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发表于 2007-1-14 23:47:09 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–广西–柳州

[URL="http://www.dt-club.net/forum/thread/71/13561.htm"][/URL]//- 本插件是在stats的基础上由阿牛修改出来的,如果你在此代码上再作修改,请保留这行文字
//- 如果你看到有乱码,那是因为插件里做了两次汉化,分别是UTF-8 和非UTF-8 两种编码
//- 本插件是在stats的基础上由阿牛修改出来的,如果你在此代码上再作修改,请保留这行文字
//- 如果你看到有乱码,那是因为插件里做了两次汉化,分别是UTF-8 和非UTF-8 两种编码
/* AMX Mod script.
* (c) 2003, OLO
* This file is provided as is (no warranties).
* Plugin works with Stats Settings Plugin. Just run both of them.
* By amx_statscfg command (from Stats Settings Plugin)
* you will be able to set all settings and save them to a file.
* Example of usage for some options:
* amx_ststacfg on ShowAttackers
* amx_ststacfg on SayHP
* Accept able are also parts of name:
* amx_statscfg off say
* amx_statscfg on show

#include <amxmod>
#include <amxmisc>
#include <csstats>

// You can also manualy enable these options by setting them to 1
// For example:
// public ShowAttackers = 1
// However amx_statscfg command is recommended

public ShowAttackers      // shows attackers
public ShowVictims        // shows victims
public ShowKiller         // shows killer
public EndPlayer          // displays player stats at the end of map
public EndTop15           // displays top15 at the end of map
public KillerClip         //- 显示杀人者的武器和子弹数量
public SpecRankInfo       // displays rank info when spectating

public ShowHitAndHurt            //-显示命中部位和受伤部位
public ShowSpecStatus            //-显示观看对象的资料
public ShowRatio            //-显示观看对象的命中率
public ShowMoney            //-显示观看者的钱
public ShowIp                //-显示观看者的IP地址
public SayRatio                //-是否同意说/ratio看自己的命中率
public EndRoundTop5            //-每局结束的时候显示TOP5

public SayHP              // displays information about user killer
public SayStatsAll        // displays players stats and rank
public SayTop15           // displays first 15. players
public SayRank            // displays user position in rank
public SayStatsMe         // displays user stats

public EndTeamScore       // displays at the end of round team score
public EndMostKills       // displays at the end of who made most kills
public EndMostDamage      // displays at the end of who made most damage

new g_Killers[33][4]
new g_Buffer[2048]
new g_userPosition[33]
new g_userState[33]
new g_userPlayers[33][32]
new g_bodyParts[8][] = {"全身","头部","胸部","腹部","左臂","右臂","左腿","右腿"}
new g_cbodyParts[8][] = {"全身","头部","胸部","腹部","左臂","右臂","左腿","右腿"}
new bool:g_specMode[33]
new g_teamScore[2]
new g_menuchose[3][] = {"显示统计","显示排名","显示命中率"}

new g_disabledMsg[] = "服务器关闭了这个功能"

public plugin_init() {
  register_clcmd("say /hp","cmdKiller",0,"- displays info. about your killer")
  register_clcmd("say /statsme","cmdStatsMe",0,"- displays your stats")
  register_clcmd("say /stats","cmdStats",0,"- displays others stats")
  register_clcmd("say /top15","cmdTop15",0,"- displays top 15 players")
  register_clcmd("say /rank","cmdRank",0,"- displays your server stats")
  register_clcmd("say /ratio","cmdratio",0,"- displays your ratio")
  register_event( "TeamScore", "eTeamScore", "a" )

public plugin_cfg(){
  new g_addStast[] = "amx_statscfg add ^"%s^" %s"
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Say /hp 功能","SayHP")
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Say /stats 功能","SayStatsAll")
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Say /top15 功能","SayTop15")
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Say /rank 功能","SayRank")
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Say /ratio 功能","SayRatio")
  server_cmd(g_addStast,"Say /statsme 功能","SayStatsMe")

public eTeamScore(){
  new team[2]
  read_data( 1, team, 1 )
  g_teamScore[ (team[0]=='C') ? 1 : 0 ] = read_data(2)

public setSpecMode(id) {
  new arg[12]
  read_data( 2 , arg , 11 )
  g_specMode[ id ] = ( arg[10] == '4' )  //- 设置为第一人称视角

