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昨天偶然发现 HLGuard 1.9n10

发表于 2007-12-4 09:38:44 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–山东–潍坊

回复: 昨天偶然发现 HLGuard 1.9n10

Reallite_HLG_2.4 Changelog:

The list of changes:
Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat 2.4
> Added New Detection
> Added blocking D3D Wallhack
> Fixed blocking team fullupdate
> Added changes in the system locking keys player
> A bug in blocking Silent Run aka Double Duck
> Added detection feature Bunny Hop (raspryzhki)
> Other small corrections

RHLG went awaited update to version 2.4. Updated from older versions to the new Required! Consider the changes in detail. By blocking D3D Wallhack means blocking certain values console commands: gl_ztrick 0, gl_d3dflip 1. Fixed fullupdate blocking team, but now it is for its use server does not immediately remove ubdet player that corrects mistakes when players vykidyvalo coincidence, for example, the use of some plugins AMXX on the server or the client democratic record. Now players will be removed from the server when multiple uses in a certain period of time komnady fullupdate, in other words flood. The changes referred to the system and locking keys player. New commands have been added: rhlg_blockkeysaction, rhlg_blockkeysbantime, rhlg_blockkeystime, rhlg_blockkeyslog. Consider all the commands one by one. rhlg_blockkeysaction means the action that happens when you press zablokirvoannoy keyboard player, meaning the commands available: 1-message in a chat admin, 2-removing players from the server, 3-bath on IP, 4-bath on Steam ID, 5-bath on IP through AMXBans, 6-Bahn to AMXBans via Steam ID. rhlg_blockkeysbantime Bana - time player in minutes when you press keys blocked, if you choose-bath effect. rhlg_blockkeystime is in seconds, which will occur through the reheating of keys to lock the player commands valid values: 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 120, 180, 240, 300 . rhlg_blockkeyslog 0 / 1 to turn on / off the record in the logs when you press keys blocked. Also error has been corrected with blocking Silent Run aka Double Duck, through which players can down from any height without loss of life. A new feature is the detection of any Bunny Hop (raspryzhki). It works this way: If a player makes raspryg, it is written warning that highlighted at the bottom of the screen. Once a player has gained a certain number of warnings, then it will act which states rhlg_bhopaction team. rhlg_bhop 1 / 0-inclusion / deactivation locking Bunny Hop. rhlg_bhopaction-up at detecting Bunny Hop, valid values commands: 1-message in the game, 2 for the disposal of players from the server, 3-bath on IP, 4-bath on Steam ID, 5-bath on AMXBans via IP, 6-bath on Steam ID through AMXBans. The number of warnings is set team rhlg_bhopwarnings, valid values commands: from 1 to 10. rhlg_bhopbantime Bana - time in minutes when a Bunny Hop, if you choose-bath effect. rhlg_bhoplog 0 / 1 to turn on / off the record in the logs when a Bunny Hop.
Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat 2.3
> A bug with the launch checks on the client konfigov
> A bug with the keys to lock the players
> Fully changed locking keys player
> Ability to on / off messages at the entrance of player
> Added support AMXBans in reallite_actions.cfg
> Added blocking Silent Run aka Double Duck

The new version RHLG corrected a mistake in verifying konfigov on the client. And pochinena system locking keys player. The system suffered a big change, it now operates without funds HLGuard (reallite_block_keys.cfg). Now reports RHLG player at the entrance to the server can enable / disable command rhlg_message 0 / 1. Fixed some errors in reallite_actions.cfg, as well as added support AMXBans. A new system of block Silent Run aka Double Duck. Using this exploit player will lose the speed that he or she will not use it.
Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat 2.2
> Added New Detection
> The ability to change information in the caption entering player to the server (default: Visit http://reallite.cs2.ru)
> The discovery of any version CD Hack
> The function block values teams player no longer uses HLGuard (hlg_conncomand)
> Added blocking client commands fullupdate
> Added blocking silent install bomb
> From now through rhlg_menu values can be managed teams, as well as to save them reallite_main.cfg
> Added blocking bugs for flash cards
>> de_dust2
>> de_nuke
>> de_aztec
>> de_cbble
>> de_inferno
>> de_train

