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发表于 2007-6-5 14:31:56 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–内蒙古–通辽
StatsMe 2.7.1的 StatsMe.cfg谁翻译下?
// StatsMe 2.7.1 Counter-Strike - Configuration File
// http://www.unitedadmins.com
// http://statsme.sourceforge.net
// Display the StatsMe MOTD. make your custom MOTD changes in that file.
// If you don't want an MOTD, comment this out
//exec addons/statsme/motd.cfg
// Define Addon Standards Log Format (for compatibility with PsychoStats etc.)
// 1 - old method (without [STATSME] tag)
// 2 - new Method (with [STATSME] tag)
// 3 - both methods (two lines, one with, one without tag)
sm_addonlogformat 2
//                   //
//          //
// Set password for StatsMe Menu (no password disables menu)
sm_menupassword "root" // To display public menu type as player in the console: statsme_menu root
// Rank by AUTHID
// If you play with bots, or on a LAN Server you should *not* enabled Rank by AUTHID
sm_storebyauth 0
// Time when the Ranking will be updated
// 2 - On every new round
// 1 - On Player disconnect
// 0 - On Server shutdown
sm_rankupdate 2
// Set time in hours after which top15 will be reset
sm_resetrank 0
// Allow for logging bots to top15
sm_rankbots 1
// Log format for end map weapon stats (make sure you have "log on" in your server.cfg)
// To disable this logging set sm_logformat to ""
sm_logformat "(weapon \'{p.a.name}\') (shots \'{p.a.shots}\') (hits \'{p.a.hits}\') (kills \'{p.a.kills}\') (headshots \'{p.a.hs}\') (tks \'{p.a.tks}\') (damage \'{p.a.damage}\') (deaths \'{p.a.deaths}\')"
//sm_logformat ""
// Detailed log format for weapon stats
// To disable this logging set sm_logformat2 to ""
sm_logformat2 "(weapon \'{p.a.name}\') (head \'{p.a.head}\') (chest \'{p.a.chest}\') (stomach \'{p.a.stomach}\') (leftarm \'{p.a.leftarm}\') (rightarm \'{p.a.rightarm}\') (leftleg \'{p.a.leftleg}\') (rightleg \'{p.a.rightleg}\')"
//sm_logformat2 ""
// Latency log
// To disable this logging set sm_latlogformat to ""
sm_latlogformat "(ping \'{p.ping}\')"
//sm_latlogformat ""
sm_latlogfreq 20 // sec.
// Playing time
// To disable this logging set sm_timelogformat to ""
sm_timelogformat "(time \'{p.time}\')"
//sm_timelogformat ""
// Player stats format (when called by /statsme)
sm_playerstats "Killed enemies: {p.gm.kills}\nDeaths: {p.gm.deaths}\nEfficiency: {p.gm.eff}%%\nAccuracy: {p.gm.acc}%%\n"
// Weapon stats format (when called by /statsme)
sm_weaponstats "{p.a.name} shots: {p.a.shots} hits: {p.a.hits} kills: {p.a.kills} hs: {p.a.hs} damage: {p.a.damage} eff.: {p.a.eff}%% acc.: {p.a.acc}%%"
// Format of top15
sm_ranktitle "Top 15"
sm_rankhead "#  nick                     kills/deaths   hits/shots/hs.   eff.%%   acc.%%"
sm_rankbody "{rk.id}.  {rk.name}{rk.txt} {rk.kills}/{rk.deaths}   {rk.hits}/{rk.shots}/{rk.hs}   {rk.eff}    {rk.acc}"
sm_rankscore "{{rk.kills}-{rk.deaths}}" // by diff. between kills and deaths
//sm_rankscore "{rk.kills}" // by kills
//sm_rankscore "" // for default formula
// Set teams which score should be available
sm_score "TERRORIST" "CT"
// Usage: sm_mode[ mod id ] < set | remove > < bits > [ * | #uid | team ]
sm_mode set abc // enable itermission stats, statsme, stats and top15
// check if we have to remove statsme, stats and top15 commands
sm_do "sm_rankcmd {sm_mode&c?top15:\'\'};sm_statsmecmd {sm_mode&b?statsme:\'\'};sm_statscmd {sm_mode&b?stats:\'\'}"
// Positions for StatsMe Menu (most of them are in scriptfiles)
// Usage: sm_menu < description > < server command >
sm_menu "Intermission stats\y\R{sm_mode&a?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&a?remove:set} a"
sm_menu "/statsme and /stats\y\R{sm_mode&b?ON:OFF}" "sm_statsmecmd {sm_mode&b?\'\':statsme};sm_statscmd {sm_mode&b?\'\':stats};sm_mode {sm_mode&b?remove:set} b"
sm_menu "Top15 Rank\y\R{sm_mode&c?ON:OFF}" "sm_rankcmd {sm_mode&c?\'\':top15};sm_mode {sm_mode&c?remove:set} c"
//sm_menu "-----" " "
//sm_menu "mp_tkpunish\y\R{C.mp_tkpunish}" "mp_tkpunish {C.mp_tkpunish?0:1}"
//sm_menu "mp_friendlyfire\y\R{C.mp_friendlyfire}" "mp_friendlyfire {C.mp_friendlyfire?0:1}"
//sm_menu "mp_autoteambalance\y\R{C.mp_autoteambalance}" "mp_autoteambalance {C.mp_autoteambalance?0:1}"