Float:getratio( temp[8],x,all ) {
    if( all == 0 ) return ( 0.0 );
    return ( 100.0 * float( temp[x] ) / float( all ) );

getspecstatus(id) {
    new pos,stats[8],bodyhits[8],bodysum
    if ( ShowSpecStatus ){
        new name[32]
        new health = get_user_health(id)
        new armor = get_user_armor(id)
        new data[8]
        new rank = get_user_stats(id,data,data)
        pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"名字 : %s^n血 : %d^n甲 : %d^n排名 : %d^n",name,health,armor,rank )
    if ( ShowMoney ){
        new money = get_user_money(id)
        pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"金钱 : $ %d^n",money )
    if ( ShowRatio ){
        for( new x=1; x<8; ++x )
          bodysum += bodyhits[x]
        new float:bodyratio[8]
        for( new x=1; x<8; ++x )
          bodyratio[x] = getratio( bodyhits, x, bodysum )
        if ( stats[1]==0 )
          bodyratio[0] = 0
          bodyratio[0] = ( float (stats[0]) / float (stats[1]) )
        pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"命中率 :^n")
        for ( new i = 1; i<8; ++i )
          pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"->%s : %.2f%%%%^n",g_bodyParts,bodyratio)
        pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"杀人/死亡 : %.2f^n",bodyratio[0])
    if ( ShowIp ){
        new ipaddress[16]
        pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"IP :%s^n",ipaddress)
  new pos = 0,name[32],stats[8],bodyhits[8]
  pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"目前的前5名 :")
  new imax = get_statsnum()
  if (imax > 5) imax = 5
  for(new a = 0; a < imax; ++a){
    get_stats(a, stats, bodyhits, name, 31)
    pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"^n%d. %s",a+1,name )

public showRank(id)
  if ( SpecRankInfo && g_specMode[id] ){
    new a = read_data(2)
    if ( is_user_connected( a ) ){
      //new name[32], data[8]
      //get_user_name( a ,name,31)
      //new pos = get_user_stats( a ,data,data)
      //set_hudmessage(255,255,255,0.02,0.85,2, 0.05, 0.1, 0.01, 3.0, 1)
      //show_hudmessage(id,"%s's rank is %d of %d",name,pos,get_statsnum())
      if ( ShowRatio ){
          set_hudmessage( 80, 180, 50, 0.03, 0.31, 0, 6.0, 10.0, 0.1, 0.2, 2)
          //set_hudmessage(random_num(0,255),random_num(0,255),random_num(0,255), 0.03, 0.31, 0, 6.0, 10.0, 0.1, 0.2, 2)
          set_hudmessage( 85, 62, 210, 0.03, 0.50, 0, 6.0, 10.0, 0.1, 0.2, 2)
          //set_hudmessage(random_num(0,255),random_num(0,255),random_num(0,255), 0.03, 0.50, 0, 6.0, 10.0, 0.1, 0.2, 2)

/* build list of attackers */
getAttackers(id) {
  new name[32],wpn[32], stats[8],body[8],found=0
  new pos = copy(g_Buffer,2047,"攻击者 :^n")
  new amax = get_maxplayers()
  for(new a = 1; a <= amax; ++a){
      found = 1
      if (stats[0])
        format(wpn,31," -- %s",wpn)
        wpn[0] = 0
      pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"%s -- 命中 %d 次 / 伤害 %d %s^n",name,stats[5],stats[6],wpn)
  return found

/* build list of victims */
getVictims(id) {
  new name[32],wpn[32], stats[8],body[8],found=0
  new pos = copy(g_Buffer,2047,"受害者 :^n")
  new amax = get_maxplayers()
  for(new a = 1; a <= amax; ++a){
      found = 1
      if (stats[1])
        format(wpn,31," -- %s",wpn)
        wpn[0] = 0
      pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"%s -- 命中 %d 次 / 伤害 %d %s^n",name,stats[5],stats[6],wpn)
  return found

/* build list of hita for AV List */
getHits(id,killer) {
  new stats[8], body[8], pos = 0
  g_Buffer[0] = 0
  for(new a = 1; a < 8; ++a)
      pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"%s: %d^n",g_bodyParts[a],body[a])

