janly 发表于 2003-8-16 10:18:52


# PsychoStats main config file.
# NOTE: This file is not case sensitive & whitespace does not matter,
#       unless noted. Set your tab size to "8" in your editor, if this
#        file does not format correctly on your system.

# location of logs directory(s). 'logpath' can have more then
# one directory listed. PsychoStats will parse through each directory
# for the number of days specified and read all logs found into one
# stats page. Note the "{", "}" are required, and each directory name
# must be on its own line. The directories are loaded in the order given.

LogPath = {
# Destination HTML directory. This will usually be a path in your
# webserver root somewhere.

HtmlPath        = C:/Inetpub/stats

# Define what type of server you're running. Changing this affects how
# weapon and map images are loaded. The word here is prefixed to all
# images, ie: cstrike_mp5navy.gif for a CS weapon.
# known valid options: cstrike, dod

modType                = cstrike

# Control the layout of the generated HTML pages. The word value given
# should be a directory name under the 'themes' directory. Make sure
# you're using a theme that is compatable with the MOD you're using.

HTMLtheme         = cstrikehtml19

# 'picspath' is where your thumbnail pictures are located for the
# map names. These should be full pathnames, NOT URLs.
# The 'dlpath' directory marks the location of where you store your
# maps for download. If you don't provide maps for download, you don't
# need to worry about it.

PicsPath        = C:/Inetpub/stats/images/mappics
DLPath                = e:/cs/hlserver/cstrike/maps

# If a theme has a 'copy' option it will copy any files listed for it
# to the HTMLPATH if it does not already exist. Setting this option to
# 1 will force the files to be copied even if the file already exists
# in the HTMLPATH directory. If you're having problems with images not
# coping correctly, make sure this is set to 1.

ForceThemeCopy        = 1

# Ignore log files that were not closed properly? A log file that wasn't
# 'closed' properly means that either the server crashed during the
# writting of the log file, or the log file is the most recent active
# log. PsychoStats will still gather correct information from 'unclosed'
# log files and there is really no reason to ignore them, So the
# default for this is "0". This is provided for completeness only.

ClosedLogsOnly        = 0


troubleshooting FTP problems
e:\cs\hlserver\cstrike\logs 也有日志
\\\Inetpub\stats\index 行运如下图

janly 发表于 2003-8-16 10:21:56


janly 发表于 2003-8-16 21:28:16


janly 发表于 2003-8-17 07:31:49


我自横刀 发表于 2003-8-18 12:02:32


600012252 发表于 2003-10-1 21:02:35

我也是一样的问题 能请教你怎么弄好的吗?

600012252 发表于 2003-10-1 23:36:07

Re: ps排行榜问题!

最初由 janly 发表
# PsychoStats main config file.
# NOTE: This file is not case sensitive & whitespace does not matter,
#       unless noted. Set your tab size to "8" in your editor, if this
#        file does not format correctly on your system.

# location of logs directory(s). 'logpath' can have more then
# one directory listed. PsychoStats will parse through each directory
# for the number of days specified and read all logs found into one
# stats page. Note the "{", "}" are required, and each directory name
# must be on its own line. The directories are loaded in the order given.

LogPath = {
# Destination HTML directory. This will usually be a path in your
# webserver root somewhere.

HtmlPath        = C:/Inetpub/stats

# Define what type of server you're running. Changing this affects how
# weapon and map images are loaded. The word here is prefixed to all
# images, ie: cstrike_mp5navy.gif for a CS weapon.
# known valid options: cstrike, dod

modType                = cstrike

# Control the layout of the generated HTML pages. The word value given
# should be a directory name under the 'themes' directory. Make sure
# you're using a theme that is compatable with the MOD you're using.

HTMLtheme         = cstrikehtml19

# 'picspath' is where your thumbnail pictures are located for the
# map names. These should be full pathnames, NOT URLs.
# The 'dlpath' directory marks the location of where you store your
# maps for download. If you don't provide maps for download, you don't
# need to worry about it.

PicsPath        = C:/Inetpub/stats/images/mappics
DLPath                = e:/cs/hlserver/cstrike/maps

# If a theme has a 'copy' option it will copy any files listed for it
# to the HTMLPATH if it does not already exist. Setting this option to
# 1 will force the files to be copied even if the file already exists
# in the HTMLPATH directory. If you're having problems with images not
# coping correctly, make sure this is set to 1.

ForceThemeCopy        = 1

# Ignore log files that were not closed properly? A log file that wasn't
# 'closed' properly means that either the server crashed during the
# writting of the log file, or the log file is the most recent active
# log. PsychoStats will still gather correct information from 'unclosed'
# log files and there is really no reason to ignore them, So the
# default for this is "0". This is provided for completeness only.

ClosedLogsOnly        = 0


troubleshooting FTP problems
e:\cs\hlserver\cstrike\logs 也有日志
\\\Inetpub\stats\index 行运如下图

我也是同样的问题 想了快2天2夜了 头都疼死了 那位好心的高手能点我一下 我真的很感激!!

新武 发表于 2003-10-2 00:57:50


deone 发表于 2003-10-2 01:14:00






edmond 发表于 2003-10-7 18:17:13

最初由 janly 发表
已经搅好。。 真tmd的鸟人 弄好了也不说原因真自私!怪不得发帖没有人回   以后大家见到此人就别回答!!真tmd自私!
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