201724 发表于 2020-4-5 01:45:14

Dproto 0.9.582-p CS1.6 HLDS 双协议补丁


2020/04/06 请重新下载,之前的版本47协议刷新有问题!

        1. Linux版本支持STEAM 8308服务端
        2. 更改dproto.cfg的默认配置

dproto.cfg 更改内容:
        1. 所有47协议的客户端被归类到:STEAM_ID_LAN
        2. 所有48协议或Steam模拟器的客户端被归类到:VALVE_ID_PENDING
        3. 使用了sXe Injected的客户端被归类到:VALVE_ID_LAN
        4. 设置服务器查询消息为兼容模式(默认只能48协议刷出服务器)


**** Hidden Message *****


- Fixed fake detection on paused server.

- Fixed commands parsing bug.
- Removed multipacket connectionless packets support.

- 6xxx builds support.

- Added quick fix against net_message overflow @ Netchan_CopyNormalFragments.
- Fixed bug with HLTV SteamID in connect string set as BOT if cid_HLTV is 5.
- Added SteamIdHashSalt config parameter. Added emulator generated SteamIDs hashing.
- Fixed overflow file name format.
- Be lenient to the mod. Do not crash in PEntityOfEntIndex.
- PEntityOfEntIndex bugfix (thanks to PRoSToTeM@). Cleanup.
- Deltas processing bugfix (thanks to PRoSToTeM@). Cleanup.
- Option to log threat details. New config parameter: ThreatsLoggingMode. Spectate command rate limit to 1 per sec.
- Fixed utf8 checking function. Check whole userinfo for utf8 validity.
- Check requested customization in OnHandResources list too.
- Clear downloaded customizations on reconnect (actually on sendres command).
- Fixed bug with RequestedCustomizations cleanup on new connections.
- Increased connection flood burst level a bit to handle multi-protocol clients
- Fixed IsSafeFileToDownload on new builds to allow customizations downloads. Fixed CheckRequestedDlAgainstCustomizations code.
- Fixed custom reject message output for SteamEmu clients.
- Checking customization downloads against client resources. Allow to download existing resources only once. Fixes for client_t structure.

- Added support of upcoming voice transcoding module
- Better HLTV client handling to prevent banning.
- Increased sprite replacer storage capacity. Should prevent "Running out of free nodes" server error.
- Security fixes and improvments. Closed one more way of lag out the server.
- Fallback to the server realtime on Windows if there is no QPC.
- Fixed missing skip for bots in fake players check.
- Fixed amxx kick for slot reservation.
- Fixed server-side game bots identification.
- Clearing entity flags on disconnect. This fixes bug when client identified as bot if connects on slot previously occupied by a bot. (Thanks to Turanga_Leela)

869231741 发表于 2020-4-5 02:08:18


tly111222 发表于 2020-4-5 06:33:24


dantes001 发表于 2020-4-5 08:11:42


cvarys 发表于 2020-4-5 11:07:13


375904504 发表于 2020-4-5 14:40:13


情歌乱弹 发表于 2020-4-5 17:03:46


wangningyu 发表于 2020-4-5 18:59:15


小白白 发表于 2020-4-5 19:06:19


chinabbk 发表于 2020-4-7 00:23:05

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查看完整版本: Dproto 0.9.582-p CS1.6 HLDS 双协议补丁