// sm_alias < alias > < command > < flags >
// flags: a - console command, b - say command, c - don't show said alias
sm_alias "/score" "sm_tell2 #{p.uid} \'Game score:   {t2gm.name} {t2gm.score} / {t2gm.eff} / {t2gm.acc}   --   {t1gm.name} {t1gm.score} / {t1gm.eff} / {t1gm.acc}\' 3" "b"
sm_alias "/report" "sm_clexec2 #{p.uid} \'say_team weapon: {p.w.name?$:#} ammo: {p.w.clip}/{p.w.ammo} health: {p.health} armor: {p.armor} money: {p.money}\' 3" "bc"
sm_alias "/timeleft" "sm_tell2 * \'{timeleft?Time Remaining\:  $:* No Time Limit *}\' 3" "b"
sm_alias "/currentmap" "sm_tell2 * \'Played map:   {currentmap}\' 3" "b"
sm_alias "/me" "sm_tell2 #{p.uid} \'* Last result: {p.a.hits?$:#} hit(s) >>{p.a.head? head\: $}{p.a.chest? chest\: $}{p.a.stomach? stomach\: $}{p.a.leftleg? leftleg\: $}{p.a.rightleg? rightleg\: $}{p.a.leftarm? leftarm\: $}{p.a.rightarm? rightarm\: $}\' 3" "b"
sm_alias "/ff" "sm_tell2 * \'Firendly fire:   {C.mp_friendlyfire?ON:OFF}\' 3" "b"
sm_alias "/switch" "sm_clexec2 #{p.uid} \'setinfo {C.sm_switchinfo} {p.I.{C.sm_switchinfo}?0:1}\';sm_tell2 #{p.uid} \'* You have {p.I.{C.sm_switchinfo}?disabled:enabled} statsme announcement\' 3" "b"
sm_alias "/top15" "{sm_mode&c?:#}sm_clexec2 #{p.uid} {C.sm_rankcmd}" "b"
sm_alias "/statsme" "{sm_mode&b?:#}sm_clexec2 #{p.uid} {C.sm_statsmecmd}" "b"
sm_alias "/stats" "{sm_mode&b?:#}sm_clexec2 #{p.uid} {C.sm_statscmd}" "b"
sm_alias "/rank" "sm_tell2 #{p.uid} \'* Your rank is {p.rk.id} of {ranknum} with {p.rk.kills} kills, {p.rk.hits} hits, {p.rk.acc} acc. and {p.rk.eff} eff.\' 3" "b"
// Load statsme scripts
// Don't comment these lines to disable scripts, use statsme_menu instead
exec addons/statsme/scripts/avlist.cfg
exec addons/statsme/scripts/bombc.cfg
exec addons/statsme/scripts/endround.cfg
exec addons/statsme/scripts/firstblood.cfg
exec addons/statsme/scripts/gresuc.cfg
exec addons/statsme/scripts/headshot.cfg
exec addons/statsme/scripts/kill.cfg
exec addons/statsme/scripts/knifekill.cfg
exec addons/statsme/scripts/lastman.cfg
exec addons/statsme/scripts/playername.cfg
exec addons/statsme/scripts/roundcount.cfg
exec addons/statsme/scripts/specinfo.cfg
// The Following line loads all scriptpacks, defined in scriptpacks.cfg
exec addons/statsme/scriptpacks.cfg
// ONLY add scriptpacks to this file. It makes life easier for the support team.

