本帖最后由 99fps 于 2012-2-17 01:32 编辑源码名称:GameMenu_changer.sma
源码中包含的IP: = 雪夜蓝天 =上海SXE混战服 * 群号:34521334 *
嵌入式服务器 1#中国嵌入式团队训练营-淄博 *群93035841 43825416 42500293*
Create a file on your server like this:
It doesn't matter what you write in there, it's gonna be overwritten anyway.
It just has to be there or the plugin will fail on clients that don't have the file.
Change g_ServerName[] and g_ServerIp[] to the desired values, be sure to write between the " "s.
#include <amxmodx>
#define VERSION ""
new g_ServerName[] = "= 雪夜蓝天 =2#娱乐服";
new g_ServerIp[] = "";
new szText;
public plugin_precache()
public plugin_init()
register_plugin("GameMenu changer", VERSION , "Unknown");
new size = sizeof(szText) - 1;
format(szText, size, "^"GameMenu^" { ^"1^" { ^"label^" ^"%s^"", g_ServerName);
format(szText, size, "%s ^"command^" ^"engine Connect %s^"", szText, g_ServerIp);
format(szText, size, "%s } ^"2^" { ^"label^" ^"^" ^"command^" ^"^" }", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s ^"3^" { ^"label^" ^"#GameUI_GameMenu_ResumeGame^"", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s ^"command^" ^"ResumeGame^" ^"OnlyInGame^" ^"1^" }", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s ^"4^" { ^"label^" ^"#GameUI_GameMenu_Disconnect^"", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s ^"command^" ^"Disconnect^" ^"OnlyInGame^" ^"1^"", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s ^"notsingle^" ^"1^" } ^"5^" { ^"label^" ^"#GameUI_GameMenu_PlayerList^"", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s ^"command^" ^"OpenPlayerListDialog^" ^"OnlyInGame^" ^"1^" ^"notsingle^" ^"1^"", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s } ^"9^" { ^"label^" ^"^" ^"command^" ^"^" ^"OnlyInGame^" ^"1^" }", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s ^"10^" { ^"label^" ^"#GameUI_GameMenu_NewGame^" ^"command^" ^"OpenCreateMultiplayerGameDialog^"", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s } ^"11^" { ^"label^" ^"#GameUI_GameMenu_FindServers^" ^"command^" ^"OpenServerBrowser^"", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s } ^"12^" { ^"label^" ^"#GameUI_GameMenu_Options^" ^"command^" ^"OpenOptionsDialog^"", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s } ^"13^" { ^"label^" ^"#GameUI_GameMenu_Quit^" ^"command^" ^"Quit^" } }", szText);
public client_putinserver (id)
set_task(3.0, "TaskChangeMenu", id);
public TaskChangeMenu(id)
client_cmd(id, "motdfile ^"resource/GameMenu.res^"");
client_cmd(id, "motd_write %s", szText);
client_cmd(id, "motdfile ^"motd.txt^"");
} 相信楼主的说,非常支持你 现在不只是多出一行,多出3-4行(3-4个链接)都可以了 现在不只是多出一行,多出3-4行(3-4个链接)都可以了
ps90025500 发表于 2012-2-11 12:09 static/image/common/back.gif
Create a file on your server like this:
It doesn't matter what you write in there, it's gonna be overwritten anyway.
It just has to be there or the plugin will fail on clients that don't have the file.
Change g_ServerName[] and g_ServerIp[] to the desired values, be sure to write between the " "s.
#include <amxmodx>
#define VERSION ""
new g_ServerName[] = "连接【中国嵌入式训练营-主战场】服务器";
new g_ServerIp[] = "";
new szText;
public plugin_precache()
public plugin_init()
register_plugin("GameMenu changer 43825416", VERSION , "Unknown");
new size = sizeof(szText) - 1;
format(szText, size, "^"GameMenu^" { ^"1^" { ^"label^" ^"%s^"", g_ServerName);
format(szText, size, "%s ^"command^" ^"engine Connect %s^"", szText, g_ServerIp);
format(szText, size, "%s } ^"2^" { ^"label^" ^"连接【中国嵌入式训练营-生化界】服务器^" ^"command^" ^"engine Connect^" }", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s ^"3^" { ^"label^" ^"#GameUI_GameMenu_ResumeGame^"", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s ^"command^" ^"ResumeGame^" ^"OnlyInGame^" ^"1^" }", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s ^"4^" { ^"label^" ^"#GameUI_GameMenu_Disconnect^"", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s ^"command^" ^"Disconnect^" ^"OnlyInGame^" ^"1^"", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s ^"notsingle^" ^"1^" } ^"5^" { ^"label^" ^"#GameUI_GameMenu_PlayerList^"", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s ^"command^" ^"OpenPlayerListDialog^" ^"OnlyInGame^" ^"1^" ^"notsingle^" ^"1^"", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s } ^"9^" { ^"label^" ^"^" ^"command^" ^"^" ^"OnlyInGame^" ^"1^" }", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s ^"10^" { ^"label^" ^"#GameUI_GameMenu_NewGame^" ^"command^" ^"OpenCreateMultiplayerGameDialog^"", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s } ^"11^" { ^"label^" ^"#GameUI_GameMenu_FindServers^" ^"command^" ^"OpenServerBrowser^"", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s } ^"12^" { ^"label^" ^"#GameUI_GameMenu_Options^" ^"command^" ^"OpenOptionsDialog^"", szText);
format(szText, size, "%s } ^"13^" { ^"label^" ^"#GameUI_GameMenu_Quit^" ^"command^" ^"Quit^" } }", szText);
public client_putinserver (id)
set_task(3.0, "TaskChangeMenu", id);
public TaskChangeMenu(id)
client_cmd(id, "motdfile ^"resource/GameMenu.res^"");
client_cmd(id, "motd_write %s", szText);
client_cmd(id, "motdfile ^"motd.txt^"");
} css 发表于 2013-1-20 12:50 static/image/common/back.gif
Create a file on your server like this:
如果 要 更多行 ,需要 用 ue编辑 ,字符 确实 有限制 ,把 每行字符 缩小 就可以了 ,