admin.amxx ; 管理员 基本 (与管理员相关的插件都需要该插件);admin_sql.amxx ; 管理员 基本 - SQL 版本 (注释掉 admin.amxx)
; 基本类
admincmd.amxx ; 基本的管理员控制台命令
netbar3.amxx ; 内网优先
;adminhelp.amxx ; 给管理员控制台命令提供帮助的命令
;adminslots.amxx debug ; 管理员预留通道
;multilingual.amxx ; 多语言管理
; 菜单类
menufront.amxx ; 管理员菜单格式
cmdmenu.amxx ; 命令菜单 (声音播放, 各种设置)
plmenu.amxx ; 玩家菜单 (踢人, 封人, 客户端命令等.)
;telemenu.amxx ; 传送玩家菜单 (需要开启娱乐模块!)
mapsmenu.amxx ; 地图菜单 (投票, 切换地图)
; 聊天 / 信息 类
adminchat.amxx ; 控制台聊天命令
antiflood.amxx ; 阻止客户端向服务器灌水
scrollmsg.amxx ; 显示一条滚动信息
;imessage.amxx ; 显示消息信息
DEADimessage.amxx ; 死后显示信息广告
adminvote.amxx ; 投票命令
; 地图相关类
nextmap.amxx ; 显示地图循环的下一张地图
;mapchooser.amxx ; 允许投票选择下一张地图
timeleft.amxx ; 显示当前地图的剩余时间
; 配置类
pausecfg.amxx ; 允许暂停或者恢复某些插件的使用
statscfg.amxx ; 通过菜单或者命令来管理数据统计插件
; 反恐精英
restmenu.amxx ; 禁用武器菜单
statsx.amxx ; 在死亡或者结束一局的时候显示统计信息 (需要开启 CSX 模块!)
;miscstats.amxx ; 为反恐精英集成各种事件通告
;stats_logging.amxx ; 武器数据统计记录 (需要开启 CSX 模块!)
; 允许使用 AMX Mod 插件
;amxmod_compat.amxx ; AMX Mod 向后兼容层
; 自定义类 - 添加第三方插件到这里
say_menu.amxx ; 按Y键后输入menu可以打开管理员菜单或玩家菜单
votemenu.amxx ; 投票踢出玩家和投票封禁玩家
amx_hpk.amxx ; 踢高Ping
sign2.amxx ; 签名插件
enterleave.amxx ; 退出信息
restwpns_fightc4.amxx ; 自定义o3o4o5
afk_spec.amxx ; 踢出不动的玩家
game_name.amxx ; SXE版本自动显示
lastmanbets.amxx ; 赌博
ScreenFade.amxx ; 同队闪光无效
reward_sim.amxx ; 一马当先
AMXX_Timeleft_Bar.amxx ; 换地图时间剩余
auto_votemap.amxx ; 自动投票换热门地图
// booster_show_connmsg x (0 = disabled, 1 = small message, 2 = large message)
// Shows a console message to players with booster information when they connect.
booster_show_connmsg 1
// booster_autofps x (x = 0 to 1000, 0 = no target FPS)
// Automatically changes value of sys_ticrate to achieve and maintain the desired server FPS (if possible).
// It is not recommended to target FPS greater than 200 or so.
// Note that autofps adjusts sys_ticrate, which makes it incompatible with any booster_lite_mode other
// than 3. Setting booster_autofps will force booster_lite_mode to 3.
booster_autofps 1000
// booster_minsleepms x (x = 1 to 10, 10 = no change to multimedia timer)
// This adjusts the multimedia system timer to trick HLDS into sleeping for less time. Note that
// the lower the value set, the higher the CPU consumption will be for HLDS. Values lower than 3
// are not recommended, as they can cause massive CPU consumption and/or system instability.
booster_minsleepms 5
// booster_force_systicrate x (x = 0 to 10000, 0 = let Booster2 manage the value itself (no force))
// Booster2 will force this sys_ticrate value. Note that using this option will set booster_autofps to 0
// and booster_lite_mode to 3, as these methods rely on a sys_ticrate value untouched by user settings.
// You should avoid directly setting sys_ticrate in your server.cfg, as manually adjusted values can
// cause problems with various parts of Booster2.
booster_force_systicrate 0
// booster_cpu_enabled x (0 = off, 1 = on, 2 = report CPU only - don't actively manage CPU)
// Booster2 can monitor CPU usage and adjust the multimedia timer to reduce load when necessary
booster_cpu_enabled 0
// booster_cpu_spikemax x
// If CPU management is enabled, number of times booster_cpu_spikelevel needs
// to be exceeded in order for mmtimer to increase and CPU load to be reduced.
booster_cpu_spikemax 3
// booster_cpu_spikelevel x
// If CPU management is enabled, level which CPU utilization needs to exceed
// (booster_cpu_spikemax times) for mmtimer to increase and CPU load to be reduced.
