BoeZombie 发表于 2005-6-5 19:36:33

Release V1.1.0l (30th May 2005)


Updated mani stats code to fix bug in qsort for non-steam id mode, may affect steam mode too. Symptoms would have been a crash on startup
Updated listen server code to fix changelevel causing server lockup
Updated listen server code to fix @ commands not working.
Updated cheat detection code to detect more variants of hlh hack.

No new CVars in mani_server.cfg
No new translations in this version, but you must be up to date with at least V1.1.0d

Files changed from V1.1.0k


Download Link

If you have any variant of V1.0.10 use the patch file here to update your files. This is not a patch for previous versions (V1.0.9 etc), use the full

installation if you are on V1.0.9a or below.
Please note the new language directory and make sure you copy the files there or the plugin will not load.

Patch File

Patch version CS Source

Full version CS Source

Patch version HL2 Deathmatch

Full version HL2 Deathmatch



BoeZombie 发表于 2005-6-5 19:36:58

Release V1.1.0m (30th May 2005)


Added new token {IPADDRESS}
Added * character to denote players who are admin when running ma_users
Added new admin flag L
Added new config file commandlist.txt in $BASE/cstrike/cfg/mani_admin_plugin/
This file allows configuration of custom say commands to be executed as rcon commands, client commands or adding new commands that substitute exsting say commands.

The commandlist.txt file looks like: -

// Mani Admin Plugin 2005
// file : commandlist.txt
// This file allows you to change the in game say commands
// by replacing them with your own version.
// The format is "yourcommand" type replacement command
// The type refers to either: -
// R = an RCON command to be executed (User must be admin with RCONSay
// authorisation
// An example would be: -
// "@botadd" R bot_add
// "@alltalk" R sv_alltalk 1
// "@rr" R mp_restartgame 2
// C = run a client command on your machine, anyone can use these
// An example would be: -
// "@menu" C admin
// "@vote" C say votemap
// "@kickmenu" C admin kick
// S = replace an @say command with your own version
// An example would be: -
// "@torch" S @ma_burn
// "@kill" S @ma_slay
// Note that comments must be started on a new line
// Do not do "@botadd" R bot_add // command to add bots

"@botadd" R bot_add
"@alltalk" R sv_alltalk 1
"@rr" R mp_restartgame 2

"@menu" C admin
"@vote" C say votemap
"@kickmenu" C admin kick

"@torch" S @ma_burn
"@kill" S @ma_slay

If anyone wants to share their commandlist.txt files please feel free, I will add it to the default installation.

No new CVars in mani_server.cfg
No new translations in this version, but you must be up to date with at least V1.1.0d

Files changed from V1.1.0l


Download Link

If you have any variant of V1.0.10 use the patch file here to update your files. This is not a patch for previous versions (V1.0.9 etc), use the full

installation if you are on V1.0.9a or below.
Please note the new language directory and make sure you copy the files there or the plugin will not load.

Patch File

Patch version CS Source

Full version CS Source

Patch version HL2 Deathmatch

Full version HL2 Deathmatch



BoeZombie 发表于 2005-6-5 19:37:15

Release V1.1.0n (30th May 2005)

Appologies for so many updates today....


Fixed linux server crash when player is slayed in certain circumstances.
Another update for a memory leak when running stats in non-steam mode
Removed 'Is Dedicated server' debug message from server console

No new CVars in mani_server.cfg
No new translations in this version, but you must be up to date with at least V1.1.0d

Files changed from V1.1.0m


Download Link

If you have any variant of V1.0.10 use the patch file here to update your files. This is not a patch for previous versions (V1.0.9 etc), use the full

installation if you are on V1.0.9a or below.
Please note the new language directory and make sure you copy the files there or the plugin will not load.

Patch File

Patch version CS Source

Full version CS Source

Patch version HL2 Deathmatch

Full version HL2 Deathmatch



9582 发表于 2005-6-14 15:25:17


BoeZombie 发表于 2005-6-16 01:34:17

Release V1.1.0o (7th June 2005)


Added {SERVERHOST} to token list that can be used in adverts
Changed how sounds are played so that environments such as tunnels do not affect them (you may notice they are slightly louder)
Added trigger sounds for the following events: -

Join Server
Round Start (CSS Only)
Round End (CSS only)
Vote Start
Vote End
Restricted Weapon buy attempt (CSS only)
Menu Selection
Menu Exit

The sounds can be modified in the new file actionsoundlist.txt, the new sounds are stored in sound/admin_plugin/actions/

// actionsoundlist.txt
// Place all your action sounds in this file
// This file uses aliases to define
// the sound name, they must not be altered !!!
// The second part on each line is the location
// and name of the file itself. You can change
// this to be wherever you want.
// In the example below I have commented out
// joinserver, roundstart and roundend. If you
// uncomment joinserver a sample I made will
// be played upon connection to a server. You will
// probably get bored with this quickly so replace
// it with your own
// Samples "joinserver.mp3", "startyourvoting.mp3" and
// "endofvote.mp3" were made by me (Mani) using FruityLoops
// and a nice VST plugin synth. The rest are from the
// core HL2 server installation.

