Tested on CS 1.6.Description:
Allows a player to instantly throw grenades, if the weapon he is holding is not a grenade.
It will switch to the wanted grenade(if he has it) and will immediately, without a delay, throw it.
You can also throw different kinds of grenades one by another without a delay, like flashabangs.
Added new features:
1. Now there are 2 types of throwing(for changing types go to Commands):
Auto Throw - Automatically throws the grenade when nade_throw was sent.
Hold - Holds the grenade with the pin pulled and releases it when the player uses the command again.
2. Nade Choosing(this is not a must feature, disabled by default):
Each player toggles which grenade does he want to instantly throw by using a command(@ Commands).
No arguments for nade_throw. Just use the command, and it will throw the grenade you chose(unless you don't have it).
A small HUD sprite will be shown near the timer, that shows what grenade is the player using right now and changes according to the player's choice.
3. Added help MOTDs. Help is changed if Nade Choosing is enabled.
4. Added a sound and a notify text when choosing a grenade(in Nade Choosing).
5. Added Multi-Lingual support(help MOTDs are in English).
6. Changed the IsGrenade() stock to a define(thanks ConnorMcLeod).
7. Fixed where +attack remained when players switched weapons while holding the pin-pulled grenade.
8. Removed the round start hook and instead hooked player spawn using HamSandwich(included the HamSandwich module).
To instantly throw a grenade, players should bind keys to('f', 'h' and 's' are not needed if Nade Choosing is enabled):
f - Instantly throws flashbangs.
h - Instantly throws HE grenades.
s - Instantly throws smoke grenades.
Example: bind f "nade_throw h"(or when Nade Choosing is enabled: bind f "nade_throw").
Now with f I can instantly throw HE grenades/the chosen grenade.
INT_on - Toggles the plugin.
INT_flash - Allows flash from being instantly thrown.
INT_he - Allows HE from being instantly thrown.
INT_smoke - Allows smoke from being instantly thrown.
(Nade Choosing only)INT_icons - Allows showing the chosen grenade's hud icon near the timer.
nade_throw <nade> - The command that instantly throws a specific grenade(take a look at plugin description).
Note: With Nade Choosing, the 'nade' parameter is not needed.
amx_INT_unallow <player's partial name> <1 | 0> - Allows(1)/Disallows(0) a specific player to instantly throw grenades. Requires ADMIN_KICK flag.
amx_INT_unallowed - Shows in console all players that are unallowed to instantly throw grenades. This is good for admins that don't remember/know who is unallowed.
(Nade Choosing only)nade - A special command to change the player's throwing grenade(@ Commands). It's changing order is as follows: HE --> Flash --> Smoke --> HE --> etc...(sprite changes according to the choice, if INT_icons is 1, as said above). Should be bound to a key.
nade_throw_type - Changes the throwing type(look up for types). Should be bound to a key.
say /int_help - Shows information and explanation about the plugin.
say /int_help2 - Shows further information and explanation about the plugin.
To enable Nade Choosing, click on Get Source, open the .sma file in a regular text editor(notepad will be fine), and:
Find this line:
and remove the "//":
#define NADE_CHOOSINGThen compile and follow the installation directions.
Do the opposite operation to disable the feature.
A couple of notes:
An unallowed player will stay unallowed until he disconnects or amx_INT_unallow <player's name> 0 will be executed. He won't be allowed on new round.
Grenades will be immediately thrown when nade_throw is executed. You can't hold the grenade after the pin was pulled.
Download the .zip file and extract the folders to the cstrike/czero folder(haven't tested the plugin on other mods).
Go to addons/amxmodx/configs and open plugins.ini.
At the last line, put: instant_grenade_throw.amxx debug
Thanks Exolent and arkshine for optimizing a bit the nade_throw function.
Thanks Bugsy for reminding me to create a holding-grenade feature.
Thanks HiSS for Nade Choosing idea.
Required Modules:
Current Languages:
EN - by me.
