发表于 2003-12-7 09:14:45
来自 中国–广东–中山
// Knifekill announce
// Thanks to [-WE-]Invaderbunny and [-WE-]RoadKill for all the great phrases!
sm_mode set l
alias set_kk "sm_sayformat 0 200 100 -1 0.25 0 6 6 0.5 0.5 1" //Knife kill
sm_menu "Knifekill announce\\y\\R{sm_mode&l?ON:OFF}" "sm_mode {sm_mode&l?remove:set} l"
// Knife kill
sm_do "{#.txtkk0={v.name} was cut to ribbons by {k.name}!}"
sm_do "{#.txtkk1={v.name} tasted {k.name}'s cold steel!}"
sm_do "{#.txtkk2={k.name} just took out {v.name} assassin-style!}"
sm_do "{#.txtkk3={k.name} just gave {v.name} a Cuban necktie!}"
sm_do "{#.txtkk4={v.name} received a complimentary puncture wound courtesy of {k.name}...}"
sm_do "{#.txtkk5=O happy dagger, {v.name} is thy sheath!}"
sm_do "{#.txtkk6={k.name} just made {v.name}-kabobs! LUNCHY-MUNCHIES? HMM?!}"
sm_do "{#.txtkk7={k.name} felt the warmth of {v.name}'s freshly spilled blood.}"
sm_do "{#.txtkk8={k.name}'s Mother never taught them not to run with knives...}"
sm_reg "SM_DeathMsg l" "sm_clexec * \'spk misc/humiliation\';set_kk;sm_tell * \'{#.txtkk{R.8}}\'" "ade" "4=kni" |