本帖最后由 小白2 于 2009-8-12 20:21 编辑我从国外拿的,你们自己去汉化
普通傳染模式: As consequence of marcus, who set free the T-Virus, someone is the first zombie, who must attack others to became zombie.
多人傳染模式: T-Virus levels are such high that many people is contaminated.
對戰模式: Half humans and half zombies must fight in order to determine who is the strongest one.
追蹤者模式: Nemesis project is activated, and humans must fight against the Nemesis who has an annihilation grenade, which kill everybody near it
生還者模式: 1 human is extremely strong and with unlimited Dual Mp5 must fight against all zombies.
對抗模式: The world turns down and humans must fight with their survivor help against zombies, who will be helped by Nemesis.
----------- New
3nemesis模式: 遊戲有3nemesis
追擊手模式: 只有1個人類拿着awp殺人
Armagedon mode: Half player nemesis, half player survivor, obviusly, HP changed in order to keep a balance
終極對抗模式 (the best one): 一半人做生還者 , 另一半做nemesis
宣传一下我的小小CS游戏论坛 →→:http://zombie-dynasty.5d6d.com 好像..这就是传说中的ZP插件.. {:3_55:} 真的啊?下了我也不会用...闷 看上去不错!!!!! 晕 传说的zp zw bio ,没听过的人还多着呢,呵呵 好东西,谢谢分享 吓人
贼胆斗破苍穹凌天传说 終極對抗模式 (the best one): 至于这个玩意我有单个插件,自己做的,吧军团模型覆盖成这个模式zp_plauge_bete1.amxx ;完全天敌模式50/50 - -!真的是传说中的ZB插件 好像..这就是传说中的ZP插件..