/* get top 15 */
  new pos=0, stats[8], body[8], name[32]
#if !defined NO_STEAM
  pos = format(g_Buffer,2047,"<html><head><style type=^"text/css^">pre{color:#FFB000;}body{background:#000000;margin-left:8px;margin-top:0px;}</style></head><pre><body>")
  pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos," #  %-28.27s %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s^n",
      "名字", "杀人数" , "死亡数" , "命中", "开火", "爆头" )
  new imax = get_statsnum()
  if (imax > 15) imax = 15
  for(new a = 0; a < imax; ++a){
    pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"%2d. %-28.27s %6d %6d %6d %6d %6d^n",a+1,name,stats[0],stats[1],stats[5],stats[4],stats[2])
#if !defined NO_STEAM

/* build list of hits for say hp */
getMyHits(id,killed) {
  new name[32], stats[8], body[8]
  new pos = format(g_Buffer,2047,"你打中了 %s 的:",name)
  for(new a = 1; a < 8; ++a){
      pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos," %s: %d ",g_bodyParts[a],body[a])

//- 列命中部位
getMyHitlist(id,killed) {
  new name[32], stats[8], body[8]
  new pos = format(g_Buffer,2047,"击中 %s 的 :^n",name)
  for(new a = 1; a < 8; ++a){
      pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"%s: %d^n",g_bodyParts[a],body[a])

//- 列受伤部位
getMyHurtlist(id,killed) {
  new stats[8], body[8], temp=0
  new pos = format(g_Buffer,2047,"受伤部位 :^n")
  for(new a = 1; a < 8; ++a){
      pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"%s: %d^n",g_bodyParts[a],body[a])
      temp += body[a]
  if ( temp == 0 )
      pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"无^n")

public eCSDeathMsg() {
    new killer = read_data(1)
    new victim = read_data(2)
    if ( killer == victim ) return
    new vorigin[3], korigin[3]
    g_Killers[victim][0] = killer
    g_Killers[victim][1] = get_user_health(killer)
    g_Killers[victim][2] = get_user_armor(killer)
    g_Killers[victim][3] = get_distance(vorigin,korigin)
    if ( ShowHitAndHurt ){
        set_hudmessage(35,192,173,0.03,0.25,0, 6.0, 12.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3)
        set_hudmessage(163,82,65,0.03,0.48,0, 6.0, 12.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4)
    if ( ShowKiller ){
      new name[32], stats[8], body[8], wpn[33], mstats[8], mbody[8]
      if ( !get_user_vstats(victim,killer,mstats,mbody) )
        mstats[5] = mstats[6] = 0
      set_hudmessage(220,80,0,0.06,0.1,0, 6.0, 12.0, 1.0, 2.0, 1)
      show_hudmessage(victim,"%s (血 : %d /甲 : %d )^n从 %.2f 米远处用 %s 杀死了你.^n他击中你 %d 次,造成伤害 %d .^n你击中他 %d 次,造成伤害 %d .^n他击中你的部位 :^n%s",
          name, g_Killers[victim][1], g_Killers[victim][2],float(g_Killers[victim][3]) * 0.0254, wpn, stats[5],stats[6], mstats[5],mstats[6],g_Buffer )
    if ( ShowVictims && getVictims(victim) ){
      set_hudmessage(0,80,220,0.55,0.60,0, 6.0, 12.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4)
    if ( ShowAttackers  && getAttackers(victim)){
      set_hudmessage(220,80,0,0.55,0.35,0, 6.0, 12.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3)
    if (  KillerClip ){
      new name[32], kmsg[256], wpnname[32]
      new clip, ammo, wpnid = get_user_weapon(killer,clip,ammo)
      if ( clip<0 ) clip=0
      format(kmsg,255,"%s 用 %s 杀死了你^n弹夹里还有子弹 %d 发,子弹剩余 %d 发",name,wpnname[7],clip,ammo)
      set_hudmessage(255,255,255,0.02,0.81,0, 6.0, 10.0, 1.0, 2.0, 5)

public eResetHud( id )
  g_Killers[ id ][0] = 0

public eRoundEnd()
  set_task( 0.3 , "eRoundEndTask" )