//"joinserver" admin_plugin/actions/joinserver.mp3
"votestart" admin_plugin/actions/startyourvoting.mp3
"voteend" admin_plugin/actions/endofvote.mp3
//"roundstart" admin_plugin/actions/roundstart.mp3
//"roundend" admin_plugin/actions/roundend.mp3
"restrictedweapon" admin_plugin/actions/restrictedweapon.wav
"menuselect" admin_plugin/actions/menuselect.wav
"menuexit" admin_plugin/actions/menuexit.wav

Added a new cvar called mani_mute_con_command_spam specifically for Matties script users to remove client in game spam for certain commands.
Added a new webshortcut menu system, typing favourites in the client console or in game will bring up the menu.
Added two new entries in the english.cfg file for the webshortcut menu system.
Added a new server console only command called ma_msay that allows a menu to be rendered via Matties Event Scripts (Only for CSS and amx style menus). The format for this command is: -

ma_msay <time> <player> <message>

Time is in seconds, if you specify 0 the menu will stay up permantently until a number key is pressed.
Player is as standard player id's used in other commands.
Message is formatted as normal, to insert a line break use \n

Examples: -

ma_msay 10 "Mani" Your Stats\n.\nMani you've been killed yet again !!
ma_msay 0 #ALL Notice\n.\nThe server will be rebooted in 5 minutes

The following cvars are now publicly visible (hopefully) to hlsw.

mani_nextmap (cannot be changed and should not be in mani_server.cfg)
mani_admin_plugin_version (cannot be changed and should not be in mani_server.cfg)
mani_tickrate (cannot be changed and should not be in mani_server.cfg)

mani_reserve_slots (Can be changed and is in mani_server.cfg)

Fixed ma_psay logging not writing a line break.
Updated ma_say and ma_chat to have either (ALL) or (CHAT) next to log entries
Fix an issue around user votekick & voteban
Fix mapcyle.txt file missing causing problems if the mapcycle.txt file is missing or empty.
Fix 'Did not find player being shown' in server console when using say command
Fix build map vote admin flag not working correctly
Fix stats mode not going into non-steam mode correctly causing player stats not to be logged.

New CVar in mani_server.cfg

// **********************************************
// **********************************************
// New for V1.1.0o
// **********************************************
// **********************************************

// New cvar for removing spam from certain ma_ commands into the client screen. For the Mattie Events scripts people.

mani_mute_con_command_spam 0 // Set to 0 for normal mode, set to 1 for spam removal.

New translations in this version, YOU MUST UPDATE YOUR ENGLISH.CFG FILE !!!!

// **********************************************
// New in V1.1.0o Web shortcut menu
// **********************************************

// Initial message for Escape style menus
00770;;Press ESC to choose a web shortcut
// Menu title
00771;;Choose a web shortcut to show

Files changed from V1.1.0n

mani_server.cfg (new cvar)
actionsoundlist.txt (new file)
english.cfg (new translation)

Download Link

From this point on (V1.1.0o) all patch files will be patches from the previous release which in this case is V1.1.0n

Patch File

Patch version CS Source

Full version CS Source

Patch version HL2 Deathmatch

Full version HL2 Deathmatch



BoeZombie 发表于 2005-6-16 01:34:42

Release V1.1.0p (8th June 2005)

This is a small binary only update.


Fixed end of map vote not using minimum votes cvar
Fixed following cvars to be shown in hlsw.


HLSW Version will now display the plugin as an addon and show the status of the above cvars. (Thanks to Kenterfie at HLSW and sjuerges here on the forums )
Head over to to pick it up or autoupdate your HLSW.

No new CVar in mani_server.cfg

No new translations in this version, but your english.cfg file must be up to date with version V1.1.0o

Files changed from V1.1.0o


Download Link

From version (V1.1.0o) all patch files will be patches from the previous release which in this case is V1.1.0o

Patch File

Patch version CS Source

Full version CS Source

Patch version HL2 Deathmatch

Full version HL2 Deathmatch



blue8f 发表于 2005-6-16 11:01:54


todayhrb 发表于 2005-6-16 14:04:09


新仔 发表于 2005-6-18 01:51:42


jeff_c 发表于 2005-6-20 00:02:15

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查看完整版本: [color=blue][b][u]【管理插件】Mani Admin Plugin v1.2 【06年3月19日】[/u][/b][/