sm_log Configuration for StatsMe 2.7.1 loaded.
发表于 2007-9-14 06:08:46 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–广州–白云区

回复: 英语刚刚地人帮忙下

2.7.1 statsme的statsme.cfg谁翻译下?
/ / statsme 2.7.1反罢工-配置文件
/ / http://www.unitedadmins.com
/ / http://statsme.sourceforge.net
/ /展示statsme motd 。使你定制motd变动档案。
/ /如果你不想要一个motd ,评论此列
/ / exec玩家/ statsme / motd.cfg
/ / addon界定标准日志格式(兼容psychostats等)
/ / 1 -旧法(无[ s tatsme]标签)
/ / 2 -新的方法( [ s tatsme]标签)
/ / 3 -两种方法(两条线,其中,一无标签)
2 sm_addonlogformat
////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
/ / / /
/ /改变这一部分! !很重要! ! ! / /
/ / / /
////////////////////////////////////////////////// ////////////////////////////////
/ /设定密码statsme菜单(无密码禁用菜单)
sm_menupassword "根" / /向公众展示菜单式作为球员在控制台: statsme_menu根
////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////
////////////////////////////////////////////////// ///////////////////////////////
/ /职由authid
/ /如果你玩机器人,或者一个局域网服务器,你应该不*使*级由authid
sm_storebyauth 0
/ /时,排名将更新
/ / 2 -每一轮新的
/ / 1 -播放断开
/ / 0 -服务器关机
2 sm_rankupdate
/ /设定时间在几小时后,顶部将复位
sm_resetrank 0
/ /让伐木机器人到顶部
sm_rankbots 1
/ /日志格式年底地图武器统计(要确定你有"日志" ,在你的server.cfg )
/ /停用此伐木集sm_logformat " "
sm_logformat " (武器\ ' ( ) p.a.name \ ' ) (枪\ ' ( ) p.a.shots \ ' ) (点击\ ' ( ) p.a.hits \ ' ) (死\ ' ( ) p.a.kills \ ' ) ( headshots \ ' ( ) p.a.hs \ ' ) (韩国社交协会\ ' ( ) p.a.tks \ ' ) (损害\ ' p.a.damage ( ) \ ' ) (死亡\ ' ( ) p.a.deaths \ ' ) "
/ / sm_logformat " "
/ /详细日志格式武器统计
/ /停用此伐木集sm_logformat2 " "
sm_logformat2 " (武器\ ' ( ) p.a.name \ ' ) (头\ ' ( ) p.a.head \ ' ) (胸部\ ' ( ) p.a.chest \ ' ) (胃\ ' ( ) p.a.stomach \ ' ) ( leftarm \ ' ( ) p.a.leftarm \ ' ) ( rightarm \ ' ( ) p.a.rightarm \ ' ) ( leftleg \ ' p.a.leftleg ( ) \ ' ) ( rightleg \ ' ( ) p.a.rightleg \ ' ) "
/ / sm_logformat2 " "
/ /潜伏期日志
/ /停用此伐木集sm_latlogformat " "
sm_latlogformat " (平\ ' ( ) p.ping \ ' ) "
/ / sm_latlogformat " "
sm_latlogfreq 20 / /秒。