public eRoundEndTask() {
  if ( EndRoundTop5 ){
      set_hudmessage(203,191,48,-1.0, 0.13, 0, 3.0, 5.0, 0.1, 0.2, 5)
      show_hudmessage( 0 ,g_Buffer)
  if (  ShowVictims || ShowAttackers ) {
    new players[32], pnum
    get_players( players , pnum, "a"  )
    for(new i = 0; i < pnum; ++i ) {
      if ( ShowVictims &&getVictims( players[ i ] )){
        set_hudmessage(0,80,220,0.55,0.60,0, 6.0, 12.0, 1.0, 2.0, 4)
        show_hudmessage( players[ i ] ,g_Buffer)
      if ( ShowAttackers && getAttackers( players[ i ] ) ){
        set_hudmessage(220,80,0,0.55,0.35,0, 6.0, 12.0, 1.0, 2.0, 3)
        show_hudmessage( players[ i ] ,g_Buffer)
  if ( EndMostKills || EndTeamScore || EndMostDamage  ){
    new players[32], pnum, stats[8],bodyhits[8], len = 0
    get_players( players , pnum )
    g_Buffer[0] = 0
    if ( EndMostKills ){
      new kills = 0, who = 0, hs = 0
      for(new i = 0; i < pnum; ++i){
        get_user_rstats( players,stats, bodyhits )
        if ( stats[0] > kills ){
          who = players
          kills = stats[0]
          hs = stats[2]
      if ( is_user_connected(who) ) {
        new name[32]
        get_user_name( who, name, 31 )
        len += format(g_Buffer[len] , 1024 - len ,
          "%s 杀人最多^n共杀人 %d 个 / 其中爆头 %d 个^n", name , kills , hs )
    if ( EndMostDamage ){
      new damage = 0, who = 0, hits = 0
      for(new i = 0; i < pnum; ++i){
        get_user_rstats( players,stats, bodyhits )
        if ( stats[6] > damage ){
          who = players
          hits = stats[5]
          damage = stats[6]
      if ( is_user_connected(who) ) {
        new name[32]
        get_user_name( who, name, 31 )
        len += format(g_Buffer[len] , 1024 - len ,
          "%s 伤害最多^n伤害总计 %d / 有效中弹数 %d^n", name , damage , hits )
    if ( ShowMoney ){
        new who = 0, temp = 0, money = 0
        new name[32]
        for(new i = 0; i < pnum; ++i){
          money = get_user_money(players)
          if ( money > temp ){
        who = players
            temp = get_user_money(players)
        if ( is_user_connected(who) ) {
          get_user_name( who,name,31 )
          len += format(g_Buffer[len] , 1024 - len , "%s 金钱最多 -- $: %d^n",name, get_user_money(who) )
    if ( EndTeamScore )
      format(g_Buffer[len] , 1024 - len , "恐怖分子 %d -- %d 反恐精英^n", g_teamScore[0] , g_teamScore[1] )
    set_hudmessage(100,200,0,0.02,0.65,2, 0.01, 5.0, 0.01, 0.01, 2 )
    show_hudmessage( 0 , g_Buffer )

public cmdKiller(id) {
  if ( !SayHP ){
    client_print(id,print_chat, g_disabledMsg )
  if (g_Killers[id][0]) {
    new name[32], stats[8], body[8], wpn[33], mstats[8], mbody[8]
    client_print(id,print_chat,"%s 从 %.2f 米处用 %s 杀死了你",  name,float(g_Killers[id][3]) * 0.0254 ,wpn )
    client_print(id,print_chat,"他击中你 %d 次共造成伤害 %d 并且还剩余 %d 的生命值和 %d 的护甲",
      stats[5],stats[6], g_Killers[id][1],g_Killers[id][2] )
    if ( get_user_vstats(id,g_Killers[id][0],mstats,mbody) )  {
      client_print(id,print_chat,"你击中他 %d 次共计伤害值 %d",mstats[5], mstats[6] )
    else client_print(id,print_chat,"你没有对他造成伤害.")
  else {

public cmdStatsMe(id){
  if ( !SayStatsMe ){
    client_print(id,print_chat, g_disabledMsg )

public displayStats(id,dest) {
  new pos=0, name[32], stats[8], body[8]
#if !defined NO_STEAM
  pos = format(g_Buffer,2047,"<html><head><style type=^"text/css^">pre{color:#FFB000;}body{background:#000000;margin-left:8px;margin-top:0px;}</style></head><pre><body>")
  pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"%6s: %d^n%6s: %d^n%6s: %d^n%6s: %d^n%6s: %d^n^n",
  pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos, "%-12.11s  %6s  %6s  %6s  %6s  %6s^n",
  for(new a = 1; a < 31; ++a) {
    if (get_user_wstats(id,a,stats,body)){
      pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"%-12.11s  %6d  %6d  %6d  %6d  %6d^n",
#if !defined NO_STEAM

