很想知道这东西有用么???--Anti CSDoS v3.2
http://www.shockingsoft.com/AntiCSDoS.htmlAnti CSDoS v3.2
Provide your Half-Life Dedicated server with protection against the CSDoS and Born to be pig exploit.
Latest version comes with a new skin, posibility to autostart AntiCSDos at Windows startup, option to autopatch servers, etc.
If you want AntiCSDoS to continuously check / patch your servers (if they are not patched, or if the server crashed and was restarted by a 3rd party software), check the "Autocheck & Autopatch all HLDS processes every 3 minutes" checkbox. If a new HLDS process appears (a new PID), it will patch it automatically (it checks every 3 minutes)
If your executable name is other than "hlds.exe", check the "Full process list" checkbox to see all running processes. ATTENTION: You cannot check both "Full process List" and "Autocheck & Autopatch all HLDS processes every 3 minutes" checkboxes! The "Autocheck & Autopatch..." option is for "hlds.exe" executable names ONLY !
v3.2 critical update: Some versions of HLDS were vulnerable to some attacks not covered by AntiCSDoS in previous versions, update is strongly advised.
这个东西的作用应该和axot的补丁差不多吧~~~ 用过,没多大作用,还不如直接用axot的补丁,那个还要安装程序,然后好像要一个个CS进程注入,服务器lag死了。 快看天上有牛在飞。。。。。。。。。。。
祝大家都成为牛B之人。。。。牛B烘烘 什么东西来的 4楼的 到处见灌水 4楼的 到处见灌水
tangjianbin 发表于 2009-1-30 16:53 http://www.dt-club.net/forum/images/common/back.gif
到处见灌水 这个软体还不错,可以防住dos攻击,漏洞攻击。
可以随win自启动,可以自动侦测CS进程。 安装多一个程序,会不会吃系统资源啊,