/ /播放时间
/ /停用此伐木集sm_timelogformat " "
sm_timelogformat " (时间\ ' ( ) p.time \ ' ) "
/ / sm_timelogformat " "
/ /播放统计格式(时称/ statsme )
sm_playerstats "杀死敌人: p.gm.kills ( ) \ ndeaths : ( ) p.gm.deaths \ nefficiency : ( p.gm.eff ) % % \ naccuracy : ( p.gm.acc ) % % \氮"
/ /武器统计格式(当时名为文/ statsme )
sm_weaponstats " ( ) p.a.name杆: ( ) p.a.shots点击: ( ) p.a.hits死: ( ) p.a.kills协: ( ) p.a.hs损害: ( p.a.damage )疆界。 : ( p.a.eff ) % %协调。 : ( p.a.acc ) % % "
/ /格式顶部
sm_ranktitle一流" 15 "
sm_rankhead " #尼克死/死亡安打/拍摄/协。疆界。 % %协调。 % % "
sm_rankbody " rk.id ( ) 。 ( ) rk.name rk.txt ( ) ( ) rk.kills / rk.deaths ( ) ( ) rk.hits / rk.shots ( ) / ( rk.hs ) ( rk 。疆界) ( rk.acc ) "
sm_rankscore " ( ) rk.kills -r k.deaths( ) ) " / /差异。与杀人死亡
/ / sm_rankscore " ( ) rk.kills " / /死
/ / sm_rankscore " , " / /默认公式
/ /集队得分应可
sm_score "恐怖" , "断层"
/ /用法: sm_mode [国防部编号] <集|删除> <比特> [ * | #的uid |团队]
sm_mode集广播/ /使itermission统计, statsme ,统计和顶部
/ /检查,如果我们要消除statsme ,统计和顶部指令
sm_do " sm_rankcmd ( sm_mode &三?顶部: \ ' \ ' ) ; sm_statsmecmd ( sm_mode &乙? statsme : \ ' \ ' ) ; sm_statscmd ( sm_mode &乙?统计: \ ' \ ' ) "
/ /阵地statsme菜单(其中大多数是在scriptfiles )
/ /用法: sm_menu <说明> <服务器指挥>
sm_menu "间歇统计\肽y \ (的r & sm_mode了?关于:关) " , " sm_mode ( sm_mode &一?移除:集) "
sm_menu " / statsme /统计\肽y \ ® ( sm_mode &乙?关于:关) " , " sm_statsmecmd ( sm_mode &乙? \ ' \ ' : statsme ) ; sm_statscmd ( sm_模式二& ? \ ' \ ' :统计) ; sm_mode ( sm_mode &乙?移除:集)二"
sm_menu "顶部级\肽y \ ® ( sm_mode &三?关于:关) " , " sm_rankcmd ( sm_mode &三? \ ' \ ' :顶部) ; sm_mode ( sm_mode &三?移除:一套三) "
/ / sm_menu "-----" " "
/ / sm_menu " mp_tkpunish \肽y \住宅c.mp_tkpunish ( ) " , " mp_tkpunish ( c.mp_tkpunish ?击败她们) "
/ / sm_menu " mp_friendlyfire \肽y \住宅c.mp_friendlyfire ( ) " , " mp_friendlyfire ( c.mp_friendlyfire ?击败她们) "
/ / sm_menu " mp_autoteambalance \肽y \住宅c.mp_autoteambalance ( ) " , " mp_autoteambalance ( c.mp_autoteambalance ?击败她们) "

