千喜哥 发表于 2009-3-15 13:37:00


For use with Climbing Maps
And Other Climbing Maps

List Maps & Configurations in climbing.ini

**** CVARS (FEATURES) ****
kz_autoheal = AutoHeal
kz_autospawn = AutoSpawn
kz_bunnyjump = 1 = No slowdown after jumping | 2 = Just hold down jump to bunny hop
kz_godmode = AutoGodmode
kz_semiclip = AutoSemiClip
kz_scout = AutoScout
kz_nightvision = Free NVG
kz_nightmode = Nightmode
kz_checkpoints = Checkpoints
kz_timer = IndividualTimer
kz_top15 = Top15 (BETA)

kz_checkprice = Price of a checkpoint
kz_checkpointdist = Distance from other people you can spawn
kz_checkeffects = Some cool teleport effects
kz_limitedcp = Limit each checkpoint to one use
kz_startmoney = Instead of mp_startmoney

**** CVARS (OTHER) ****
kz_grabforce = Grabforce for JediGrab


ADMIN_LEVEL_A (flag="m")
Setting Noclip = amx_noclip <authid, nick, @team, @all or #userid> <on/off>
Setting Godmode = amx_godmode <authid, nick, @team, @all or #userid> <on/off>
Setting Semiclip = amx_semiclip <authid, nick, @team, @all or #userid> <on/off>
Setting Glow = amx_glow <authid, nick, @team, @all or #userid> <red> <green> <blue> <alpha>
Setting Origin = amx_teleport <authid, nick or #userid> <authid, nick or #userid>
Setting Gravity = amx_gravity <authid, nick, @team, @all or #userid> <Gravity>
Granting Hook/Rope = amx_granthook <authid, nick, @team, @all or #userid> <on/off>

ADMIN_LEVEL_B (flag="n")
Giving Longjump = amx_longjump <authid, nick, @team, @all or #userid>
Giving Scout = amx_scout <authid, nick, @team, @all or #userid>
Giving Money = amx_money <authid, nick, @team, @all or #userid> <Money>

ADMIN_LEVEL_C (flag="o")
Set Checkpoint = amx_checkpoint <authid, nick or #userid>
Rem Checkpoint = amx_remcheckpoint <authid, nick or #userid>

ADMIN_LEVEL_D (flag="p")
Jedi Force Grab by Spacedude (slightly modified)
Grabbing a person = +grab
Releasing grabbed = -grab
Toggle Command = grab_toggle

ADMIN_LEVEL_E (flag="q") || Granted by admin
Ninja Rope by Spacedude (slightly modified) & Hook thingy
Attaching Rope = +rope
Deattaching Rope = -rope
Attaching Hook = +hook
Deattaching Hook = -hook


checkpoint = Use Checkpoint
gocheck = Goto Checkpoint
lastcheck = Goto Checkpoint before last (used when stuck)

********************************************* ********************************************* ********/
How To Install.

1. Put the kz_multiplugin.amx(x) in the plugins folder
2. Add kz_multiplugin.amx(x) in the plugins.ini
3. Put the climbing.ini in the addons/amxx/configs/ folder

1、kz_multiplugin   ---跳跃的基本插件,包含了跳跃所有基本应用命令
2、amx_climb_timer.amxx   ---跳跃的辅助插件,主要是在透明人和top15方面有所改进


lhtkick 发表于 2009-3-15 19:00:29

很好挺你 现在用simen的开关较方便
页: [1]
查看完整版本: [AMXX]跳跃服务器插件kz_multiplugin