tingshow163 发表于 2009-6-22 15:40:45

Wall Text(墙面广告插件)V1.04


英文原文:This plugin converts chat messages to decals and paints them on the wall. You are limited to capital A-Z and 0-9.

Messages are repainted on client connect and new round.

汉语译文:这个插件把你说的话(chat messangs)转换成能喷绘到墙面的贴图,但是是有限制的,只能输入大写的A-Z和0-9


amx_walltext "I am using walltext yay"
If you don't want to use the menu, you can use this.
amx_walltextmenu or say walltextmenu
This brings up a menu to control the plugin.
Note: Deleted decals will disappear on new round.
Special Features:
You can do multiline messages:
Put a comma ( , ) to move down to the next line.
You can display dynamic text:
Edit the walltext-mapname.ini file. Instead of your regular message, type the full path of a text file you want the plugin to read. It will only read the first line and use that as your message.
(编辑walltext-mapname.ini 文件.代替你的常规信息,而不是完整路径的类型的插件的文本文件来阅读.它只会读第一行和使用,作为你的信息,即WALLTEXT)
Note: The path to your file starts in the 'cstrike' directory. To display the first line of your motd.txt, use motd.txt as your message.

The plugin will save messages to:
This is the format:
( Origin XYZ, Direction XYZ, Text )
(格式为:起始XYZ坐标,终止XYZ坐标,文本内容) [*]-2313.605468;-1173.158447;0.031257;0.000000;12.000000;0.000000;YOUR MESSAGE HEREThis one will print the first line of your motd.txt:
Cvars (Regular HL Cvars)
Brought to you by: http://scripting.elxdraco.net/cvarlist/
mp_decals 300
It sets the maximum decals* visible on the screen. It has to be set before connection to server. It's not the same as r_decals.

r_decals 4096
It sets the decals* limit. If higher than mp_decals, it will be set to mp_decals value (It's reset to mp_decals value when connecting to server). It's not the same as mp_decals.

*Spray logo, bullet holes, grenade scorch, blood on ground

iam5362 发表于 2009-6-22 16:02:33


y543685085 发表于 2009-6-22 18:56:01


野*人 发表于 2009-6-22 20:44:08


76233386 发表于 2009-6-22 22:18:29

不错的东东 支持

libochan 发表于 2009-6-22 23:43:25


cs9527 发表于 2009-7-2 23:36:51


穷光蛋 发表于 2009-7-3 08:58:30


1397713450 发表于 2009-8-7 23:51:21


1397713450 发表于 2009-9-30 00:16:39

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查看完整版本: Wall Text(墙面广告插件)V1.04