楼主 |
发表于 2003-6-14 13:40:46
来自 中国–广东–深圳–南山区
Client Rate
: SpaceDude
: Jan 13 2003 - 22:58
Last update
: Jan 14 2003 - 13:06
This plugin will set the rate of clients connected to your server to reduce lag. You can set the maximum bandwidth of your server and have it split between clients. You can also give more bandwidth to players who are alive, and less to dead players. remember though that the minimum rate and maximum rate that players can have is governed by sv_minrate and sv_maxrate.
Server Commands:
rate_max - set this to the total rate you want split between players (default 16000)
rate_ratio - set this to the ratio of rate you want to give to dead players (default 0.5, this means that dead players get half as much as alive players. 1 would give the same amount of rate for everyone, 0 would give no rate at all to dead players.)
rate_localping - set the maximum ping of local players. if you have players on a lan then they will not be using up internet bandwidth, any players with a ping lower or equal to this setting will not be taken into acount for rate calculations (default 0).
rate_showmessage - if set to 1, a message will be displayed in the console when rates are changed. use only for testing new settings otherwise leave at 0.
rate_force - turns the plugin on and off (default 1, on)
for listen servers, rate_localping 0 means that the host will not be taken into acount. if for some reason you want to be taken into acount in the calculations set rate_localping -1.
:yeah: |
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