This new release Reallite HLGuard brought many changes. At the request of users can now change the inscription "Visit http://reallite.cs2.ru" in its reallite_main.cfg. Added detection feature any version CD Hack. WARNING! This feature is included only in the event that you have not installed on the server Cheating-Death, failing to turn off its config. The function block values no longer uses HLGuard. Set values commands can lock in the new config reallite_block_cvars.cfg. Added fullupdate blocking team, because this team is considered by some exploit, for example, there are scripts on Anti-Flash through this team. When using simple commands will be removing a player from the server. Counter-Strike fixes bugs with silent installation bombs, for example, on de_dust2 could put a bomb so that the sounds pikanya bomb was not quite. Now bomb would produce sounds anyway. Now, through the command menu rhlg_menu become more powerful. It can change the basic settings Reallite HLGuard, and preserve their value through a menu in a file reallite_main.cfg. After all, has been added to the blocking of many bugs flash cards. The essence of bugs is that while clamping fleshki texture Ford radius greater than status, ignoring the obstacles (walls, boxes, etc.). Use of these features is considered unfair game.
Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat 2.1
> Added New Detection
> Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat made as a plug AMXX
> Zashifrovany important data RHLG
> Closing bugs and signs with the name &
> Ubrano closing bugs with buequip (teleportation)
> Action for the detection and HLG separate RHLG
> Logs RHLG new files are written in with the prefix rhlg_
> Improved system withdrawal screenshot detection recite
> Improved management system RHLG

Well, now. Now Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat works as a plug for AMX Mod X. Therefore, the success of RHLG on the server must be installed AMX Mod X 1.76 and HLGuard 1.9.nX. Now all important data scanning players for cheating and scripts are not available odd the eyes, which makes the pain even RHLG protected. Closed Tobago with a nickname and removed from the closure of bugs teleportatsiey through buyequip because fresh servers, it has long been closed. The actions in punishing Citera, and reports of the discovery in the game now razdelny of HLG. Logs will also be written into new files with the prefix rhlg_ in early, which allows to distinguish between work and RHLG HLG. The new system withdrawing from the screenshot recite when a player has become more comfortable. Now screenshot will be recorded in the required information. Finally improved management system RHLG now RHLG functions can be controlled through reallite_main.cfg, and can be monitored via the file menu, which is available admin, typing in the console rhlg_menu.
Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat 2.0
> Added New Detection
> Fixed a serious error in the code
> Blocked importance of client commands m_yaw (standard 0.022)
> A new feature shall verify chiterskih
> Modifitsirovan installation file

So, as has been said, RHLG update to the latest version mandatory. It was corrected a mistake in the code. For many reasons, the importance of team m_yaw blocked, it is her client can not be changed. A new feature-checking chiterskih shall, as a result of which, if we identify the player chiterskogo nickname, it will be banned for 2 hours. Also, the installation file has been modified, namely, other than cosmetic changes, has been added aninstaller.
Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat 1.9
> Added New Detection
> Added to lock the value of client commands s_show
> Action over chiterami now put in a separate file-hlg_reallite_actions.cfg
> The verification system keys players, as well as locking system keys player brought in a new file-hlg_reallite_blocking_keys.cfg
> Fixed some standard blocker for the zone maps: de_dust, de_nuke
> Added blocker for the zone maps:
>> de_inferno
>> de_nuke

Tell a little about the new version anti-chiterskogo supplement. It had been added to the most recent detection of (fresh) scripts, as well as some cheating. It also blocked the importance of client s_show commands, which allows any player to see the coordinates through the sounds. All actions over chiterami, when a script, or recite, were put into a separate file-hlg_reallite_actions.cfg that makes RHLG more convenient to customize and use. Earlier versions could see a verification system keys player, and now we have added to the new version of the system and locking keys player. The two systems were made for the convenience of a single file-hlg_reallite_blocking_keys.cfg. By default, the two systems are turned off to enable them to learn more about them, open and read the file hlg_reallite_blocking_keys.cfg. It was also observed that HLGuard 1.9nX versions to punish the player, which uses maps Bagi, a zone blocking punches, for example, penetration in the sky de_dust, and the possibility to run on it, so we have corrected some of the standard zone maps de_dust and specifically for the version of de_nuke HLGuard 1.9nX. Well, and lastly were added blocker for the zone, such maps as de_inferno, de_nuke.
To work properly Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat 1.9 are encouraged to use it with anti-chitom HLGuard 1.9.nX versions.
Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat 1.8
> Added New Detection
> Fixed a syntax error in a block of commands
> Removed rhlg_about team, which removed the details of the addendum
> A new feature, which tracks the value of customer teams (only works with HLG 1.9.X)

