金闪闪 发表于 2003-8-2 20:34:53





当你有rcon_password 密码后,你可以在rcon password处输入。

直接点击 Get Log(Internet)或则(LAN),如果成功的话,你在chat 项里可以看到对话,在console里看到对战结果(谁打死了谁)。

如果提示 (LogAddress: Time out),参考标准FAQ,如下:

Problems receiving Log-Files (LogAddress: Time out):
If the "LogAdress: Time out!!!"-error message appears, HLSW tried to redirect the Server Log, but did not receive Server Logs in a specific period of time.
The problem is that many computers are wrong configured, so that network packets sent by the HL-Server cannot be received by HLSW. It is also possible that HLSW set a wrong IP/Port at the server and therefore you can´t receive the log.
HLSW uses port 7130 (UDP). With multiple startups the port number raises (7131, 7132, ...)! You can set the port using the parameter "-PORT:xxxx" on startup. You should use ports from 7130 to 7139 only.


If Internet Connection Sharing (9x/ME) is activated or in use you won´t be able to receive Logs. No matter if you are ICS Server or Client. But you have a couble of possibilities:
- Deactivate ICS, if you are the ICS server.
- There is a tool avaible which you can use to configure the ICS to receive HLSW Log Files. The tool is avaible at http://www.csc-aachen.de.vu/icsconfig.htm. I don´t know exactly hot to configure the ICS to receive the logs but if you find a way, please post a detailed description to the forum.
- Donßt use the windows ICS. There are a lot of other tools that can handle internet connection sharing for your local Intranet. WinGate (www.wingate.com) for example. Using this tool allows you to receive HLSW Log Files without any additional configuration.

Router/Gateway Configuration:

You have to setup a port-redirection for port 7130 (UDP) from the Router/Gateway to the LAN-Ip-Adress where HLSW is running !

Example for a Win2k Gateway:
Properties of the dial-up Connection -> "Sharing" -> "Settings" -> Services
Add a news service. For name of the service enter "HLSW Service". The service port number, of course, is 7130, UDP. The name or address of server computer on private network is the IP-Adress where HLSW runs (eg

Setting up port-redirection on a linux router:
/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r tcp 7130 7130 -h $HLSW_IP
/usr/sbin/ipmasqadm autofw -A -v -r udp 7130 7130 -h $HLSW_IP
(for "HLSW_IP" you have to give the IP where HLSW is running)

Receive Logs with more than one PC:
You have to configure your Router/Gateway as shown above, but you give other port-numbers for every computer on LAN. That means port 7130 => PC1, 7131 => PC2, 7132 => PC3, etc. For PC2/PC3 you have to configure the correct Port (7131/7132) using the parameter "-PORT:xxxxx".

HLSW is using the wrong IP-Adress:
If you are connected to the internet using the Dial-Up Networking you can solve the problem with a click on the "Get Log (LAN)" Button.
If you are connected via a Router or Gateway you have to enter the Log-Adress into the console manually to redirect the log. To do so enter the following into the console: "logaddress " (for example: "logaddress 7130").

HLSW crashes while exiting
This is due to a bug in the old HLSW version where particularly defective serverlists without adresses where created. You'll have to delete all defective server entries from all lists. Simply delete all servers with the address ":27015" or similar. If you sort your list after the adress they appear at the bottom. To delete servers, expand the list, select the server and push "Del". After this everything should work just fine again...


金闪闪 发表于 2003-8-2 20:48:11


logaddress 你的路由或则代理的IP 7130



djvic 发表于 2003-8-9 04:55:06



金闪闪 发表于 2003-8-9 07:14:47

Re: 十分感谢!!!

最初由 djvic 发表



123321 发表于 2003-8-9 19:21:25


szleiniao 发表于 2004-12-31 06:05:55


eoohoo 发表于 2006-3-19 07:42:47

回复: hlsw的使用

请问楼主,我建立了3个CS1.6服务器,可是只有一个能用HLSW封IP和踢人 。其他两个只能踢人不能封IP。请问这是为什么?

only33 发表于 2006-3-19 18:30:31

回复: hlsw的使用

Post by szleiniao

不过status只对当前玩家做了调查 . .过会儿新来的玩家PING值就不会显示

kid 发表于 2006-3-19 22:41:10

回复: hlsw的使用

我输入了logaddress 7130,然后读取怎么还是超时啊?

解脱 发表于 2006-3-20 00:03:13

回复: hlsw的使用

Post by kid
我输入了logaddress 7130,然后读取怎么还是超时啊?


Post by HarryPotter
我发现通过logaddress启动的LOG是不能停止的,只有人工在HLSW里执行logaddress_add 7130启动HLSW的LOG才能用logaddress_del停止

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