/ / sm_alias <别名> <指挥> <旗帜>
/ /旗: -指挥控制台,乙-指挥说,三-不说,显示别名
sm_alias " /评分" , " # sm_tell2 p.uid ( ) \ '游戏评分: t2gm.name ( ) ( ) t2gm.score / t2gm.eff ( ) / ( ) t2gm.acc -( t 1gm.name ) ( ) t1gm.score / t1gm.eff ( ) / ( ) t1gm.acc \ ' 3 " , "二"
sm_alias " /报告" , " # sm_clexec2 p.uid ( ) \ ' say_team武器: ( p.w.name ?$:#}弹药: ( p.w.clip ) / ( p.w.弹药)生: ( ) p.health装甲: ( ) p.armor金钱: ( ) p.money \ ' 3 " , "西元"
sm_alias " / timeleft " " sm_tell2 * \ ' ( timeleft ?剩余时间\ : $ : *没有时间限制* ) \ ' 3 " , "乙"
sm_alias " / currentmap " " sm_tell2 * \ '发挥地图: ( ) currentmap \ ' 3 " , "二"
sm_alias " /我" , " # sm_tell2 p.uid ( ) \ ' *最后结果: ( p.a.hits ?$:#}击中湾( s ) > > ( p.a.head ?目\ :元) ( p.a.chest ?胸部\ : $ ) ( p.a.stomach ?胃\ : $ ) ( p.a.leftleg ? leftleg \ : $ ) ( p.a.rightleg ? rightleg \ : $ ) ( p.a.leftarm ? leftarm \ : $ ) ( p.a.rightarm ? rightarm \ : $ ) \ ' 3 " , "二"
sm_alias " /法郎" , " sm_tell2 * \ '防锈防火: ( c.mp_friendlyfire ?关于:关) \ ' 3 " , "乙"
sm_alias " /开关" , " # sm_clexec2 p.uid ( ) \ ' setinfo c.sm_switchinfo ( ) ( (终c.sm_switchinfo ) ?击败她们) \ ' ; sm_tell2 # p.uid ( ) \ ' *你有腿( ( c.sm_switchinfo ) ?残疾人:使) statsme宣布\ ' 3 " , "二"
sm_alias " /顶部" , " ( sm_mode &三? : # ) # sm_clexec2 p.uid ( ) ( ) c.sm_rankcmd " , "乙"
sm_alias " / statsme " , " ( sm_mode &乙? : # ) # sm_clexec2 p.uid ( ) ( ) c.sm_statsmecmd " , "乙"
sm_alias " /统计" , " ( sm_mode &乙? : # ) # sm_clexec2 p.uid ( ) ( ) c.sm_statscmd " , "乙"
sm_alias " /级" , " # sm_tell2 p.uid ( ) \ ' *您的排名是p.rk.id ( ) ( ranknum ) ( ) p.rk.kills死, ( p.rk.hits点击) , ( ) p.rk.acc协调。 ( ) p.rk.eff疆界。 \ ' 3 " , "乙"
/ /负荷statsme剧本
/ /不评论这些线路禁用脚本,并使用反而statsme_menu
exec玩家/ statsme /剧本/ avlist.cfg
exec玩家/ statsme /剧本/ bombc.cfg
exec玩家/ statsme /剧本/ endround.cfg
exec玩家/ statsme /剧本/ firstblood.cfg
exec玩家/ statsme /剧本/ gresuc.cfg
exec玩家/ statsme /剧本/ headshot.cfg
exec玩家/ statsme /剧本/ kill.cfg
exec玩家/ statsme /剧本/ knifekill.cfg
exec玩家/ statsme /剧本/ lastman.cfg
exec玩家/ statsme /剧本/ playername.cfg
exec玩家/ statsme /剧本/ roundcount.cfg
exec玩家/ statsme /剧本/ specinfo.cfg
/ /以下线路负荷全部scriptpacks ,界定scriptpacks.cfg
exec玩家/ statsme / scriptpacks.cfg
/ /只放入scriptpacks这个档案。它使生活更容易支援队。

sm_log配置statsme 2.7.1加载。

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-9-14 09:13:13 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–广东–中山

回复: 英语刚刚地人帮忙下


使用道具 举报

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