public cmdratio(id){
  if ( !SayRatio ){
        client_print(id,print_chat, g_disabledMsg )
        return PLUGIN_HANDLED

public displayratio(id,dest) {
    new name[32]
    new stats[8],bodyhits[8],bodysum,pos = 0
    for( new x=1; x<8; x++ )
      bodysum += bodyhits[x]
    new float:bodyratio[8]
    for( new x=1; x<8; x++ )
      bodyratio[x] = getratio( bodyhits,x,bodysum )
    if ( stats[1]==0 )
      bodyratio[0] = 0
      bodyratio[0] =  100.0 * ( float (stats[0]) / float (stats[1]) )
    #if !defined NO_STEAM
        pos = format(g_Buffer,2047,"<html><head><style type=^"text/css^">pre{color:#FFB000;}body{background:#000000;margin-left:8px;margin-top:0px;}</style></head><pre><body>")
    pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"身体各部位命中率 :^n^n")
    for ( new i = 1; i<8; ++i )
      pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"%s : %.2f%%%%^n",g_cbodyParts,bodyratio)
    pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"杀人/死亡 : %.2f^n",bodyratio[0])
    #if !defined NO_STEAM

public cmdRank(id){
  if ( !SayRank ){
    client_print(id,print_chat, g_disabledMsg )

displayRank(id,dest) {
  new pos=0, name[32], stats[8], body[8]
  new rank_pos = get_user_stats(id,stats,body)
#if !defined NO_STEAM
  pos = format(g_Buffer,2047,"<html><head><style type=^"text/css^">pre{color:#FFB000;}body{background:#000000;margin-left:8px;margin-top:0px;}</style></head><pre><body>")
  pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"%s的排名是 %d 共有玩家 %d^n^n",(id==dest)?"你的":"他的", rank_pos,get_statsnum())
  pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"%10s: %d^n%10s: %d^n%10s: %d^n%10s: %d^n%10s: %d^n^n",
  pos += format(g_Buffer[pos],2047-pos,"%10s:^n%10s: %d^n%10s: %d^n%10s: %d^n%10s: %d^n%10s: %d^n%10s: %d^n%10s: %d",
    "命中部位",g_cbodyParts[1],body[1],g_cbodyParts[2],body[2],g_cbodyParts[3],body[3], g_cbodyParts[4],body[4],
#if !defined NO_STEAM

public cmdTop15(id) {
  if ( !SayTop15 ){
    client_print(id,print_chat, g_disabledMsg )

public endGameStats(){
  if ( EndPlayer ){
    new players[32], inum
    for(new i = 0; i < inum; ++i)
  else if ( EndTop15 ) {
    new players[32], inum
    for(new i = 0; i < inum; ++i)

public eInterMission()

public cmdStats(id){
  if ( !SayStatsAll ){
    client_print(id,print_chat, g_disabledMsg )

public actionStatsMenu(id,key){
  case 7: {
    //g_userState[id] = 1 - g_userState[id]
    g_userState[id] += 1
    if (g_userState[id] > 2 )
        g_userState[id] = 0
  case 8: showStatsMenu(id,++g_userPosition[id])
  case 9: showStatsMenu(id,--g_userPosition[id])
    new option = g_userPosition[id] * 7 + key
    new index = g_userPlayers[id][option]
    if (is_user_connected(index)){
      if (g_userState[id] == 1)
          if (g_userState[id] == 0)

  if (pos < 0) return PLUGIN_HANDLED
  new menu_body[512], inum, k = 0, start = pos * 7
  if (start >= inum) start = pos = g_userPosition[id] = 0
  new len = format(menu_body,511,"\y数据统计\R%d/%d^n\w^n",pos + 1,((inum/7)+((inum%7)?1:0)))
  new name[32], end = start + 7, keys = (1<<9)|(1<<7)
  if (end > inum) end = inum
  for(new a = start; a < end; ++a){
    keys |= (1<<k)
    len += format(menu_body[len],511-len,"%d. %s^n\w",++k,name)
  len += format(menu_body[len],511-len,"^n8. %s^n\w",g_menuchose[g_userState[id]] )
  if (end != inum){
    format(menu_body[len],511-len,"^n9. 下一页^n0. %s" , pos ? "返回" : "退出" )
    keys |= (1<<8)
  else format(menu_body[len],511-len,"^n0. %s" , pos ? "返回" : "退出" )
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