CVARsun_nofalldamage ( 0 | 1 ) Default = 1 ** Sets whether CT's recieve no fall damage
un_hidetimer ( "integer" ) Default = 15 ** Freeze time on CT's
un_rulesfile ( "file.html" ) Default = motd2.html ** File that's shown when usprules or /usprules is typed.
register_clcmd( "say usprules", "uspRules", ADMIN_ALL, "Displays the MOTD Rules" )
register_clcmd( "say_team usprules", "uspRules", ADMIN_ALL, "Displays the MOTD Rules" )
register_clcmd( "say /usprules", "uspRules", ADMIN_ALL, "Displays the MOTD Rules" )
register_clcmd( "say_team /usprules", "uspRules", ADMIN_ALL, "Displays the MOTD Rules" )
server_cmd( "mp_footsteps 0" )
pNoFallDamage = register_cvar( "un_nofalldamage", "1" ) // Gives the option to set no fall damage
pHideTimer = register_cvar( "un_hidetimer", "15" ) // Time the hiders get to hide for
pRulesFile = register_cvar( "un_rulesfile", "motd2.html" ) // Rules file to read from
freezetime = get_cvar_pointer( "mp_freezetime" ) 完全不知道是干什么用地
感觉升注册的门槛好高 积分要20 可是又不能挖坟 找了一些3月内的贴发表一些评论也不知会不会再次被封 我想发一个插件包 可是又传不上来老伤心老伤心了 完全不知道是干什么用地
感觉升注册的门槛好高 积分要20 可是又不能挖坟 找了一些3月内的贴发表一些评论也不知会不会再次被封 我想发一个插件包 可是又传不上来老伤心老伤心了 ...
593727013 发表于 2010-4-10 14:33
- - 好东西,绝对的支持一下!!!