A new feature, which tracks the value of customer teams, only works with HLGuard 1.9.X and allows combat trickster. For example, the importance of team player puts cl_bob 0.1 and comes to the server. Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheats beginning to check a list of teams that have changed the standard value is prohibited. After several minutes of players from the server to remove prohibited value 0.1, and the program automatically puts the player, after his removal, meaning cl_bob in 0.01 (standard).
If, after installation Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat 1.8, a dedicated server Counter-Strike limbo or does not run, then out in the file hlg_custom.cfg line: hlg_exec addons / hlguard / config / hlg_reallite_cvars.cfg
Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat 1.7
> Added New Detection
> The new interface installation program
> Added lifting screenshot function on the client when they catch recite
> Added blocker for the zone maps:
>> de_dust
>> de_dust2
>> de_aztec

New feature on the client withdrawing screenshot with the discovery recite solve some problems. For example, a player for zabanilo Aimbot. The server administrator player complains that no cheating and did not use his zabanili accidentally. This is where the administrator can say that the customer cstrike folder is a screenshot (with the permission of bmp), which is indicated nickname player, and the reason baths, in addition, if a player has used Aimbot interface to the games, and this will be seen on the screenshot. Customize this feature can be hlg_reallite_cheats_1.cfg file. In this version also includes locking zone for de_dust, de_dust2 and de_aztec that have called Sky-Walk Guard Zones. With these zones closed, we will all known defects and Bagi listed cards. Finally, the program has taken on a new interface installation (sewage exe file).
Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat 1.6
> Added New Detection
> A bug from Steam clients with peresoedineniem

As seen from the Steam client was glyuk. He showed that with the entry to the secure server in a few seconds peresoedinenie happened to the server. The most interesting that this was not all Steam customers, but some. But the problem is, so downloading the update and enjoy games:)
Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat 1.5
> Fixed errors in syntax program
> completely restructured program
> Added rhlg_about team for the withdrawal of program information Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat
> The program is now divided into Steam and Non-Steam version

The new version RHLG changed the structure of the program, the entire program is now divided into several konfigov. You can also select the required version for you: Steam or Non-Steam. Depending on the version chosen Bahn players will be made on or Steam ID, or IP. A new option to customers: rhlg_about. Through it you can learn about the program.
Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat 1.4
> Added New Detection
> Optimized code program
> Added values blocking some custom commands

Using the values of certain locking client teams closed recite Lambert ShinyWalls + + and WhiteWalls CartoonWalls.
Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat 1.3
> Added New Detection
> Optimized code program
> Closed Tobago Counter-Strike 1.6 with teleportatsiey (via the command buyequip)
> Closed Tobago Counter-Strike 1.6 (via the command fullupdate)

Since the closure of about bugs ounter-Strike 1.6 with teleportatsiey (via the command buyequip) would like to say that we have tried to do that all known through the purchase of equipment to command buyequip still worked. It was observed that the players with great ping, the purchase through buyequip glyuchila. It is therefore better if the players will be procured through the buy-known team.
Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat 1.2
> Added New Detection
> Optimized code program
> A new feature that checks Pressing certain keys,
used in many programs chiterskih

For the new feature installed on the server need AMX Mod X.
The function is disabled by default. Its simple principle: when you turn this feature to all players at the hotkey F10-F12 and other fixed message, which is transmitted when hitting admin to chat. For example, a player hits F9, the admin will see a message: (ADMINS) Name the player: [HLGUARD] Admin check this player (use F9). The message indicates admin, you need to think about this afternoon and player. Of course, this feature is not universal, and therefore it is off, as a player on the data set of keys can be normal commands or scripts, and if SMMEs enabled, anti-chit utsanovit their commands for data keys in the result, the player will not work function keys. But if you do decide to include fukntsiyu certain keys, then open the file and read hlg_custom.cfg, which is in the files.
Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat 1.1
> Added New Detection
> Optimized code program that will expedite the scanning process
> Added punishment for their actions chiterov: for the hard-core readers-Bahn forever, for chitersky script-Bahn for 7 days.
> Now action as a result of CICA players from the server to a name consisting of 1-2 symbol will be written in logs (detectionlist.txt)
> Fixed a critical error with a script lambert, which HLG banil all players at 1 day
Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat 1.0
> Added New Detection

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-4 09:41:18 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–山东–潍坊

