楼主 |
发表于 2013-2-15 16:50:55
来自 中国–内蒙古–赤峰
本帖最后由 99fps 于 2013-2-15 17:36 编辑
version 版本信息
Protocol version 48 协议版本Pv48
Exe version (cstrike) 文件版本1126(cs)
Exe build: 10:44:50 Aug 28 2012 (5758) 2012-8-28-10-44-50-HLDS5758
couldn't exec listip.cfg
couldn't exec banned.cfg
Setmaster:Unknown command enable 未知命令启用
Could not establish connection to Steam servers. 无法建立到Steam服务器的连接
Reconnected to Steam servers. 重新连接到Steam服务器
VAC secure mode is activated. VAC安全模式启动
meta list meta一览
Currently loaded plugins: 当前加载的插件
AMX Mod X CStrike Engine FakeMeta Fun Ham Sandwich 1813746
dproto .9.179
sxei 8107
MasterRequestRestart Master请求重启
❤Your server is out of date. Please update and restart. 您的服务器过期。请更新重启
Server restart needed 需要重新启动服务器
Your server is out of date, and will not be listed
on the master server until you restart. 您的服务器已过期,直到您重启否则不会列在master服务器上
Do you with to shutdown now? 是否愿立即关闭?
[OK] [Cancel] 确定 取消