防攻击 HLDS-Shield 1.0.6 D
HLDS-Shield 1.0.6Date: 06/02/2016
- Exploit "XFakePlayers v1.14 beta" was fixed
- Port has been removed from CSTRIKE_STEAMID
- File "HLDS-AdminProtect.ini" has been removed
- Protection CSTRIKE_ADMINBUG against the amxxauth will be stored in amxx
- A small bug has been resolved in show_menu
- Improved HLDS-Shield.amxx "31.9KB"
- Players without password will not be displayed with password (shield_autolog)
- Command "amx_hlshowpw" has been removed
- Command "amx_hlshowip" show ip/name/passwords players (only FTP/GAMECP/HLSW) and game show ip/name
- Improved HLDS-Shield.sma "53.6KB"
- Improved HLDS-Shield.hlds "14.3KB"
- The old build was replaced by
- Cvar "shield_namebug 4" will receive a random name
- Cvar "shield_namebug 2" moved detection on client_connecting(id)
这作者源码收费 但是可以去看看更新了什么 zanyxproject.pw/final/Shield.html 没有源码啊 我在俄罗斯网站上找到过他 以及他的介绍视频
大致意思是防止各类bug 如 某某1.7 某某xPlayer
很多都加上服务器了 可惜玩家却不多了
真想转CSGO啊 看看改天装在服务器试试