回复: 昨天偶然发现 HLGuard 1.9n10

2.4 readme

-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat 2.4
Author: DJ_WEST
Copyright (C) Reallite Labs, 2002-2007
Site: http://reallite.cs2.ru
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
Anti-chiterskoe addition to AMX Mod X and HLGuard to improve
security server.
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
WARNING! You use this program
at your own risk. We do not bear any responsibility
for damage your property.
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
Key features:
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
* Scan player on the availability konfigov
* Scan player to recite
* Scan player on scripts
* Locking certain keys players
* Blokiruyuschie zone maps
* Check the names of players
* Lock values console commands player
* Check values console commands player
* Lock installation Silent bombs
* Lock flash bugs
* Lock command fullupdate
* Lock Silent Run aka Double Duck
* Obnaruzhenii Bunny Hop
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
1. You on the server must be installed HLGuard 1.9.n10
2. You on the server must be installed AMX Mod X 1.76
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
-------------------------------------------------- ---------------------
1. Select your version of you (or Non-Steam Steam)
If you choose Steam version, the players will be at their bath Steam ID
If you choose Non-Steam version, the players will be at their bath IP
2. Select .. / cstrike / addons / amxmodx
3. If you used earlier versions Reallite Anti-Cheats, then remove
file .. / cstrike / addons / hlguard / config / hlg_custom.cfg
4. Enter in the file:
.. / cstrike / addons / amxmodx / configs / plugins.ini line:
5. For the success of RHLG required modules included:
in .. / cstrike / addons / amxmodx / configs / modules.ini
5. Set file:
.. / cstrike / addons / amxmodx / configs / reallite_hlg / reallite_main.cfg
at their discretion.
You can also monitor the status of your settings RHLG through the game,
typing in the command console rhlg_menu
6. Open the file .. / cstrike / addons / hlguard / config / cstrike / hlg_mod.cfg
and out or remove the line:
hlg_exec addons / hlguard / config / cstrike / hlg_cvars.cfg
And also open the file .. / cstrike / addons / hlguard / config / hl / hlg_mod.cfg
and out or remove the line:
hlg_exec addons / hlguard / config / hl / hlg_cvars.cfg
7. Restart the server

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-4 09:53:32 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–山东–潍坊