booster_cpu_spikelevel 75
// booster_cpu_floor x
// If CPU management is enabled, level which CPU utilization needs to stay under
// (for booster_cpu_quiettime seconds) for mmtimer to decrease and FPS to increase.
booster_cpu_floor 50
// booster_cpu_mminc x
// If CPU management is enabled, amount mmtimer will increment (Booster2 will also decrease
// the mmtimer by 1 for every 5 minute period that booster_cpu_spikelevel is not exceeded.
booster_cpu_mminc 2
// booster_cpu_quiettime
// Seconds required without CPU spike exceeding booster_cpu_floor before
// mmtimer value is decreased by 1.
booster_cpu_quiettime 300
// booster_cpu_mmmin x
// If CPU management is enabled, Booster2 will never set the mmtimer below this value.
booster_cpu_mmmin 3
// booster_cpu_mmmax x
// If CPU management is enabled, Booster2 will never set the mmtimer above this value.
booster_cpu_mmmax 8
// booster_lite_mode x
// Controls how the Booster-Lite approach is implemented:
// 0 - HLDS sleeps 10ms if no network packets are received. If HLDS
// receives a packet, it stops sleeping. (this mode has been added
// to provide backward compatibility with how BL v1.00 worked).
// 1 - HLDS attempts to sleep 10ms. If a packet is received,
// HLDS stops sleeping. Otherwise it attempts to sleep another 10ms.
// 2 - HLDS attempts to sleep 50ms. If a packet is received, it stops sleeping.
// 3 - HLDS will sleep the standard amount (this value turns this feature off).
booster_lite_mode 3
// booster_lite_extra_sleep_frequency x
// Forces HLDS server to sleep x milliseconds even if a packet is received.
// This setting helps to lower CPU usage.
booster_lite_extra_sleep_frequency 0
// booster_stats_cpu_counter
// Sets the string Booster will use to query cpu performance. By default this is
// "\Processor(_Total)\% Processor Time". Manually set this only if you need to
// support non-english counter names or to query a specific processor.
// This cvar is only used if booster_cpu_enabled is turned on.
// booster_stats_in_counter
// Sets the string Booster will use to query bandwidth in. By default this is
// "\Network Interface(NDIS 5.0 driver)\Bytes Received/sec". Manually set this only
// if you need to support non-english counter names or to query a specific interface.
// This cvar is only used if booster_stats is turned on.
// booster_stats_out_counter
// Sets the string Booster will use to query bandwidth out. By default this is
// "\Network Interface(NDIS 5.0 driver)\Bytes Sent/sec". Manually set this only
// if you need to support non-english counter names or to query a specific interface.
// This cvar is only used if booster_stats is turned on.
// booster_stats
// This turns on statistics gathering. This options is not supported. See info at the end
// of the readme regarding this option.
// booster_trigger_cmd
// Sets a command to be executed the first time (during any given map) that CPU consumption
// trips booster_cpu_spikemax. This allows admins to do things such as turn off wallhack
// blocks or other CPU intensive systems under heavy load.
// booster_intping
// This is a read-only value, and holds the current average player ping.
// booster_extping
// This is a read-only value, and holds the current ping to the address set in booster_pingaddr.
// booster_pingaddr
// Sets the address (in IP format x.x.x.x) that Booster will ping once a minute. If no value is
// set, Booster won't ping anything. Pinging an external address is useful in helping determine
// latency issues. If clients are showing high ping, pings to a nearby router can help determine
// if the problem is close to the server or part of something that is beyond the administrator's
// control.
amxx版本 1.76c
2.群踢问题,所有插件已经列上. 发错版区了哥们!!! netbar3.amxx ; 内网优先
amx_hpk.amxx ; 踢高Ping netbar3.amxx ; 内网优先
amx_hpk.amxx ; 踢高Ping
心静如水 发表于 2009-5-9 21:25 http://www.dt-club.net/forum/images/common/back.gif
netbar3.amxx 为什么会群踢?请说明下 哈哈我来做次好人吧。。。你说的情况也是我不久前遇见过的。。
因该是admin.amxx 这个插件的原因拉。。因为这个插件 里面普通玩家只要 h11 就会 自动封IP或者乱提很多人出去的 。我建议你自己改改这个插件。希望对你有帮助哈. :shutup:
光说看没什么用 不懂!! 哈哈我来做次好人吧。。。你说的情况也是我不久前遇见过的。。
因该是admin.amxx 这个插件的原因拉。。因为这个插件 里面普通玩家只要 h11 就会 自动封IP或者乱提很多人出去的 。我建议你自己改改这个插件 ...
hexingyu100 发表于 2009-5-12 15:27 http://www.dt-club.net/forum/images/common/back.gif
admin.axxx 出什么错误了?
能不能提供下admin.sma 几乎每张图都会踢一次...郁闷 :shutup:
wan482 发表于 2009-5-12 16:01 http://www.dt-club.net/forum/images/common/back.gif
不是没试过,就算关了所有第3方插件都会群踢. 网络~???