银闪闪 发表于 2010-9-15 22:34:21








# General rule for modifying this file:

# ========================================================
#                 DPROTO CONFIGURATION
# ========================================================

# LoggingMode:
#        1 = Console
#        2 = Log Files
#        3 = Both
LoggingMode = 2

# ========================================================
#                 AUTHID MANAGEMENT
# ========================================================

# ClientID types (for cid_* options)
#1: Real (or generated by HW) steam (STEAM_xx:xx:xx)
#2: Real (or generated by HW) valve (VALVE_xx:xx:xx)
#3: STEAM_ by IP
#4: VALVE_ by IP
#5: Deprecated - client will be rejected
#6: reserved for future use
#7: HLTV
#12: STEAM_666:88:666

# Use these options to set authid's for clients

# for HLTV (default is HLTV )
cid_HLTV = 7

# for p.47 clients that do not support unique id generation (default is STEAM_ID_LAN )
cid_NoSteam47 = 8

# for p.48 clients that do not support unique id generation (default is VALVE_ID_LAN )
cid_NoSteam48 = 10

# For Legit Steam clients (default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx )
cid_Steam = 1

# Client recognized as pending when they sucessfully authorized, but did not get steam id
# REMARK: Actually, it got steamid, but it is useless (STEAM_0:0:0 for example)
# default is STEAM_ID_PENDGIND
cid_SteamPending = 9

# For players having revEmu ( >= 9.74) on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx
cid_RevEmu = 1

# For players having SteamClient 2009 / revEmu > 9.82 on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx
cid_SC2009 = 1

# For players having old revEmu on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx
cid_OldRevEmu = 1

# For players having hCupa's SteamEmu on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx
cid_SteamEmu = 1

# For players having AVSMP (Cracked Steam) on client-side:
# default is real STEAM_xx:xx:xx
cid_AVSMP = 1

# For SETTI ServerScanner
# default is STEAM_xx:xx:xx generated by IP
cid_Setti = 3

# SC2009_RevCompatMode (0 / 1)
# Enable fix to make steamids generated for SC2009 compatibble with revEmu
SC2009_RevCompatMode = 1

# SteamEmuCompatMode (0 / 1)
# An analog for eSTEAMATiON's EnforceSteamEmuCompatIDMode option.
# Affects only Old RevEmu and SteamEmu emulators.
SteamEmuCompatMode = 1

# OldEstCompatMode (0 / 1)
# Enables/Disables fix for steamids generated by eST in 0.3.1 version.
# Set this to 1 if you want to make steamids generated by eST as in < 0.3.0 versions.
OldEstCompatMode = 0

# IPGen_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by IP
IPGen_Prefix1 = 0

# IPGen_Prefix2 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# second prefix (b) for authids generated by IP
IPGen_Prefix2 = 4

# Native_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by native auth method (Steam)
Native_Prefix1 = 0;

# RevEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by Steamclient 2009
SC2009_Prefix1 = 0;

# RevEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by RevEmu
RevEmu_Prefix1 = 0;

# OldRevEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by old RevEmu
OldRevEmu_Prefix1 = 0;

# SteamEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids generated by SteamEmu
SteamEmu_Prefix1 = 0;

# SteamEmu_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids assigned for AVSMP Clients (Cracked steam)
AVSMP_Prefix1 = 0;

# Setti_Prefix1 (int)
# STEAM_a:b:c
# first prefix (a) for authids assigned for Setti server scanner
Setti_Prefix1 = 0;

# Note that banid will use steamid WITHOUT any prefixes!

# ========================================================
#                 OTHER STUFF
# ========================================================

# DisableNativeAuth (0/1)
# Disables valve/steam auth system.
#   For p.47 Based: Server will not connect to auth servers.
#   For All: Server will not call authorization functions.
# This is a fix for startup freeze for old (p.47) servers.
DisableNativeAuth = 0

# ServerInfoAnswerType (0/1)
# Sets server answer type for query requests
#         0 = New style (Source Engine)
#        1 = Old Style (Fix favorites list for p.47 clients)
#        2 = Hybrid mode - best solution for now, server is visible anywhere
ServerInfoAnswerType = 1

# MasterClient (0/1)
# Enables master-client emulation; it helps to register server on master list
# if you having "You server is old" error.
# you can use Master_GameVersion to set version of game
MasterClient = 1

# Master_GameVersion (string)
# Sets version of game that master-client will send on master-server
Master_GameVersion =

# SubServer_Enable (0/1)
# Enables secondary mini-server that redirects clients on main server.
#         Use the SubServer_AnswerType parameter to set answer type to info queries
#         Use the SubServer_Port parameter to set secondary server port
#         Use the SubServer_MasterClient parameter to enable master-client for secondary server.
# This is useful feature if you want all clients to see you server.
# Its possible if you set different answer types for main and secondary servers.
# Clients which cant "see" main server will be able to see secondary
SubServer_Enable = 0
SubServer_Port = 28015
SubServer_MasterClient = 0
SubServer_AnswerType = 0
SubServer_RedirectCommand = connect
SubServer_IP =

# Game_Name (string)
# Sets game name displayed for clients
# If Game_Name is empty, native game name will be used
Game_Name =

# Enables fix for proper player id displaing on HLStats server monitoring
# Enable this only if you have HLStats
HLStatsPlayerIdFix = 0

# ExportVersion (0 / 1)
# Enables/Disables exporting of dp_version cvar
# 1 = dp_version cvar will be exported to server rules. It will be visible in server monitoring tools (like HLSW)
# 0 = dp_version cvar will not be exported to server rules.
ExportVersion = 1

# HLTVExcept_IP (ip addr)
# HLTV from this IP will be able to join the server even if cid_HLTV is set to 5 (deprectaed)
HLTVExcept_IP =

# FakePlayers_BanTime (minutes)
# Dproto will ban IP spamming fakeplayers for time (in minutes) specified in this variable
#   use 0 for permanent ban
#   use negative vaules to disable ban (fake players will only be kicked)
FakePlayers_BanTime = 120

xuwenqi 发表于 2010-9-15 23:06:24


火飞寒 发表于 2010-9-16 07:40:37


wan482 发表于 2010-9-16 09:44:08

4554的服务端 3XXX的客户端我这里也试过区域网可以看到

lanmao 发表于 2010-9-16 13:02:07

晕呀 4554的需要比3647更高的客户端版本才可以刷出吧。。 真蛋疼啊

zwwb008 发表于 2010-9-16 14:42:23

晕呀 4554的需要比3647更高的客户端版本才可以刷出吧。。 真蛋疼啊
lanmao 发表于 2010-9-16 13:02 http://www.dt-club.net/forum/images/common/back.gif


lanmao 发表于 2010-9-16 22:23:03

现在网吧用的是网维。。 都是3382和3266的版本。。 娘的 都没有3647呀。。 蛋疼

css 发表于 2010-9-17 10:00:00

7# lanmao

钱多时间 你不是说 与 ip 段 有关吗 ,确实有关 ,但不一定 的 再就是这位仁兄的 dp配置 不用改 啊 ,官方默认的 就可以

lanmao 发表于 2010-9-17 12:18:46

恩IP段的关系只是关系到刷出服务器的时间 IP段一样刷出来的时间就短。。

61.刷58一个道理。。 NND 每次都要刷到最后 2000多个服务器刷完了。。 才刷到58IP段


xuwenqi 发表于 2010-9-17 20:36:38

页: [1] 2
查看完整版本: 刚升级4554,但是就是刷不出来!求解!