus
00852;;Press ESC to choose a player to fire bomb
// Menu title
00853;;Choose a player to fire bomb
// Initial message for Escape style menus
00854;;Press ESC to choose a player to freeze bomb
// Menu title
00855;;Choose a player to freeze bomb
00640;;Time Bomb
00302;;Time Bomb
00641;;Fire Bomb
00303;;Fire Bomb
00642;;Freeze Bomb
00304;;Freeze Bomb
// ********************************************
// Handle different source mods
// ********************************************
// CSS Mod
00902;;Counter Terrorist
New Admin Flags
// T = restrict admin from running ma_timebomb command
// U = restrict admin from running ma_firebomb command
// W = restrict admin from running ma_freezebomb command
// X = restrict admin from running ma_sethealth and derived commands
New Immunity flag
// q = make user immune from being time bombed by admin
// r = make user immune from being fire bombed by admin
// s = make user immune from being freeze bombed by admin
Files changed from V1.1.0r
actionsoundlist.txt (removed menu selection items)
gametypes.txt (new file must be added !! )
Download Link
From version (V1.1.0o) all patch files will be patches from the previous release which in this case is V1.1.0q
Patch File
Patch version CS Source
Full version CS Source
Patch version HL2 Deathmatch
Full version HL2 Deathmatch
发表于 2005-8-22 17:59:54
Release V1.1.0t (21st August 2005)
Fixed ma_teleport (players now stack too if more than one player being teleported to the same location)
Updated gametypes.txt file for Garrys Mod and fixed advanced effects offset for windows mods like CTF, Hidden etc.
Updated hook code that may fix problems with linux installations crashing on server startup.
Fixed Garrys mod crashing on startup
Added new mode for damage stats, you can now have full hitgroups displayed. Also slightly updated how they are displayed.
Added deathbeam in game command to toggle deathbeam settings for players
Timebomb can now be undone by admin
Firebomb can now be undone by admin
Freezebomb can now by undone by admin
Added group options #BOT, #HUMAN, #ALIVE, #DEAD when using a ma_ command that selects players
Added anti-ghost functionality that blinds players when they die and are on the same IP as another player that is still alive.
The blinded players regain sight when all players on the same IP address are dead.
Admins are immune to this automatically, there is a new immunity flag that can be setup for non-admins.
Added new cvars to prevent ghosting players from performin votekick and voteban commands if they try to take over a server.
New TK punishment, called beacon.
Added new cvars for the control of the radius of the beam rings that eminate using the timebomb/firebomb/freezebomb.
Added following commands: -
ma_position (Client only command that gives your current X Y Z coordinates)
ma_beacon Turns player into a beacon.
ma_effect This is primarily for Matties Event Script writers. See the following post for details on how to use this
CVar in mani_server.cfg
mani_tk_time_bomb_beep_radius 0 // Radius of beep circle, 0 = radius measures the same as the bomb blast, default is 256
mani_tk_fire_bomb_beep_radius 0 // Radius of beep circle, 0 = radius measures the same as the bomb blast, default is 256
mani_tk_freeze_bomb_beep_radius 0 // Radius of beep circle, 0 = radius measures the same as the bomb blast, default is 256
mani_tk_allow_beacon_option 1 // Allow TK Beacon circle
mani_tk_beacon_radius 384 // Radius of beacon circle
mani_adminbeacon_anonymous 0 // This defines whether beacon admin messages are anonymous to non admins (1 = anonymous)
// This cvar prevents players on the same IP from viewing the game whilst another player on the same IP is still alive.
// Admins on the same IP are immune from this and there is an immunity flag that can also be used.
mani_blind_ghosters 1 // 0 = Dont blind ghosters on same IP, 1 = blind ghosters on same IP address
// The following cvars can prevent players using the same IP taking over your server by having a majority vote and
// kicking players so they can play.
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_ban_ghost 1 // 0 = Players on same IPs cannot use voteban, 1 = Players on same IPs can use voteban
mani_vote_allow_user_vote_kick_ghost 1 // 0 = Players on same IPs cannot use votekick, 1 = Players on same IPs can use votekick
New translations in this version that must be installed or you will experience crashes !!!
// **********************************************
// New in V1.1.0t
// **********************************************
// Set Player Beacon translations
// Initial message for Escape style menus
00856;;Press ESC to choose a player to beacon
// Menu title
00857;;Choose a player to turn into a beacon
New Admin Flags
// Y = restrict admin from running ma_beacon command
New Immunity flag
// u = make user immune from being turned into a beacon by admin
// v = make user immune from being blinded when anti ghosting is turned on
Files changed from V1.1.0s
texturelist.txt (New File for use with ma_effect command)
Download Link
From version (V1.1.0o) all patch files will be patches from the previous release which in this case is V1.1.0s
Patch File
Patch version CS Source
Full version CS Source
Patch version HL2 Deathmatch
Full version HL2 Deathmatch