回复: 昨天偶然发现 HLGuard 1.9n10



//================================================ ====//
/ / Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat / / / / Author: DJ_WEST / /
/ / Copyright (C) Reallite Labs, 2002-2007 / /
/ / Version: 2.4 / /
/ / Website: http:/ / reallite.cs2.ru / /
//======================================== ============//
//================================== ==================//
/ / Config Chief Reallite HLGuard Anti-Cheat / /
//================= ===================================//
//=========== =========================================//
/ / Insert Effects detection ( by default 1) / /
/ / Extra: reallite_actions.cfg / /
/ / Extra: reallite_no_actions.cfg / /
/ / 1 to include: the kick, ban, log, say / /
/ / 0-Stop: The log , say / /
//============================================ ========//
rhlg_actions "1"
//================================== ==================//
/ / admin in Connection with the bath player / /
/ / Used when lifting and screenshot showing / /
/ / player before his bath for readers / /
//================================================ ====//
rhlg_contact "admin_mail@admin_mail.ru"
//================================== ==================//
/ / Message in the game / /
//===================== ===============================//
rhlg_advert "Visit http://reallite.cs2.ru"
/ / == ================================================== / /
/ / Show message in the game (by default, 1) / /
/ / 1 to show / / / / 0 is not a show / /
//================== ==================================//
rhlg_message "1"
//======== ============================================//
/ / Check players to recite (the default 1) / /
/ / 1 to enable / / / / 0-Stop checking / /
//======================= =============================//
rhlg_checkcheats "1"
//============= =======================================//
/ / Check players on the CD Hack (on default 1) / /
/ / ATTENTION! Insert a check only if: / /
/ / if you have not installed on the server Cheating-Death / /
/ / 1 to enable / / / / 0-Stop checking / /
//========= ===========================================//
rhlg_cdhack "1"
/ /================================================= ===//
/ / Check players on the scripts (the default 1) / /
/ / 1 to enable / / / / 0-Stop checking / /
//============== ======================================//
rhlg_checkscripts "1"
//==== ================================================//
/ / Check konfigov players from the (default 1) / /
/ / 1 to enable / / / / 0-Stop checking / /
//=================== =================================//
rhlg_checkconfigs "1"
//========= ===========================================//
/ / Check shall players (default is 1) / /
/ / Extra: reallite_names.cfg / / / / 1 to enable / /
/ / 0-Stop checking / /
//=============== =====================================//
rhlg_checknames "1"
//===== ===============================================//
/ / Check values commands from the players (the default 1) / /
/ / Extra: reallite_cvars.cfg / /
/ / 1 to enable / /
/ / 0-Stop checking / /
//========= ===========================================//
rhlg_checkcvars "1"
/ /================================================= ===//
/ / Locking teams player (default 1) / /
/ / Extra: reallite_block_cvars.cfg / /
/ / 1 to enable / / / / 0-Stop checking / /
//===== ===============================================//
rhlg_blockcvars "1"
//============================================= =======//
/ / Lock keys players (Default 0) / /
/ / Extra: reallite_block_keys.cfg / /
/ / 1 to include a lock / /
/ / 0-Stop blocking / /
/ / = ================================================== = / /
rhlg_blockkeys "1"
//========================================= ===========//
/ / Step blocked when you press keys / /
/ / (default 1) / /
/ / 1 for a message in a chat admin / /
/ / 2-removing players from the server / /
/ / 3-Bahn on IP / /
/ / 4-bath on Steam ID / /
/ / 5-Bahn for IP via AMXBans / /
/ / 6-Bahn on Steam ID through AMXBans / /
//===== ===============================================//
rhlg_blockkeysaction "1"
//============================================= =======//
/ / Time baths in minutes while clicking blocked / /
/ / keys, if you choose effect - Bahn / /
/ / (default 60) / /
//======== ============================================//
rhlg_blockkeysbantime "60"
//================================================ ====//
/ / Time, in seconds, which would occur via / /
/ / reheating of keys to lock the player / /
/ / (default 60) / /
/ / The options are commands: / /
/ / 5, 10, 15 , 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, / /
/ / 120, 180, 240, 300 seconds / /
//============== ======================================//
rhlg_blockkeystime "60"
//==== ================================================//
/ / Writing in the logs when you press keys blocked / /
/ / (default 1) / /
//============================ ========================//
rhlg_blockkeyslog "1"
//================== ==================================//
/ / Blokiruyuschie zones on the maps (Default 0) / /
/ / 1 to include a lock / /
/ / 0-Stop blocking / /
//================================= ===================//
rhlg_swgzones "0"
//======================= =============================//
/ / Locking Flash bugs in the maps (the default 1) / /
/ / 1 to include lock / /
/ / 0-Stop blocking / /
//===================================== ===============//
rhlg_flashfix "1"
//=========================== =========================//
/ / Anti-besshumnaya installation bombs (default 1) / /
/ / 1 to enable / /
/ / 0-disable / /
//=========================================== =========//
rhlg_bombfix "1"
//================================= ===================//
/ / Lock command fullupdate (default 1) / /
/ / 1 to include a lock / /
/ / 0-Stop blocking / /
/ /================================================= ===//
rhlg_blockfullupdate "1"
//======================================= =============//
/ / Locking Silent Run aka DD (default 1) / /
/ / 1 to include a lock / /
/ / 0-Stop blocking / /
//=== =================================================/ /
rhlg_antisilentrun "1"
//=========================================== =========//
/ / Locking Bunny Hop (default 1) / /
/ / 1 to include a lock / /
/ / 0-Stop blocking / /
//========= ===========================================//
rhlg_bhop "1"
/ /================================================= ===//
/ / Step detection Bunny Hop (default 2) / /
/ / 1 for a message in the game / /
/ / 2-removing players from the server / /
/ / 3-Bahn on IP / /
/ / 4 - Bahn on Steam ID / /
/ / 5-Bahn for IP via AMXBans / /
/ / 6-Bahn on Steam ID through AMXBans / /
//================== ==================================//
rhlg_bhopaction "2"
//======== ============================================//
/ / Number of warnings detection Bunny Hop, / /
/ / beyond which followed after the action / /
/ / (default 5) / /
/ / The options are: from 1 to 10 / /
//============= =======================================//
rhlg_bhopwarnings "5"
//=== =================================================/ /
/ / Time baths in minutes when a Bunny Hop, / /
/ / if you choose effect - Bahn (default is 120) / /
//==================== ================================//
rhlg_bhopbantime "120"
//========== ==========================================//
/ / Include entry in the logs when a Bunny Hop, / /
/ / if we received a number of warnings / /
/ / (default 1) / /
//======================= =============================//
rhlg_bhoplog "1"
//============= =======================================//
/ / Color communications / /
/ / = ================================================== = / /
hlg_sayformat "60:90:250:0.01:0.65:1:10:9:0:1"

使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-4 09:54:43 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–山东–潍坊

回复: 昨天偶然发现 HLGuard 1.9n10


使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-4 10:43:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–陕西–西安

回复: 昨天偶然发现 HLGuard 1.9n10


使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-4 10:44:35 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–陕西–西安

回复: 昨天偶然发现 HLGuard 1.9n10


使用道具 举报

发表于 2007-12-7 03:17:51 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–河北–石家庄

回复: 昨天偶然发现 HLGuard 1.9n10


使用道具 举报

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