DE - by ExKiLL.
To add a translation, check this out.
政务司司长测试1.6 。
这将切换到想要手榴弹(如果他有它) ,并将立即,不拖延,把它。
您还可以扔不同类型的手榴弹一个由另一个不拖延,如flashabangs 。
1 。现在有2个类型的投掷(改变类型转到命令) :
自动掷-自动投掷手榴弹时被送往nade_throw 。
2 。 Nade选择(这是不是必须的功能,默认情况下禁用) :
每个球员切换的手榴弹,他想立刻扔掉使用命令( @命令) 。
没有理由nade_throw 。只要使用的命令,将扔手榴弹您选择(除非你没有它) 。
3 。时间帮助MOTDs 。帮助改变如果Nade选择是启用的。
4 。时间健全和通知文本选择手榴弹(在Nade选择) 。
5 。时间多语言支持(帮助MOTDs是英文) 。
6 。改变了IsGrenade ( )的股票以确定(感谢ConnorMcLeod ) 。
7 。固定在那里+攻击仍然在球员交换武器,同时举行引脚拉手榴弹。
8 。删除了一轮开始钩,而是连接播放产卵使用HamSandwich (包括HamSandwich模块) 。
立即扔了一枚手榴弹,球员应该绑定键(因子' , ' H '及的'不需要如果Nade选择启用) :
楼-即时全flashbangs 。
h -即时全何手榴弹。
例如:结合F “类nade_throw H ”类(或当Nade选择启用:约束F “类nade_throw ” ) 。
CVars :
INT_on -切换插件。
INT_flash - [疾病]允许闪存被立即抛出。
INT_he - [疾病]允许何被立即抛出。
INT_smoke - [疾病]允许吸烟被立即抛出。
( Nade只选择) INT_icons - [疾病]可显示所选择的手榴弹的平视显示器图标附近的计时器。
nade_throw <nade> -命令立即抛出一个具体手榴弹(看看插件描述) 。
注:随着Nade选择的' nade '参数,则不需要。
amx_INT_unallow <player's部分名称“ 1 | 0 ” -允许( 1 ) /禁用( 0 )一个具体的球员,就可以立即投掷手榴弹。需要ADMIN_KICK国旗。
amx_INT_unallowed -显示在控制台的所有球员都被禁止,就可以立即投掷手榴弹。这对于管理员说,不记得/知道谁是被禁止。
( Nade只选择) nade -一种特殊的指令来改变球员的投掷手榴弹( @命令) 。这是为了改变如下:他- “闪光- ”烟- “他- ”等等.. (雪碧变化根据的选择,如果INT_icons 1 ,如上述情况) 。应绑定到的一个关键。
nade_throw_type -更改投掷型(查找的类型) 。应绑定到的一个关键。
说/ int_help -显示的信息和解释的插件。
说/ int_help2 -显示更多的信息和解释的插件。
为了使Nade选择,请点击下载源,打开。形状记忆合金的文件经常文本编辑器(记事本将被罚款) ,并:
一个被禁止的球员将被禁止住宿,直到他断开或amx_INT_unallow <player's名称0将被处死。他将不会被允许在新一轮谈判。
手榴弹投掷将立即执行时nade_throw 。你不能拥有手榴弹后引脚是退出。
下载。 zip档案并解压缩文件夹的cstrike / czero文件夹(没有测试插件其他MODS )的。
转到扩展/ amxmodx / configs和开放plugins.ini 。
在最后一行,把: instant_grenade_throw.amxx调试
P.S :
由于Exolent [达利夫妇俩]和arkshine有点优化的nade_throw功能。
德-由ExKiLL 。
要添加翻译,检查了这一点。 不明白什么意思 能解释明白吗 完全看不明白呀 LZ用过了的话 添加一点自己的说明额 简单点,就是当你已经把手雷的保险拉开后
要立即仍出,不然就会爆炸炸伤自己对么? :L网页翻译