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DOD 求助

发表于 2005-3-11 02:26:44 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式 来自 中国–上海–上海–闵行区
*  amx_tk_limit <value>               -  number of TKs allowed before banning
*  amx_tk_bantime <minutes>           -  how long to ban if limit exceeded (0=permanent)
*  amx_tk_adminimmunity <0|1>         -  prevent admin from being kicked/banned for TKing
*                                        (for admins with ADMIN_BAN access)
*  amx_tk_forgivetype <0|1|2>         -  how to forgive, 0="say forgivetk", 1=Yes/No menu, 2=both
*  amx_tk_useeffects <0|1>            -  use special slay effects
*  amx_tk_usemapmemory <0|1>          -  use map specific TK memory (prevents TKers from
*                                        resetting their counter by disconnecting/reconnecting)
*  amx_tk_roundprotect <0|1>          -  punish players for TKing at beginning of round
*  amx_tk_roundprotecttime <seconds>  -  how long from start of round to punish
*  amx_tk_roundprotecttype <0|1>      -  what punishment to use (slay=0, kick=1)
*  amx_tk_infomessages <0|1>          -  show information messages (chat text)
*  amx_tk_usehostname <0|1>           -  use hostname in messages
*  default settings
*  ----------------
*  amx_tk_limit 5
*  amx_tk_bantime 1440
*  amx_tk_adminimmunity 1
*  amx_tk_forgivetype 2
*  amx_tk_useeffects 1
*  amx_tk_usemapmemory 1
*  amx_tk_roundprotect 1
*  amx_tk_roundprotecttime 8
*  amx_tk_roundprotecttype 0
*  amx_tk_infomessages 1
*  amx_tk_usehostname 1
这几个TK选相是什么意思啊  小第英语不太好  谢谢
发表于 2005-3-11 03:59:48 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–江苏–苏州–张家港市

* amx_tk_limit <value> - number of TKs allowed before banning

* amx_tk_bantime <minutes> - how long to ban if limit exceeded (0=permanent)

* amx_tk_adminimmunity <0|1> - prevent admin from being kicked/banned for TKing

* (for admins with ADMIN_BAN access)

* amx_tk_forgivetype <0|1|2> - how to forgive, 0="say forgivetk", 1=Yes/No menu, 2=both

* amx_tk_useeffects <0|1> - use special slay effects

* amx_tk_usemapmemory <0|1> - use map specific TK memory (prevents TKers from

* resetting their counter by disconnecting/reconnecting)

* amx_tk_roundprotect <0|1> - punish players for TKing at beginning of round

* amx_tk_roundprotecttime <seconds> - how long from start of round to punish

* amx_tk_roundprotecttype <0|1> - what punishment to use (slay=0, kick=1)

* amx_tk_infomessages <0|1> - show information messages (chat text)

* amx_tk_usehostname <0|1> - use hostname in messages

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-3-28 19:28:00 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–北京–北京

使用道具 举报

发表于 2005-4-23 14:38:47 | 显示全部楼层 来自 中国–云南–昆明

使用道具 举报

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